Ruiz Albusac, Juan Miguel

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Juan Miguel
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Ruiz Albusac
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Bioquímica y Biología Molecular
Bioquímica y Biología Molecular
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Search Results

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  • Item
    Significance of Brain Glucose Hypometabolism, Altered Insulin Signal Transduction, and Insulin Resistance in Several Neurological Diseases
    (Frontiers in Endocrinology, 2022) Blázquez Fernández, Enrique; Hurtado Carneiro, Verónica; Le Baut Ayuso, Yannick; Velázquez Sánchez, Esther; García García, José Luis; Gómez Oliver, Francisca; Ruiz Albusac, Juan Miguel; Ávila, Jesús; Pozo García, Miguel Ángel
    Several neurological diseases share pathological alterations, even though they differ in their etiology. Neuroinflammation, altered brain glucose metabolism, oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction and amyloidosis are biological events found in those neurological disorders. Altered insulin-mediated signaling and brain glucose hypometabolism are characteristic signs observed in the brains of patients with certain neurological diseases, but also others such as type 2 diabetes mellitus and vascular diseases. Thus, significant reductions in insulin receptor autophosphorylation and Akt kinase activity, and increased GSK-3 activity and insulin resistance, have been reported in these neurological diseases as contributing to the decline in cognitive function. Supporting this relationship is the fact that nasal and hippocampal insulin administration has been found to improve cognitive function. Additionally, brain glucose hypometabolism precedes the unmistakable clinical manifestations of some of these diseases by years, which may become a useful early biomarker. Deficiencies in the major pathways of oxidative energy metabolism have been reported in patients with several of these neurological diseases, which supports the hypothesis of their metabolic background. This review remarks on the significance of insulin and brain glucose metabolism alterations as keystone common pathogenic substrates for certain neurological diseases, highlighting new potential targets.
  • Item
    Insulin in the brain: its pathophysiological implications for states related with central insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes and alzheimer’s disease
    (Frontiers in Endocrinology, 2024) Blázquez Fernández, Enrique; Velázquez Sánchez, Esther; Ruiz Albusac, Juan Miguel; Hurtado Carneiro, Verónica; Gaudreau, Pierrette
    Although the brain has been considered an insulin-insensitive organ, recent reports on the location of insulin and its receptors in the brain have introduced new ways of considering this hormone responsible for several functions. The origin of insulin in the brain has been explained from peripheral or central sources, or both. Regardless of whether insulin is of peripheral origin or produced in the brain, this hormone may act through its own receptors present in the brain. The molecular events through which insulin functions in the brain are the same as those operating in the periphery. However, certain insulin actions are different in the central nervous system, such as hormone-induced glucose uptake due to a low insulin-sensitive GLUT-4 activity, and because of the predominant presence of GLUT-1 and GLUT-3. In addition, insulin in the brain contributes to the control of nutrient homeostasis, reproduction, cognition, and memory, as well as to neurotrophic, neuromodulatory, and neuroprotective effects. Alterations of these functional activities may contribute to the manifestation of several clinical entities, such as central insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), and Alzheimer’s disease (AD). A close association between T2DM and AD has been reported, to the extent that AD is twice more frequent in diabetic patients, and some authors have proposed the name “type 3 diabetes” for this association. There are links between AD and T2DM through mitochondrial alterations and oxidative stress, altered energy and glucose metabolism, cholesterol modifications, dysfunctional protein O-GlcNAcylation, formation of amyloid plaques, altered Aβ metabolism, and tau hyperphosphorylation. Advances in the knowledge of preclinical AD and T2DM may be a major stimulus for the development of treatment for preventing the pathogenic events of these disorders, mainly those focused on reducing brain insulin resistance, which is seems to be a common ground for both pathological entities.