Medina Sánchez, María Ángeles

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First Name
María Ángeles
Last Name
Medina Sánchez
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Estudios estadísticos
Estadística y Ciencia de los Datos
Estadística e Investigación Operativa
UCM identifierScopus Author IDDialnet ID

Search Results

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  • Item
    Innovating in stem: a four-phased learning dynamics in probability
    (2019) Belope Nguema, Sabina; Medina Sánchez, María Ángeles; Gómez Chova, Louis; López Martínez, A.; Candel Torres, I.
    The subject of Probability, in which we have carried out the teaching innovation, forms part of the group of compulsory first-year subjects of the majority of degrees in Statistics. It is also an obligatory bridge between the world of Descriptive Statistics and the world of Inferential Statistics. This connection requires presenting fundamental concepts such as random variable. But the assimilation of the concept of random variable by students presents many difficulties. For this reason, we have proposed a learning dynamic in four phases: (1) the teacher presents the concept of random variable and the main distributions; (2) groups of two people are formed and a specific distribution is randomly assigned to each group. In this phase, the objective is for students to consolidate the most relevant properties of this variable. Once they have carried out a bibliographic search on the applications of the random variable, they are presented with a social project in which they are asked to get involved and identify how, with the random variable studied; they can give a solution to the problem presented. (3) Due to the fact that one of the deficiencies found is the elaboration of reports, the students are asked to write a report that is comprehensible to the rest of their classmates. (4) The last phase consists of making an oral presentation during which a questionnaire is administered to the students to assess different aspects of the intervention of each group. The evaluation of the student in this activity will be carried out according to three criteria: the teacher will give a score to the report and the oral presentation, and through the questionnaire, provided in the fourth phase of the proposed learning dynamic; the rest of the classmates will score the presentation of their work. The final grade will be calculated as the average of the teacher's assessment and the average assessment of the rest of the classmates. Based on these assessments, two rankings will be created, one based on the score obtained in the report and the other on the score obtained in the questionnaire for the oral communication. The first three positions of each ranking will have an extra point in the continuous evaluation of the subject. By means of this method, we have discovered that the combination between the teacher's explanation and the student's presentation helps to consolidate the concepts of random variable and to get involved in the subject. After the results it is expected that in subjects of higher courses, where they need the knowledge of these concepts, the results will be better.
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    Higher education vs. professional opportunities: the value of Ph.D. studies
    (Education Sciences, 2023) Fraguas Sánchez, Ana Isabel; Serrano López, Dolores Remedios; Medina Sánchez, María Ángeles; González Burgos, Elena María; Liu, Xinqiao
    The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) is a doctoral research degree that represents the highest level of academic qualification awarded by universities. It is expected that professionals holding a Ph.D. degree can target higher-paying jobs. However, little is known about the real correlation between Ph.D. holders and professional career development. For the first time, a study was undertaken among Ph.D. graduates from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), one of the largest universities in Spain, to understand the value of the Ph.D. on students’ satisfaction and career prospects. Methods: An anonymous questionnaire, created through Google Forms with three sections (sociodemographic data, academic data about doctoral studies, and employment status), was sent to Ph.D. graduates from UCM between 2015 and 2022. Results: A total of 107 Ph.D. graduates participated in this study. Responders felt that the Ph.D. degree has positively impacted their soft skills development and capability for constant learning but has minimal impact on their overall employability, although the employment rate was 94%. Most of the jobs undertaken by the Ph.D. holders were linked to academic research areas and were located in Spain, with salaries ranging between 14,000 and 50,000 EUR. Conclusions: Universities should implement novel policies at the Ph.D. level to ensure students are not only exposed to the scientific environment but are also prepared and qualified for highly skilled jobs. It is key to creating a community along with the private sector and providing the necessary tools for fostering Ph.D. students’ satisfaction and career prospects.