Sánchez Luna, Manuel Ramón

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First Name
Manuel Ramón
Last Name
Sánchez Luna
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Salud Pública y Materno-Infantil
UCM identifierORCIDScopus Author IDWeb of Science ResearcherIDDialnet ID

Search Results

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    Use of very low tidal volumes during high-frequency ventilation reduces ventilator lung injury
    (Journal of Perinatology, 2019) González Pacheco, Noelia; Sánchez Luna, Manuel Ramón; Chimenti Camacho, Paz; Santos González, Martín; Palau Concejo, Paula; Tendillo Cortijo, Francisco Javier
    The use of volume guarantee (VG) on high-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) allows to use fixed very low high-frequency tidal volume (VThf), maintaining adequate CO2 removal while potentially reducing the risk of ventilator-induced lung injury. Objective: To demonstrate that the use of very low VThf can be protective compared with standard VThf on HFOV combined with VG in a neonatal animal model. Study design: Experimental study in 2-day-old piglets with induced respiratory distress syndrome ventilated with two different HFOV strategies combined with VG (10 Hz with high VThf versus 20 Hz with very low VThf at similar PaCO2). After 12 h of mechanical ventilation, the pulmonary histologic pattern was analyzed. Results: We found in the 10 Hz group with the higher VThf compared with the 20 Hz and very low VThf group more evident and more severe histological lesions with inflammatory infiltrate within the alveolar wall and alveolar space, as well as large areas of parenchyma consolidation and areas of alveolar hemorrhage in the more severe cases. Conclusion: The use of very low VThf compared with higher VThf at similar CO2 removal reduces lung injury in a neonatal animal model of lung injury after prolonged mechanical ventilation with HFOV combined with VG.
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    New indicators for optimal lung recruitment during high frequency oscillator ventilation
    (Pediatric Pulmonology, 2020) Rodríguez Sánchez de la Blanca, Ana; Sánchez Luna, Manuel Ramón; González Pacheco, Noelia; Ramos Navarro, Cristina; Santos González, Martín; Tendillo Cortijo, Francisco Javier
    Previous research has demonstrated the potential benefit derived from the combination of high frequency oscillatory ventilation and volume guarantee mode (HFOV-VG), a procedure that allows us to explore and control very low tidal volumes. We hypothesized that secondary spontaneous change in oscillation pressure amplitude (∆Phf), while increasing the mean airway pressure (MAP) using HFOV-VG can target the lung recruitment. Methods: A two-step animal distress model study was designed; in the first-step (ex vivo model), the animal's lungs were isolated to visually check lung recruitment and, in the second one (in vivo model), they were checked through arterial oxygen partial pressure improvement. Baseline measurements were performed, ventilation was set for 10 min and followed by bronchoalveolar lavage with isotonic saline to induce depletion of surfactant and thereby achieve a low compliance lung model. The high-frequency tidal volume and frequency remained constant and the MAP was increased by 2 cmH2 O (ex vivo) and 3 cmH2 O steps (in vivo) every 2 min. Changes in ΔPhf to achieve the fixed volume were recorded at the end of each interval to describe the maximum drop point as the recruitment point. Results: Fourteen Wistar Han rats were included, seven on each sub-study described. After gradual MAP increments, a progressive decrease in ΔPhf related to recruited lung regions was visually demonstrated. In the in vivo model we detected a significant comparative decrease of ΔPhf, when measured against the previous value, after reaching a MAP of 11 cmH2 O up to 17 cmH2 O, correlating with a significant improvement in oxygenation. Conclusion: The changes in ∆Phf, linked to a progressive increase in MAP during HFOV-VG, might identify optimal lung recruitment and could potentially be used as an additional lung recruitment marker.
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    DCO2/PaCO2 correlation on high-frequency oscillatory ventilation combined with volume guarantee using increasing frequencies in an animal model
    (European Journal of Pediatrics, 2019) González Pacheco, Noelia; Sánchez Luna, Manuel Ramón; Arribas Sánchez, Cristina; Santos González, Martín; Orden Quinto, Cristina; Tendillo Cortijo, Francisco Javier
    To examine the correlation DCO2/PaCO2 on high-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) combined with volume guarantee (VG) throughout increasing frequencies in two different respiratory conditions, physiological and low compliance. Neonatal animal model was used, before and after a bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL). HFOV combined with VG was used. The frequency was increased from 10 to 20 Hz, and high-frequency tidal volume (VThf) was gradually decreased maintaining a constant DCO2. Arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO2) was evaluated after each frequency and VThf change. Six 2-day-old piglets were studied. A linear decrease in PaCO2 was observed throughout increasing frequencies in both respiratory conditions while maintaining a constant DCO2, showing a significant difference between the initial PaCO2 (at 10 Hz) and the PaCO2 obtained at 18 and 20 Hz. A new DCO2 equation (corrected DCO2) was calculated in order to better define the correlation between DCO2 and the observed PaCO2.Conclusion: The correlation DCO2/PaCO2 throughout increasing frequencies is not linear, showing a greater CO2 elimination efficiency at higher frequencies, in spite of maintaining a constant DCO2. So, using frequencies close to the resonant frequency of the respiratory system on HFOV combined with VG, optimizes the efficiency of gas exchange.What is Known: • The efficacy of CO2removal during high-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV), described as the diffusion coefficient of CO2(DCO2) is related to the square of the high-frequency tidal volume (VThf) and the frequency (f), expressed as DCO2= VThf2× f.What is New: • The correlation between DCO2and PaCO2throughout increasing frequencies is not linear, showing a greater CO2elimination efficiency at higher frequencies. So, using very high frequencies on HFOV combined with volume guarantee optimizes the efficiency of gas exchange allowing to minimize lung injury.
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    High-frequency Ventilation
    (Clinics in Perinatology, 2021) Sánchez Luna, Manuel Ramón; González Pacheco, Noelia; Santos González, Martín; Tendillo Cortijo, Francisco Javier
    High-frequency ventilation (HFV) is an alternative to conventional mechanical ventilation, with theoretic benefits of less risk of ventilator lung injury and more effectivity in washout CO2. Previous clinical studies have not demonstrated advantages of HFV in preterm infants compared with conventional ventilation, so rescue HFV has been used when severe respiratory insufficiency needs aggressive ventilator settings in immature infants. Today it is possible to measure, set directly, and fix tidal volume, which can protect the immature lung from large volumes and fluctuations of the tidal volume. This strategy can be used in preterm infants with respiratory failure needing invasive ventilation.