Espinosa Espinosa, David

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Espinosa Espinosa
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Geografía e Historia
Prehistoria, Historia Antigua y Arqueología
Historia Antigua
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    a. d. viiii Kalendas Octobres, dies natalis Augusti. Some Considerations on the Astronomical Orientation of Roman Cologne and the Imperial Cult
    (Numen. International Review for the History of Religions, 2017) Espinosa Espinosa, David; González García, A. César
    A key factor in planning and orienting towns in the Roman world, and in particular in Augustan towns, was cosmology. The application of cosmological criteria in these towns, associated with specific political and religious principles of the principate of Augustus, has been already identified in Italia, Gallia, and Hispania. In this article we examine the orientation of the Roman town of Ara Ubiorum (present day Cologne) that could be related with the dies natalis Augusti. Based on these results, such a relation could have been deliberately sought by Roman and Ubian authorities to connect the newly founded town, where there was an ara of the Imperial cult probably consecrated to Rome and Augustus, with Augustus, who was identified with Apollo-Sol.
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    Plinio y los 'oppida de antiguo Lacio'. El proceso de difusión del Latium en Hispania Citerior
    (2014) Espinosa Espinosa, David
    This volume is the result of five years of research about the juridical Latinization policy developed by Rome in the West, focusing on the integration -under the protection of the Latinitas- of a set of Hispanian communities, promoted -in the Republican era- to colonial status and -during the Roman Empire- to the municipal. This research aims to raise the plausibility, from the existence in Augustan age of fifty 'oppida of ancient Latium', and many literary, archaeological, epigraphic and numismatic evidences scattered in the preserved documentation, that Rome had introduced in Hispania a Latin colonization policy similar to the one established in Italy and Gallia Cisalpina, amended in constitutional aspects but similar in their goals and results. The author posits that this fact would explain a set of historical phenomena and behaviours related to the existence of privileged communities in the field: that is, the involvement of the Iberian provinces in the Roman military and political conflicts, the force of military recruitment, the intensity of the italic migration flow, the socioeconomic integration of Hispanian communities in the western Mediterranean trade routes, and the widespread dissemination of the institutions, forms and cultural goods of the Romano-italic koiné. Therefore, this volume is intended to enrich and encourage the present historiographic debate, and setting the guidelines of what might have been the Latinization process in Hispania Citerior in the Republican era.
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    The Question of the oppida veteris Latii in Pliny the Elder’s Naturalis Historia
    (The Classical Quarterly, 2018) Espinosa Espinosa, David
    This article attempts to provide a plausible explanation of a series of expressions used by Pliny the Elder to designate a significant number of communities in Hispania: [oppida] Latio antiquitus donata, [oppida] Latinorum ueterum, oppidani Latii ueteris, [oppida] Latii antiqui and oppida ueteris Latii (Plin. HN 3.7, 3.18, 3.24, 3.25, 4.117). These phrases, commonly explained from a chronological or typological viewpoint, encompass fifty Augustan ciuitates, the most important feature of which was the enjoyment of Latin rights before the sources used by Pliny were written under the Early Principate. To address this issue, the meaning and the use of the term oppidum are first examined. In a second stage, the origin and the sense of the adjectives uetus and antiquum, as well as the adverb antiquitus, are analysed. The results suggest that oppida ueteris Latii and its variants may express, in a simple and comprehensible way, the administrative changes that a group of Republican Latin colonies in Hispania underwent through their transformation into municipia Latina during the reign of Augustus.
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    Reflexiones sobre la probable promoción de Cesse/Tarraco a colonia latina
    (Klio. Beiträge zur Alten Geschichte, 2016) Espinosa Espinosa, David
    El propósito del presente trabajo es evidenciar la necesidad de atribuir a Cesse/Tarraco un estatuto jurídico-administrativo privilegiado con anterioridad a la fundación cesariana de Colonia Urbs Triumphalis Tarraco con la finalidad de conciliar, de una forma satisfactoria, morfología urbana, protagonismo histórico y romanización cultural. A la luz de las recientes publicaciones sobre la probable existencia de un amplio programa de colonización latina en Hispania en época republicana, se dan a conocer los resultados iniciales de investigación sobre un primer análisis de los indicios disponibles sobre la probable promoción de Cesse/Tarraco a colonia latina.