Mañas Viniegra, Luis

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Mañas Viniegra
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias de la Informacion
Ciencias de la Comunicación Aplicada
Comunicación Audiovisual y Publicidad
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 9 of 9
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    Audience Attention and Emotion in News Filmed with Drones: A Neuromarketing Research
    (Media and Communication, 2020) Mañas Viniegra, Luis; García García, Alberto Luis; Martín Moraleda, Ignacio José
    Emotional journalism is being driven by audiovisual technology such as drones, also known as unmanned aerial vehicles, which have demonstrated their usefulness in transforming objective news into news stories from a new visual perspective, facilitating access to dangerous or difficult places. They also allow for greater immersion by an audience that has become an active participant in the news, and they contribute to the storytelling of communication despite the risk to privacy and security that their misuse might entail. The aim of this research is to determine the differences in attention and intensity of the emotions experienced when viewing two pieces of audiovisual news: One was filmed with the technological support of a drone, and the other was produced in the conventional way. The techniques of eye tracking and galvanic skin response were used in 30 Spanish university students. The results suggest that attention was focused on the most spectacular visual elements, although the images filmed with a drone received a higher concentration of attention from the subjects, and this attention was spread throughout the entire image, which demonstrates that drones enhance the effectiveness of panoramic images with natural landscapes. The greatest emotion generated by viewing the images recorded with drones was statistically significant, but it was limited exclusively to these particular scenes, and not to the entire recording of the news.
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    Project number: 60
    Mapa Interactivo de Orientación Profesional para el Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas
    (2020) Mañas Viniegra, Luis; Jiménez Gómez, Isidro; Bonales Daimiel, Gema; Juanco Linares, José; Martínez Martínez, Luz; Olivares Santamarina, José Prudencio; Reyes Moreno, María Isabel; Colmenero Arenado, Ignacio; Duro Batalla, Cecilia; López Cepeda, Ismael; Rodríguez Malo de la Cruz, Sergio
    Este Proyecto Innova-Docencia nº 60 se ha realizado con el objetivo de dotar de interactividad al Mapa visual de Orientación Profesional creado en el anterior Proyecto Innova-Docencia nº 290 2018/2019, del que es continuación, para facilitar la orientación y posterior integración laboral de los alumnos del Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
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    Project number: 3
    Market fit para la empleabilidad en el Grado de Publicidad y RRPP a través de la orientación profesional de la app GoalPro®
    (2024) Mañas Viniegra, Luis; Abuin Vences, Natalia; Bengochea González, Carolina; Cuesta Díaz, Victoria; Juanco Linares, José; Lyu, Dongye; Martínez Martínez, Luz; Olivares Santamarina, José Prudencio; Reyes Moreno, María Isabel; Rodríguez Perujo, Germán Yago; Rodríguez-Malo de la Cruz, Sergio; Sancho Belinchón, Celia; Mañas Viniegra, Luis
    Este Proyecto Innova-Docencia nº 3 se ha realizado con el objetivo de evaluar el encaje (fit) en el mercado laboral de los perfiles profesionales contenidos en la app de orientación profesional GoalPro® creada en los anteriores Proyectos Innova-Docencia nº 2 2022/2023, nº 3 2021/2022, nº 4 2020/2021, nº 60 2019/2020 y nº 290 2018/2019, de los que es continuación, facilitando la orientación profesional y posterior integración laboral de los estudiantes del Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
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    Project number: 2
    Comunidad virtual GoalPro® de orientación profesional para el grado de Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas en la red social Instagram
    (2023) Mañas Viniegra, Luis; Bengochea González, Carolina; Cuesta Díaz, Victoria; Juanco Linares, José; Martínez Martínez, Luz; Olivares Santamarina, José Prudencio; Reyes Moreno, María Isabel; Rodríguez Perujo, Germán Yago; Colmenero Arenado, Ignacio; Duro Batalla, Cecilia; Fernández-Gallardo García, Paula; López Cepeda, Ismael; Rodríguez-Malo de la Cruz, Sergio; Abuin Vences, Natalia
    Este Proyecto Innova-Docencia nº 2 se ha realizado con el objetivo de adaptar el contenido de la app de orientación profesional GoalPro® creada en los anteriores Proyectos Innova-Docencia nº 3 2021/2022, nº 4 2020/2021, nº 60 2019/2020 y nº 290 2018/2019, de los que es continuación, a la red social Instagram para consolidar la comunidad virtual creada, facilitando la orientación profesional y posterior integración laboral de los estudiantes del Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
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    The Enabling Role of ICT to Mitigate the Negative Effects of Emotional and Social Loneliness of the Elderly during COVID-19 Pandemic
    (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021) Llorente Barroso, María Del Carmen; Kolotouchkina Shvedova, Olga; Mañas Viniegra, Luis
    (1) Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has been especially hard on the elderly owing to their particular vulnerability to the virus. Their confinement to prevent the spread of the virus resulted in social isolation, often linked to the unwanted loneliness that hinders their emotional well-being. The enabling capacity of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) to overcome the negative effects of this isolation requires special attention. The purpose of this research is to understand the impact of the use of ICT on the emotional well-being of elderly people during their confinement. (2) Methods: A qualitative exploration method based on four focus groups with elderly people aged 60 years or older and three in-depth personal interviews with experts in education of the elderly were carried out. (3) Results: Research results evidence a negative emotional impact of the confinement (lack of physical contact with their loved ones, fear and uncertainty, feeling of loneliness, sadness at the loss of family members) on the emotional well-being of study participants. Furthermore, the operational capacity of ICT to prevent infection, as well as their positive emotional and humanizing role in providing access to entertainment and hobbies, and in improving self-esteem was also acknowledged. (4) Conclusions: ICT have become a valuable ally for elderly people aged 60 years and older to mitigate the negative effects of social isolation and loneliness imposed by the confinement.
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    Fundamental rights o people with disabilites reflected in the social discourse of the main disability organisations in Spain
    (JANUS.NET (e-journal of International Relations), 2021) López Cepeda, Ismael; Mañas Viniegra, Luis; Vivar Zurita, Hipólito
    Ever since the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities took place in 2006, the promotion of fundamental rights for this group has been continuous, fostering social inclusion to reduce the stereotypes and prejudices that had prevailed until that time. The aim of this research is to analyse the discourse on social networks of the main associations, foundations, as well as public and private organisations with regard to disability in Spain on the International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2020, in order to identify the topics that generate the highest level of interaction among the different profiles on social networks. The results suggest that despite the limited reach of these organisations on social networks, their discourse is based on fundamental rights such as participation and inclusion, accessibility, individual autonomy, and equal opportunity, which provide greater knowledge and a positive vision of persons with disabilities to society as a whole, raising awareness about stereotypes, prejudices and hate speech that are still common.
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    Project number: 4
    Desarrollo de comunidad virtual y branding en el Mapa Interactivo de Orientación Profesional para el Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas (GoalPro)
    (2021) Mañas Viniegra, Luis; Jiménez Gómez, Isidro; Juanco Linares, José; Martínez Martínez, Luz; Olivares Santamarina, José Prudencio; Reyes Moreno, María Isabel; Colmenero Arenado, Ignacio; Duro Batalla, Cecilia; López Cepeda, Ismael; Rodríguez Malo de la Cruz, Sergio; Rodríguez Perujo, Germán Yago
    Este Proyecto nº 4 Innova Docencia amplía el Mapa Interactivo de Orientación Profesional con el objetivo de desarrollar una comunidad virtual de orientación profesional que complemente la acción autónoma que realiza la webApp para facilitar la orientación y posterior integración laboral de los alumnos del Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
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    Audience Attention and Emotion in News Filmed with Drones: A Neuromarketing Research
    (Media and Communication, 2020) Martín Moraleda, Ignacio José; García García, Alberto Luis; Mañas Viniegra, Luis
    Emotional journalism is being driven by audiovisual technology such as drones, also known as unmanned aerial vehicles, which have demonstrated their usefulness in transforming objective news into news stories from a new visual perspective, facilitating access to dangerous or difficult places. They also allow for greater immersion by an audience that has become an active participant in the news, and they contribute to the storytelling of communication despite the risk to privacy and security that their misuse might entail. The aim of this research is to determine the differences in attention and intensity of the emotions experienced when viewing two pieces of audiovisual news: One was filmed with the technological support of a drone, and the other was produced in the conventional way. The techniques of eye tracking and galvanic skin response were used in 30 Spanish university students. The results suggest that attention was focused on the most spectacular visual elements, although the images filmed with a drone received a higher concentration of attention from the subjects, and this attention was spread throughout the entire image, which demonstrates that drones enhance the effectiveness of panoramic images with natural landscapes. The greatest emotion generated by viewing the images recorded with drones was statistically significant, but it was limited exclusively to these particular scenes, and not to the entire recording of the news.