Martínez Álvarez, María Concepción

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First Name
María Concepción
Last Name
Martínez Álvarez
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Anatomía y Embriología Humana
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Search Results

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    Interactions between TGF-β1 and TGF-β3 and their role in medial edge epithelium cell death and palatal fusion in vitro
    (Differentiation, 2008) Murillo González, Jorge Alfonso; Maldonado Bautista, Estela; Barrio Asensio, María Del Carmen; Río Sevilla, Aurora Del; López, Yamila; Martínez Sanz, Elena; González, Ignacio; Martín, Concepción; Casado, Inmaculada; Martínez Álvarez, María Concepción
    In recent decades, studies have shown that both TGF-beta(1) and TGF-beta(3) play an important role in the induction of medial edge epithelium (MEE) cell death and palatal fusion. Many of these experiments involved the addition or blockage of one of these growth factors in wild-type (WT) mouse palate cultures, where both TGF-beta(1) and TGF-beta(3) are present. Few studies have addressed the existence of interactions between TGF-beta(1) and TGF-beta(3), which could modify their individual roles in MEE cell death during palatal fusion. We carried out several experiments to test this possibility, and to investigate how this could influence TGF-beta(1) and TGF-beta(3) actions on MEE cell death and palatal shelf fusion. We double-immunolabelled developing mouse palates with anti-TGF-beta(1) or anti-TGF-beta(3) antibodies and TUNEL, added rhTGF-beta(1) or rhTGF-beta(3) or blocked the TGF-beta(1) and TGF-beta(3) action at different concentrations to WT or Tgf-beta(3) null mutant palate cultures, performed in situ hybridizations with Tgf-beta(1) or Tgf-beta(3) riboprobes, and measured the presence of TUNEL-positive midline epithelial seam (MES) cells and MES disappearance (palatal shelf fusion) in the different in vitro conditions. By combining all these experiments, we demonstrate great interaction between TGF-beta(1) and TGF-beta(3) in the developing palate and confirm that TGF-beta(3) has a more active role in MES cell death than TGF-beta(1), although both are major inductors of MES disappearance. Finally, the co-localization of TGF-beta(1), but not TGF-beta(3), with TUNEL in the MES allows us to suggest a possible role for TGF-beta(1) in MES apoptotic clearance.
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    Occurrence of cleft-palate and alteration of Tgf-β3 expression and the mechanisms leading to palatal fusion in mice following dietary folic-acid deficiency
    (Cells Tissues Organs, 2011) Maldonado Bautista, Estela; Murillo González, Jorge Alfonso; Barrio Asensio, María Del Carmen; Río Sevilla, Aurora Del; Pérez De Miguelsanz, María Juliana; López Gordillo, Yamila; Partearroyo, Teresa; Paradas Lara, Irene; Maestro De Las Casas, María Del Carmen; Martínez Sanz, Elena; Varela Moreiras, Gregorio; Martínez Álvarez, María Concepción
    Folic acid (FA) is essential for numerous bodily functions. Its decrease during pregnancy has been associated with an increased risk of congenital malformations in the progeny. The relationship between FA deficiency and the appearance of cleft palate (CP) is controversial, and little information exists on a possible effect of FA on palate development. We investigated the effect of a 2–8 weeks’ induced FA deficiency in female mice on the development of CP in their progeny as well as the mechanisms leading to palatal fusion, i.e. cell proliferation, cell death, and palatal-shelf adhesion and fusion. We showed that an 8 weeks’ maternal FA deficiency caused complete CP in the fetuses although a 2 weeks’ maternal FA deficiency was enough to alter all the mechanisms analyzed. Since transforming growth factor beta 3 (TGF-β3) is crucial for palatal fusion and since most of the mechanisms impaired by FA deficiency were also observed in the palates of Tgf-β3 null mutant mice, we investigated the presence of TGF-beta 3 mRNA, its protein and phospho-SMAD2 in FA-deficient (FAD) mouse palates. Our results evidenced a large reduction in Tgf-β3 expression in palates of embryos of dams fed an FAD diet for 8 weeks; Tgf-β3 expression was less reduced in palates of embryos of dams fed an FAD diet for 2 weeks. Addition of Tgf-β3 to palatal-shelf cultures of embryos of dams fed an FAD diet for 2 weeks normalized all the altered mechanisms. Thus, an insufficient folate status may be a risk factor for the development of CP in mice, and exogenous Tgf-β3 compensates this deficit in vitro.
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    Maternal folic acid supplementation reduces the severity of cleft palate in Tgf-β3 null mutant mice
    (Pediatric research, 2019) López Gordillo, Yamila; Maldonado Bautista, Estela; Nogales, Laura; Río Sevilla, Aurora Del; Barrio Asensio, María Del Carmen; Murillo González, Jorge Alfonso; Martínez Sanz, Elena; Paradas Lara, Irene; Alonso Revuelta, María Isabel; Partearroyo, Teresa; Martínez Álvarez, María Concepción
    BACKGROUND: Cleft palate (CP) constitutes the most frequently seen orofacial cleft and is often associated with low folate status. Folate plays an essential role in the human body as a major coenzyme in one-carbon metabolism, including DNA synthesis, repair, and methylation. Whether the administration of isolated folic acid (FA) supplements prevents the CP caused by genetic mutations is unknown, as is its effect on the mechanisms leading to palate fusion. METHODS: FA was administered to females from two different strains of transforming growth factor β3 heterozygous mice. Null mutant progeny of these mice exhibit CP in 100% of cases of varying severity. We measured cleft length, height of palatal shelf adhesion, and the number of proliferating mesenchymal cells. Immunohistochemistry was also carried for collagen IV, laminin, fibronectin, cytokeratin-17, and EGF. RESULTS: FA supplementation significantly reduced CP severity and improved palatal shelf adhesion in both strains both in vivo and in vitro. Medial edge epithelium proliferation increased, and its differentiation was normalized as indicated by the presence and disposition of collagen IV, laminin, fibronectin, and cytokeratin-17. CONCLUSIONS: A maternal FA supplementation reduces the CP appearance by improving the mechanisms leading to palatal shelf adhesion.
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    Maxillary growth in a congenital cleft palate canine model for surgical research
    (Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, 2014) Paradas Lara, Irene; Casado Gómez, Inmaculada; Martín, Conchita; Martínez Sanz, Elena; López Gordillo, Yamila; González, Pablo; Rodríguez Bobada, Cruz; Chamorro, Manuel; Arias, Pablo; Maldonado Bautista, Estela; Ortega Aranegui, Ricardo; Berenguer, Beatriz; Martínez Álvarez, María Concepción
    We have recently presented the Old Spanish Pointer dog, with a 15-20% spontaneous congenital cleft palate rate, as a unique experimental model of this disease. This study aimed to describe the cleft palate of these dogs for surgical research purposes and to determine whether congenital cleft palate influences maxillofacial growth. Seven newborn Old Spanish Pointer dogs of both sexes, comprising a cleft palate group (n = 4) and a normal palate group (n = 3), were fed using the same technique. Macroscopic photographs and plaster casts from the palate, lateral radiographs and computer tomograms of the skull were taken sequentially over 41 weeks, starting at week 5. The cleft morphology, the size and the tissue characteristics in these dogs resembled the human cleft better than current available animal models. During growth, the cleft width varies. Most of the transverse and longitudinal measures of the palate were statistically lower in the cleft palate group. The cleft palate group showed hypoplasia of the naso-maxillary complex. This model of congenital cleft palate seems suitable for surgical research purposes. A reduced maxillofacial pre- and post-natal development is associated to the congenital cleft palate in the Old Spanish Pointer dog.
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    Epidermal Growth Factor Impairs Palatal Shelf Adhesion and Fusion in the T gf-β3 Null Mutant
    (Cells Tissues Organs, 2014) Barrio Asensio, María Del Carmen; Río Sevilla, Aurora Del; Murillo González, Jorge Alfonso; Maldonado Bautista, Estela; López Gordillo, Yamila; Paradas Lara, Irene; Hernandes, Luzmarina; Catón Vázquez, Francisco Javier; Martínez Álvarez, María Concepción
    The cleft palate presented by transforming growth factor-β3 (Tgf-β3 ) null mutant mice is caused by altered palatal shelf adhesion, cell proliferation, epithelial-to-mesenchymal transformation and cell death. The expression of epidermal growth factor (EGF), transforming growth factor-β1 ( Tgf-β1 ) and muscle segment homeobox-1 (Msx-1) is modified in the palates of these knockout mice, and the cell proliferation defect is caused by the change in EGF expression. In this study, we aimed to determine whether this change in EGF expression has any effect on the other mechanisms altered in Tgf-β 3 knockout mouse palates. We tested the effect of inhibiting EGF activity in vitro in the knockout palates via the addition of Tyrphostin AG 1478. We also investigated possible interactions between EGF, Tgf-β 1 and Msx-1 in Tgf-β 3 null mouse palate cultures. The results show that the inhibition of EGF activity in Tgf-β 3 null mouse palate cultures improves palatal shelf adhesion and fusion, with a particular effect on cell death, and restores the normal distribution pattern of Msx-1 in the palatal esenchyme. Inhibition of TGF-β 1 does not affect either EGF or Msx-1 expression.
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    Analysis of the presence of cell proliferation-related molecules in the Tgf-β3 null mutant mouse palate reveals misexpression of EGF and Msx-1
    (Cells Tissues Organs, 2011) Del Río, A; López-Gordillo, Y; Martínez, M L; Barrio Asensio, María Del Carmen; Murillo Arroyo, Francisco Javier; Maldonado Bautista, Estela; Martínez Sanz, Elena; Martínez Álvarez, María Concepción
    The Tgf-β3 null mutant mouse palate presents several cellular anomalies that lead to the appearance of cleft palate. One of them concerns the cell proliferation of both the palatal medial edge epithelium and mesenchyme. In this work, our aim was to determine whether there was any variation in the presence/distribution of several cell proliferation-related molecules that could be responsible for the cell proliferation defects observed in these palates. Our results showed no difference in the presence of EGF-R, PDGF-A, TGF-β2, Bmp-2, and Bmp-4, and differences were minimal for FGF-10 and Shh. However, the expression of EGF and Msx-1 changed substantially. The shift of the EGF protein expression was the one that most correlated with that of cell proliferation. This molecule is regulated by TGF-β3, and experiments blocking its activity in culture suggest that EGF misexpression in the Tgf-β3 null mutant mouse palate plays a role in the cell proliferation defect observed.
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    Craniofacial structure alterations of foetuses from folic acid deficient pregnant mice
    (Annals of Anatomy, 2018) López, Yamila; Martínez-Sanz, Eelena; Maldonado Bautista, Estela; Herrera Lara, Manuel Eugenio; Martínez Álvarez, María Concepción; Pérez De Miguelsanz, María Juliana
    Introduction: Craniofacial development in mammals is a complex process that involves a coordinated series of molecular and morphogenetic events. Folic acid (FA) deficiency has historically been associated with congenital spinal cord malformations, but the effect that a maternal diet deficient in FA has on the development of other structures has been poorly explored. In the present study, the objective was to describe and quantify the alterations of craniofacial structures presented in mouse foetuses from dams fed a FA deficient (FAD) diet compared with controls that were given a regular maternal diet. Material and methods: E17 mouse foetuses were removed from dams that were fed with a control diet or with a FAD diet for several weeks. Foetuses with maternal FAD diets were selected for the study when they showed an altered tongue or mandible. Histological sections were used to quantify the dimensions of the head, tongue, mandibular bone and masseter muscle areas using ImageJ software. The muscles of the tongue, suprahyoid muscles, lingual septum, submandibular ducts, and lingual arteries were also analysed. Results: The heads of malformed foetuses were smaller than the heads of the controls, and they showed different types of malformations: microglossia with micrognathia (some of which were combined with cleft palate) and aglossia with either micrognathia or agnathia. Lingual and suprahyoid muscles were affected in different forms and degrees. We also found alterations in the lingual arteries and in the ducts of the submandibular glands. Summarised we can state that pharyngeal arches-derived structures were affected, and the main malformations observed corroborate the vulnerability of cranial neural crest cells to FA deficiency. Conclusion: The present study reveals alterations in the development of craniofacial structures in FAD foetuses. This study provides a new focus for the role of FA during embryological development.
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    Tongue Abnormalities Are Associated to a Maternal Folic Acid Deficient Diet in Mice
    (Nutrients, 2017) Maldonado Bautista, Estela; López Gordillo, Yamila; Partearroyo, Teresa; Varela Moreiras, Gregorio; Martínez Álvarez, María Concepción; Pérez De Miguelsanz, María Juliana
    It is widely accepted that maternal folic acid (FA) deficiency during pregnancy is a risk factor for abnormal development. The tongue, with multiple genes working together in a coordinated cascade in time and place, has emerged as a target organ for testing the effect of FA during development. A FA-deficient (FAD) diet was administered to eight-week-old C57/BL/6J mouse females for 2–16 weeks. Pregnant dams were sacrificed at gestational day 17 (E17). The tongues and heads of 15 control and 210 experimental fetuses were studied. In the tongues, the maximum width, base width, height and area were compared with width, height and area of the head. All measurements decreased from 10% to 38% with increasing number of weeks on maternal FAD diet. Decreased head and tongue areas showed a harmonic reduction (Spearman nonparametric correlation, Rho = 0.802) with respect to weeks on a maternal FAD diet. Tongue congenital abnormalities showed a 10.9% prevalence, divided in aglossia (3.3%) and microglossia (7.6%), always accompanied by agnathia (5.6%) or micrognathia (5.2%). This is the first time that tongue alterations have been related experimentally to maternal FAD diet in mice. We propose that the tongue should be included in the list of FA-sensitive birth defect organs due to its relevance in several key food and nutrition processes.
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    A new technique for feeding dogs with a congenital cleft palate for surgical research
    (Laboratory Animals, 2011) López-Gordillo, Yamila et al.; González-Meli, B; Martínez Sanz, Elena; Casado Gómez, Inmaculada; Martín Álvaro, María Concepción; González Aranda, Pablo; Paradas Lara, Irene; Maldonado Bautista, Estela; Maestro De Las Casas, María Del Carmen; Prados Frutos, Juan Carlos; Martínez Álvarez, María Concepción
    In humans, cleft palate (CP) is one of the most common malformations. Although surgeons use palatoplasty to close CP defects in children, its consequences for subsequent facial growth have prompted investigations into other novel surgical alternatives. The animal models of CP used to evaluate new surgical treatments are frequently obtained by creating surgically induced clefts in adult dogs. This procedure has been ethically criticized due to its severity and questionable value as an animal model for human CP. Dogs born with a congenital CP would be much better for this purpose, provided they developed CP at a sufficient rate and could be fed. Up until now, feeding these pups carried the risk of aspiration pneumonia, while impeding normal suckling and chewing, and thus compromising orofacial growth. We developed a technique for feeding dog pups with CP from birth to the time of surgery using two old Spanish pointer dog pups bearing a complete CP. This dog strain develops CP in 15-20% of the offspring spontaneously. Custom-made feeding teats and palatal prostheses adapted to the pups' palates were made from thermoplastic plates. This feeding technique allowed lactation, eating and drinking in the pups with CP, with only sporadic rhinitis. To determine whether the use of this palatal prosthesis interferes with palatal growth, the palates of three littermate German shorthaired pointer pups without CP, either wearing or not wearing (controls) the prosthesis, were measured. The results showed that the permanent use of this prosthesis does not impede palatal growth in the pups.
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    Alteration of medial-edge epithelium cell adhesion in two Tgf-beta3 null mouse strains
    (Differentiation, 2008) Martínez Sanz, Elena; Río Sevilla, Aurora Del; Barrio Asensio, María Del Carmen; Maldonado Bautista, Estela; Murillo González, Jorge Alfonso; Garcillán, B; Amorós, M; Fuerte, T; Fernández, A; Trinidad, E; Rabadán, MA; López, Y; Martínez Salmeán, María Luisa; Martínez Álvarez, María Concepción
    Although palatal shelf adhesion is a crucial event during palate development, little work has been carried out to determine which molecules are responsible for this process. Furthermore, whether altered palatal shelf adhesion causes the cleft palate presented by Tgf-b3 null mutant mice has not yet been clarified. Here, we study the presence/distribution of some extracellular matrix and cell adhesion molecules at the time of the contact of palatal shelves in both wild-type and Tgf-b3 null mutant palates of two strains of mice (C57/BL/6J(C57), and MF1) that develop cleft palates of different severity. We have performed immunohistochemistry with antibodies against collagens IV and IX, laminin, fibronectin, the a5- and b1-integrins, and ICAM-1; in situ hybridization with a Nectin-1 riboprobe; and palatal shelf cultures treated or untreated with TGF-b3 or neutralizing antibodies against fibronectin or the a5-integrin. Our results show the location of these molecules in the wild-type mouse medial edge epithelium (MEE) of both strains at the time of the contact of palatal shelves; the heavier (C57) and milder (MF1) alteration of their presence in the Tgf-b3 null mutants; the importance of TGF-b3 to restore their normal pattern of expression; and the crucial role of fibronectin and the a5-integrin in palatal shelf adhesion. We thus provide insight into the molecular bases of this important process and the cleft palate presented by Tgf-b3 null mutant mice.