Cebrián Fernández, María del Rosario

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First Name
María del Rosario
Last Name
Cebrián Fernández
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Geografía e Historia
Prehistoria, Historia Antigua y Arqueología
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    Reconstructive Proposal of the Visigothic Liturgiccal furnishing from the ecclesia in suburbio of segobriga (Cabeza de Griego, Cuenca)
    (Hortus Artium Medievalium, 2023) Cebrián Fernández, María del Rosario; Hortelano Uceda, Ignacio; Miljenko Jurković
    Knowledge about the late antique and Visigothic phases of the city of Segobriga has advanced in recent decades thanks to archaeological exca- vations.The conciliar sources assure the existence of a bishopric between 589 and 693, which requires an intramural episcopium for which we do not yet have conclusive archaeological data.We know of a church located in the northern suburb, which was excavated at the end of the 18th century and re-excavated in 2006, whose foundation is older than the establishment of the episcopal see.It was built in the first half of the 5th century, possibly to venerate the memory of one or two martyrs whose names we do not know.This basilica was used from the 7th century onwards as a monumental sepulchre for the bishops and a privileged burial place.It is the source of a large number of sculptural elements of liturgical furniture -pillars, plutei and transennae- which were indispensable in places of worship to separate the officiating clergy from the congregation.The typological and functional analysis of the pieces presented here allows us to know their system of placement and assembly and to raise a reconstructive hypothesis of the chancel screenin the suburban church.
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    Una plaquita de hueso con esfinge procedente de Segobriga (Cabeza de Griego, Saelices, Cuenca). Paralelos y cronología
    (Lucentum, 2022) Cebrián Fernández, María del Rosario
    A rectangular bone plaque with the representation of a sphinx was found during the archaeological excavation campaign carried out in Segobriga in 1982. It was found in a layer dated to the Late Antique period, where this small artefact was found apart from the box it originally decorated. The stylistic similarities between this piece and the sphinx plaque from Ibiza suggest an Etruscan artistic origin. However, the sphinx from Segobriga seems to be more archaic, closer to the Ionian/Oriental figurative technique which, from a chronological point of view, would date it to the last quarter of the 6th century BC or the beginning of the following century. This piece should be added to the list of Iron Age materials documented either by the archaeological work carried out in Segobriga or from isolated finds, which confirm the existence of a pre-Roman settlement on the Cabeza de Griego hill from at least the 6th century BC. The presence of this object along with others, such as a phallic pendant of Punic origin and a glass aryballos from the Greek area, is testimony to the arrival of luxury products destined for the local aristocracy settled on this Celtiberian hill fort. The sphinx plaque complements the distribution map of kibotia imports —Etruscan or Greek— in the western end of the Mediterranean from the 6th century BC onwards, where this type of object is scarce, especially in sites in the interior of the Iberian Peninsula.
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    La vajilla de bronce de época tardorromana procedente del foro de Segobriga
    (Boletín del Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 2021) Cebrián Fernández, María del Rosario; Hortelano Uceda, Ignacio
    The image of the Early Imperial Segobriga was altered from the fourth century as a result of the occupation both of public buildings and the city streets. The occupation of the porticoes, tabernae and basilica in the Augustan forum coincides in time with the construction of domestic structures in the stretch of the kardo maximus through which it was reached. This process transformed the public space –locus celeberrimus– of the local society in Segobriga into a place for living and working. Among the movable material found during its archaeological excavation are some bronze vessels and tableware –buckets/situlae, bowls and patera– presented in this paper.
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    The Role Played by Epigraphy in Archaeological Divulgation
    (Epigraphy in the Digital Age. Opportunities and Challenges in the Recording, Analysis and Dissemination of Inscriptions, 2021) Cebrián Fernández, María del Rosario; Velázquez Soriano, María Isabel; Espinosa Espinosa, David
    Roman cities were full of epigraphic monuments. A wide range of inscriptions were exhibited publicly, chiseled stones that provided varied information to those who read them. Current research on Epigraphy contributes to the interpretation of the urban landscape of the Hispanian cities by providing a scientific framework through which to understand the role played by epigraphic texts in Roman cities. Italy was a pioneer in the use of epigraphic monuments within urban architectural spaces for the purpose of scientific dissemination. The Roma Antica: Come era e come è series has been published since the 1960s, evoking the landscape of the imperial capital. Segobriga (Saelices, Cuenca) was one of the first examples in Spain of virtual recreation of the public space of a Roman city. It was a pioneering work in the creation of a language that would help communicate Epigraphy to the general public. This contribution presents the tools of dissemination and disclosure of accessible Roman archaeological accessible in Spain where epigraphic finds are a key element in the archaeological interpretation.
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    La Marañosa-Albende (San Martín de la Vega, Madrid): asentamiento encastillado tardoantiguo y ḥiṣn andalusí. Resultados de la aplicación de la tecnología LiDAR a la prospección arqueológica
    (Cuadernos de Prehistoria y Arqueología de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (CuPAUAM), 2023) Cebrián Fernández, María del Rosario; Hortelano Uceda, Ignacio; Retuerce Velasco, Manuel; Martínez-González, Javier; Departamento de Prehistoria y Arqueología. Universidad Autonóma de Madrid
    Se presentan los datos obtenidos de una investigación arqueológica realizada en los cerros de La Marañosa (San Martín de la Vega, Madrid), que ha combinado la prospección intensiva y la topografía georreferenciada de las estructuras visibles en el terreno con los datos LiDAR. Los resultados alcanzados permiten proponer la existencia de un enclave encastillado tardoantiguo -La Marañosa-, habitado entre los siglos V y VII, y un lugar fortificado en altura o hisn - Albende-, fundado en un momento avanzado del siglo X. Ambos asentamientos se establecieron en cerros contiguos situados junto al margen derecho del Jarama, aguas abajo de la desembocadura en él del río Manzanares, y presentan secuencias ocupacionales discontinuas. El papel que estas poblaciones desempeñaron en el territorio del centro peninsular explica el hiato temporal que los separa y admite plantear algunas consideraciones sobre el fenómeno del poblamiento rural en esta área geográfica durante la Tardoantigüedad y la Alta Edad Media.
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    Metales antiguos del Museo de Cuenca procedentes del expolio y donaciones particulares
    (2023) Cebrián Fernández, María del Rosario; Hortelano Uceda, Ignacio; Rodríguez Ruza, Concepción; Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
    The funds of the Museum of Cuenca hold authentic collections of materials that come from archaeological despoilment and from donations and deposits made by private individuals. They constitute a valuable documentation of the cultural and patrimonial heritage of the province. Most of them remain unpublished. Among these materials, there is a group of metal objects, excluding coins, which are characterised by their typological heterogeneity. This volume presents a study of a total of 1.745 pieces, devoid of archaeological context. They have therefore been dated by formal parallels in the peninsular and foreign spheres, covering a chronological period between the Bronze Age and the Middle Ages.
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    Spolia y jerarquía eclesiástica: El desmontaje de la arquitectura altoimperial para la construcción de la iglesia extramuros de Segobriga en el siglo V
    (Madrider Mitteilungen, 2024) Trunk, Markus; Cebrián Fernández, María del Rosario; Hortelano Uceda, Ignacio
    The Christianisation process in late antique Segobriga manifests itself in the construction of a martyr’s church situated in the northern suburban necrópolis and today known mainly as the ›basílica visigoda‹. Large quantities of building materials were needed for its construction, taken from the public centre of the Roman city. The identification of origin of a series of architectural elements, discovered during the excavations in the the late antique church, and archaeological evidence on their extraction, above all in the Forum area, attest to the timing of spolia dismantling in the 5th century AD. Nothing is known about the sponsors of the new major architectural project, however, it is obvious that the building reflects the incipient power of the Christian Church in Segobriga, a prelude to the later definitive shaping of a prevalent late antique urban image.
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    Arquitectura y decoración de los monumentos funerarios de la necrópolis septentrional de Segobriga (provincia de Cuenca, Hispania citerior)
    (Archivo Español de Arqueología, 2022) Cebrián Fernández, María del Rosario; Hortelano Uceda, Ignacio; Trunk, Markus; CSIC
    For the first time, archaeological excavations carried out in a sector of the northern necropolis of Segobriga have revealed the contiguous arrangement of some funerary monuments on one side of the main access to the city. The oldest ones were built under Claudius and have Italic origins, as shown by the aedicula on a podium with statues of the deceased and the patrons. This work tackles the process of monumentalizing the cemetery areas and the configuration of the viae sepulcrales that was developed at the same time as the city.
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    Entalles romanos del Museo de Cuenca
    (Boletín del Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 2023) Cebrián Fernández, María del Rosario; Rodríguez Ruza, Concepción; Museo Arqueológico Nacional. Ministerio de Cultura
    We present a study of 20 engraved gems from Ercavica, Segobriga and Valeria, belonging to the collection of the Museo de Cuenca. Only a few of them have a stratigraphic context, as they are mostly the result of fortuitous finds. They are carved in different types of stone and follow the most common themes in the repertoire of Roman glyptics –mainly divinities and beasts–. The carving technique, iconography and glyptic parallels allow us to date the ensemble to between the 1st century BC and the 2nd century AD.
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    Segobriga (cerro de Cabeza de Griego, Saelices, Cuenca). Monumentalizacion de una ciudad de la Celtiberia en epoca altoimperial
    (Ciudades Romanas de Hispania. Cities of Roman Spain, 2021) Cebrián Fernández, Rosario; Cebrián Fernández, María del Rosario; Nogales Basarrate, Trinidad
    In the hill of Cabeza de Griego (district of Saelices, in the Cuenca Province), a town was founded out of a castrum from the Iron Age in Celtiberian territory, whose main economic activity was the exploitation of lapis specularis, a translucent gypsum used as window glass. Its exceptional location at the crossroads of land routes that linked the Ebro Valley with the Betica and the Lusitania and the center of the peninsula with the eastern harbors, especially with Carthago Nova, turned the city into an important trade center with the Mediterranean, where materials and products of different places arrived