Chevalier Del Río, Margarita

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Chevalier Del Río
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Radiología, Rehabilitación y Fisioterapia
Radiología y Medicina Física
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 11
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    Theoretical approach to hyperacuity tests based on resolution criteria for two-line images
    (Proceedings of Holography, Interferometry, and Optical Pattern Recognition in Biomedicine, 1991) Mondal, Pronab Kumar; Calvo Padilla, María Luisa; Lakshminarayanan, Vasudevan; Chevalier Del Río, Margarita
    Resolution criteria for resolving two line images under coherent and incoherent illumination are presented. This technique has been used to interpret psychophysical data obtained from hyperacuity paradigms.
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    Edge image processing: An analysis of modified heaviside functions as degraded edge generators
    (17th Congress of the International Commission for Optics: Optics For Science And New Technology, Pts 1 And 2, 1996) Manzanares Ituarte, Ana; Calvo Padilla, María Luisa; Chevalier Del Río, Margarita; Lakshminarayanan, Vasudevan
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    Line spread function formulation proposed by W. H. Steel: A revision
    (Applied Optics, 1997) Manzanares Ituarte, Ana; Calvo Padilla, María Luisa; Chevalier Del Río, Margarita; Lakshminarayanan, Vasudevan
    A revised formulation of the image Light distribution of an incoherent line source proposed by Steel [Rev. Opt. 31, 334-340 (1952)] is presented. Analytical and numerical results based on this new representation are given. We explicitly show that a major error in Steel's final expression generates singularities, thereby preventing convenient numerical computation.
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    Sampled hard edge reconstruction: Definition of frequency modulation function for a sampling-reconstructing system (not quantized)
    (17th Congress of the International Commission for Optics: Optics for Science and New Technology, Pts 1 and 2, 1996) Sanz, Inmaculada; Calvo Padilla, María Luisa; Chevalier Del Río, Margarita
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    Applications Of Optical Image Processing For The Determination Of The Optical Properties Of The Cellular Membranes.
    (10th International Optical Computing Conference, 1984) Carreras Béjar, Carmen; Chevalier Del Río, Margarita; Calvo Padilla, María Luisa
    In this paper, we present a theoretical model for the transmission function of a biological cell. Three different cases have been considered: a) Real transmission function, b) Pure phase Object, c) Mixed case where both, real and complex terms are present in the transmission function. We have studied in all those cases the response in the Fourier plane. The comparison of the models proposed above allow us to conclude that the most correct treatment would come from c). Even if the cytoplasm gives the most important contribution, neither the nucleus nor the membrane can be neglected.
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    Optical image processing to determine the optical properties of cellular membranes
    (Applied Optics, 1984) Carreras Béjar, Carmen; Chevalier Del Río, Margarita; Calvo Padilla, María Luisa
    In this paper we present a theoretical model for the transmission function of a biological cell. Three different cases are considered: real transmission function, pure phase object, general case, where both real and complex terms are present in the transmission function. In all cases we studied the response in the Fourier plane. Comparison of the proposed models leads us to conclude that the most correct treatment would come from the general case, where it was found that the membrane contribution predominates in the total diffracted amplitude distribution.
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    Edge image quality assessment: a new formulation for degraded edge imaging
    (Image and Vision omputing, 1998) Manzanares Ituarte, Ana; Calvo Padilla, María Luisa; Chevalier Del Río, Margarita; Lakshminarayanan, Vasudevan
    We discuss a formalism to characterize degraded edge images formed in a diffraction limited system (with circular pupil of unit radius) under conditions of incoherent illumination. We introduce a novel definition of degraded edges and consider this approach to model a basic optical mechanism involved in the perception of visual depth and edge detection. We introduce a degradation parameter to quantize the degree of edge blur. We present a generalization of such a procedure by assuming the Heaviside function to be a systematic generator of degraded edges. We reproduce experimentally the predictions made by the formalism proposed herein.
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    Resolution criterion and contrast factor for resolving two-line images under coherent and incoherent illumination
    (Optics in Complex Systems, 1990) Mondal, Pronab Kumar; Chevalier Del Río, Margarita; Calvo Padilla, María Luisa
    We define a resolution criterion for the case of two narrow line images. For doing so, we have considered the two lines as superposition of gradients of two Heaviside step-functions.
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    Digitally generated soft edges with predetermined luminance: An analysis of its influence on image degradation.
    (Sixth International Workshop on Digital Image Processing and Computer Graphics: Applications in Humanities and Natural Sciences, 1998) Sanz, Inmaculada; Calvo Padilla, María Luisa; Chevalier Del Río, Margarita
    The presence of degraded or soft edges on a scene or digital image may cause ambiguities in depth perception(1,2). This kind of edges has been analyzed by introducing a mathematical model to digitally implement a large category of degraded edges. This model has accounted the origin of degradation, the performance of psychophysical test for measuring the degradation perception, and image characteristics currently used in artificial vision as momenta, number of gray scale level per pixels, etc. It is the subject of current researches to be applied to artificial reproduction of human visual perception.
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    Influence of Small Phase Variations in the Diffraction Pattern of a Biological Cell
    (Application of optical instrumentation in medicine XIII: medical image production, processing, and display, 1985) Carreras Béjar, Carmen; Calvo Padilla, María Luisa; Chevalier Del Río, Margarita; Dwyer, Samuel J. III; Schneider, Roger H.
    In preceding works, a theoretical model has been introduced for the transmission function of a biological cell, in which the physical effects of the three transmission functions for the cytoplasm, the nucleus and the cellular membrane have been considered and studied1. Since biological cells are generally objects having small phase variations, we introduce this specific characteristic in the proposed theoretical model, in the present work, Its Fourier transform is numerically analyzed.