Espinosa Espinosa, David

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Espinosa Espinosa
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Geografía e Historia
Prehistoria, Historia Antigua y Arqueología
Historia Antigua
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Now showing 1 - 10 of 23
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    a. d. viiii Kalendas Octobres, dies natalis Augusti. Some Considerations on the Astronomical Orientation of Roman Cologne and the Imperial Cult
    (Numen. International Review for the History of Religions, 2017) Espinosa Espinosa, David; González García, A. César
    A key factor in planning and orienting towns in the Roman world, and in particular in Augustan towns, was cosmology. The application of cosmological criteria in these towns, associated with specific political and religious principles of the principate of Augustus, has been already identified in Italia, Gallia, and Hispania. In this article we examine the orientation of the Roman town of Ara Ubiorum (present day Cologne) that could be related with the dies natalis Augusti. Based on these results, such a relation could have been deliberately sought by Roman and Ubian authorities to connect the newly founded town, where there was an ara of the Imperial cult probably consecrated to Rome and Augustus, with Augustus, who was identified with Apollo-Sol.
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    Mors omnibus instat. Aspectos arqueológicos, epigráficos y rituales de la muerte en el Occidente romano
    (2011) Andreu Pintado, Javier; Pastor, Simone; Espinosa Espinosa, David; Andreu Pintado, Javier; Pastor, Simone; Espinosa Espinosa, David
    Si existe en el mundo romano una cuestión que pueda ser aprehendida por la investigación, tanto desde la perspectiva material de aquella como desde la ideológica, esa es el hecho funerario: la muerte. Los textos literarios, la documentación arqueológica de todo género, la evidencia numismática y, por supuesto, las inscripciones nos proporcionan un caudal documental extraordinario sobre uno de los fenómenos en los que más novedades se han aportado en los últimos años respecto de su incidencia en el Occidente Romano. Unas novedades que siempre han ido acompañadas, además, de singulares e inusitadas aproximaciones al asunto. El volumen Mors omnibus instat recoge contribuciones sobre la cuestión firmadas por una veintena de historiadores de la Antigüedad, arqueólogos y epigrafistas procedentes de más de una decena de centros de investigación y universidades de toda Europa. A partir de tres bloques –consagrados a la dimensión material (y, por tanto socio-económica), ideológica (esto es, espiritual) y textual (o celebrativa) del asunto funerario– la obra ofrece una excelente panorámica sobre el devenir del trabajo actual de la investigación dentro de las ciencias de la Antigüedad en torno al hecho funerario y una impagable prospectiva de los retos futuros que aún esperan a los estudiosos de la materia.
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    From municipia Latina to oppida labentia. Bases for a Model of the Ideological and Institutional Causes behind the Latin Municipal System in Hispania
    (Signs of Weakness and Crisis in the Western Cities of the Roman Empire (c. II-III A.D.), 2019) Espinosa Espinosa, David
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    Small Latin Towns. Origen y perfil constitucional de un nuevo modelo urbano provincial creado por Augusto en Hispania
    (Small Towns. Una realidad urbana en la Hispania romana, 2022) Espinosa Espinosa, David; Espinosa Espinosa, David
    En la historia institucional de Hispania se distinguen tres horizontes de latinización jurídica desarrollados por Roma durante la República, el periodo augústeo y la época flavia. Este trabajo, a través de un análisis de la evidencia documental conservada, centra la atención en los dos primeros de ellos, con el objetivo de exponer el origen y perfil constitucional del municipium Latinum, un nuevo modelo urbano provincial de small town (entendida en un sentido material) creado por Augusto en la Península Ibérica.
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    On the Orientation of Two Roman Towns in the Rhine Area
    (Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, 2016) Espinosa Espinosa, David; González García, A. César; García Quintela, Marco V.
    The aim of the present paper is to extend the archeoastronomical study sample on the orientation of Roman cities to the analysis of a number of cases in the Rhine area. The starting point is a study of the orientation of Augusta Treverorum (present day Trier; Goethert, 2003). Goethert assumed that the orientation of the decuma- nus maximus was towards sunrise at the autumn equinox, on September 23 rd as the dies natalis of the city. This event would deliberately coincide with the anniversary of the birth of Augustus, and would have de- termined the establishment and orientation of the new urban layout. However, our in situ measurements of the orientation of the urban network at several sites of the Roman town rule out this hypothesis. We find an orientation that is more in line with those documented for other Roman cities and camps elsewhere in the Roman provinces (González-García et al., 2014; Rodríguez-Antón et al., 2016). Moreover, measurements made in the Lenus Mars temple indicate a recurrent phenomenon of cultural hybridization. Here the temple, located outside the city walls on the west bank of the river Moselle, combines a possibly Celtic orientation with Roman symbolic beliefs. In reality, the alleged orientation towards the dies natalis of Augustus is veri- fied for Cologne. There are a number of circumstances that make this choice logical for a city that was initial- ly planned as the capital of the Augustan province of Germania and the seat of an ara of imperial worship.
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    Plinio y los 'oppida de antiguo Lacio'. El proceso de difusión del Latium en Hispania Citerior
    (2014) Espinosa Espinosa, David
    This volume is the result of five years of research about the juridical Latinization policy developed by Rome in the West, focusing on the integration -under the protection of the Latinitas- of a set of Hispanian communities, promoted -in the Republican era- to colonial status and -during the Roman Empire- to the municipal. This research aims to raise the plausibility, from the existence in Augustan age of fifty 'oppida of ancient Latium', and many literary, archaeological, epigraphic and numismatic evidences scattered in the preserved documentation, that Rome had introduced in Hispania a Latin colonization policy similar to the one established in Italy and Gallia Cisalpina, amended in constitutional aspects but similar in their goals and results. The author posits that this fact would explain a set of historical phenomena and behaviours related to the existence of privileged communities in the field: that is, the involvement of the Iberian provinces in the Roman military and political conflicts, the force of military recruitment, the intensity of the italic migration flow, the socioeconomic integration of Hispanian communities in the western Mediterranean trade routes, and the widespread dissemination of the institutions, forms and cultural goods of the Romano-italic koiné. Therefore, this volume is intended to enrich and encourage the present historiographic debate, and setting the guidelines of what might have been the Latinization process in Hispania Citerior in the Republican era.
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    Back to basics: a non-photorealistic rendering method for the analysis of texts from 3D Roman inscriptions
    (Antiquity, 2018) Carrero Pazos, Miguel; Espinosa Espinosa, David
    This paper presents the results of a non-photorealistic rendering approach to analysing Roman inscriptions, which uses line drawings to highlight the text of two epigraphs from Galicia in north-west Spain.
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    Quattuorviratus and Latium in Hispania
    (Law and Power. Agents of Social and Spatial Transformation in the Roman West, 2023) Espinosa Espinosa, David
    This work aims to propose a coherent interpretation for the presence of the quattuorviratus in the historical evidence belonging to a group of coloniae and municipia from Hispania, both in Republican and Imperial times. To this end, the historiographical views regarding the legal and administrative meaning of the quattuorviratus in the Hispanian provinces are assessed. Also, the literary, epigraphic, and numismatic references to the quattuorviratus coming from such coloniae and municipia are examined. Finally, as a novelty, the existence of a group of Latin colonies in Hispania during the Republic is considered. The result is a new proposal that explains the origin and presence of the quattuorviratus in the Hispanian provinces because of its establishment in some of these Latin colonies following Caesar’s praetorship in Hispania Ulterior (61–60 BC) and the bellum Civile (49–45 BC).
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    El ius Latii y la integración jurídica de Occidente. Latinización vs. romanización
    (Espacio, Tiempo y Forma. Serie II, Historia Antigua, 2009) Espinosa Espinosa, David
    En base a los problemas de interpretación histórica que generan las comunidades de derecho latino, y apoyados en el análisis onomástico de la población residente en dichas comunidades, proponemos la idoneidad del empleo del término latinización, frente al tradicional concepto de romanización, para referirnos al proceso de integración jurídica de las poblaciones indígenas de Occidente en época romana.
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    Epigrafía y opera publica en los municipia veteris Latii de Hispania: un balance inicial
    (L’attività edilizia a Roma e nelle città dell’impero romano, 2021) Espinosa Espinosa, David; Espinosa Espinosa, David