López Sanz, David

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López Sanz
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
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Educación-Centro Formación Profesor
Psicobiología y Metodología en Ciencias del Comportamiento
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    Efficacy of Cognitive Training in Older Adults with and without Subjective Cognitive Decline Is Associated with Inhibition Efficiency and Working Memory Span, Not with Cognitive Reserve
    (Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 2018) López Sánchez, Ramón; Martín Aragoneses, María Teresa; Rubio Valdehita, Susana; Delgado Losada, María Luisa; Montejo, Pedro; Montenegro Peña, María Mercedes; Prados Atienza, José María; De Frutos Lucas, Jaisalmer; López Sanz, David
    The present study explores the role of cognitive reserve, executive functions, and working memory (WM) span, as factors that might explain training outcomes in cognitive status. Eighty-one older adults voluntarily participated in the study, classified either as older adults with subjective cognitive decline or cognitively intact. Each participant underwent a neuropsychological assessment that was conducted both at baseline (entailing cognitive reserve, executive functions, WM span and depressive symptomatology measures, as well as the Mini-Mental State Exam regarding initial cognitive status), and then 6 months later, once each participant had completed the training program (Mini-Mental State Exam at the endpoint). With respect to cognitive status the training program was most beneficial for subjective cognitive decline participants with low efficiency in inhibition at baseline (explaining a 33% of Mini-Mental State Exam total variance), whereas for cognitively intact participants training gains were observed for those who presented lower WM span.
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    Biomagnetic biomarkers for dementia: A pilot multicentre study with a recommended methodological framework for magnetoencephalography
    (Alzheimer's and Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment and Disease Monitoring, 2019) Hughes, Laura E.; Henson, Richard N.; Pereda, Ernesto; Quinn, Andrew J.; Woolrich, Mark W.; Nobre, Anna C.; Rowe, James B.; López Sanz, David; Maestu Unturbe, Fernando; Bruña Fernández, Ricardo; Jovicich, Jorge; Frisoni, Giovanni B.
    Introduction An increasing number of studies are using magnetoencephalography (MEG) to study dementia. Here we define a common methodological framework for MEG resting-state acquisition and analysis to facilitate the pooling of data from different sites. Methods Two groups of patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI, n = 84) and healthy controls (n = 84) were combined from three sites, and site and group differences inspected in terms of power spectra and functional connectivity. Classification accuracy for MCI versus controls was compared across three different types of MEG analyses, and compared with classification based on structural MRI. Results The spectral analyses confirmed frequency-specific differences in patients with MCI, both in power and connectivity patterns, with highest classification accuracy from connectivity. Critically, site acquisition differences did not dominate the results. Discussion This work provides detailed protocols and analyses that are sensitive to cognitive impairment, and that will enable standardized data sharing to facilitate large-scale collaborative projects.
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    Drug polyconsumption is associated with increased synchronization of brain electrical-activity at rest and in a counting task
    (International Journal of Neural Systems, 2013) Coullaut-Valera, R; Arbaiza, I; Bajo Bretón, Ricardo; Arrue, R; López García, María Eugenia; Collaut-Valera, J; Correas Marín, María De Los Ángeles; López Sanz, David; Maestu Unturbe, Fernando; Papo, D
    Drug abusers typically consume not just one but several types of drugs, starting from alcohol and marijuana consumption, and then dramatically lapsing into addiction to harder drugs, such as cocaine, heroin, or amphetamine. The brain of drug abusers presents various structural and neurophysiological abnormalities, some of which may predate drug consumption onset. However, how these changes translate into modifications in functional brain connectivity is still poorly understood. To characterize functional connectivity patterns, we recorded Electroencephalogram (EEG) activity from 21 detoxified drug abusers and 20 age-matched control subjects performing a simple counting task and at rest activity. To evaluate the cortical brain connectivity network we applied the Synchronization Likelihood algorithm. The results showed that drug abusers had higher synchronization levels at low frequencies, mainly in the θ band (4–8 Hz) between frontal and posterior cortical regions. During the counting task, patients showed increased synchronization in the β (14–35 Hz), and γ (35–45 Hz) frequency bands, in fronto-posterior and interhemispheric temporal regions. Taken together 'slow-down' at rest and task-related 'over-exertion' could indicate that the brain of drug abusers is suffering from a premature form of ageing. Future studies will clarify whether this condition can be reversed following prolonged periods of abstinence.
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    Physical activity effects on the individual alpha peak frequency of older adults with and without genetic risk factors for Alzheimer’s Disease: A MEG study
    (Clinical Neurophysiology, 2018) De Frutos Lucas, Jaisalmer; López Sanz, David; Zuluaga Arias, María Del Pilar; Rodríguez Rojo, Inmaculada Concepción; Cazorla Luna, Raúl; López García, María Eugenia; Delgado Losada, María Luisa; Marcos Dolado, Alberto; Barabash Bustelo, Ana; López Sánchez, Ramón; Maestu Unturbe, Fernando; Fernández Lucas, Alberto Amable
    Objective Since a cure for Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is yet to be discovered, attention has shifted towards prevention. Physical activity (PA) emerged as a notorious lifestyle factor that could influence brain structure and function. The individual alpha peak frequency (IAPF) is a measure that summarizes the spectral content of brain signals and has been proven to be sensitive to both AD pathology and PA interventions. Therefore, our goal was to unravel whether chronic PA modulates IAPF and if APOE ɛ4 carriage moderates this relationship. Methods We analyzed 4-minutes of resting-state magnetoencephalographic recordings from 100 healthy elders that provided self-reported measures of PA, and the IAPF was calculated. Results We found that IAPF was negatively influenced by age and APOE and positively influenced by PA. The effect of PA on IAPF only remained significant for the ɛ4 non-carriers group. Conclusions PA is positively associated to higher IAPF in healthy older adults and could potentially act as a protective factor against cognitive decline. Nevertheless, such effect is non-significant among elders who are more vulnerable to developing AD due to their genetic carriage. Significance This investigation offers the first neurophysiological evidences on the combined effects of APOE genotype and PA in healthy elders.
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    Electrophysiological brain signatures for the classification of subjective cognitive decline: towards an individual detection in the preclinical stages of dementia
    (Alzheimer's Research and Therapy, 2019) López Sanz, David; Bruña Fernández, Ricardo; Delgado Losada, María Luisa; López Sánchez, Ramón; Marcos Dolado, Alberto; Maestu Unturbe, Fernando; Walter, Stefan
    Background Alzheimer’s disease (AD) prevalence is rapidly growing as worldwide populations grow older. Available treatments have failed to slow down disease progression, thus increasing research focus towards early or preclinical stages of the disease. Subjective cognitive decline (SCD) is known to increase the risk of developing AD and several other negative outcomes. However, it is still very scarcely characterized and there is no neurophysiological study devoted to its individual classification which could improve targeted sample recruitment for clinical trials. Methods Two hundred fifty-two older adults (70 healthy controls, 91 SCD, and 91 MCI) underwent a magnetoencephalography scan. Alpha relative power in the source space was employed to train a LASSO classifier and applied to distinguish between healthy controls and SCD. Moreover, MCI participants were used to further validate the previously trained algorithm. Results The classifier was significantly associated to SCD with an AUC of 0.81 in the whole sample. After randomly splitting the sample in 2/3 for discovery and 1/3 for validation, the newly trained classifier was also able to correctly classify SCD individuals with an AUC of 0.75 in the validation sample. The regions selected by the algorithm included medial frontal, temporal, and occipital areas. The algorithm trained to select SCD individuals was also significantly associated to MCI diagnostic. Conclusions According to our results, magnetoencephalography could be a useful tool for distinguishing individuals with SCD and healthy older adults without cognitive concerns. Furthermore, our classifier showed good external validity, being not only successful for an unseen SCD sample, but also in a different population with MCI cases. This supports its utility in the context of preclinical dementia. These findings highlight the potential applications of electrophysiological techniques to improve sample recruitment at the individual level in the context of clinical trials.
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    Choice of Magnetometers and Gradiometers after Signal Space Separation
    (Sensors, 2017) Garcés, Pilar; López Sanz, David; Maestu Unturbe, Fernando; Pereda, Ernesto
    Background: Modern Elekta Neuromag MEG devices include 102 sensor triplets containing one magnetometer and two planar gradiometers. The first processing step is often a signal space separation (SSS), which provides a powerful noise reduction. A question commonly raised by researchers and reviewers relates to which data should be employed in analyses: (1) magnetometers only, (2) gradiometers only, (3) magnetometers and gradiometers together. The MEG community is currently divided with regard to the proper answer. Methods: First, we provide theoretical evidence that both gradiometers and magnetometers result from the backprojection of the same SSS components. Then, we compare resting state and task-related sensor and source estimations from magnetometers and gradiometers in real MEG recordings before and after SSS. Results: SSS introduced a strong increase in the similarity between source time series derived from magnetometers and gradiometers (r2 = 0.3–0.8 before SSS and r2 > 0.80 after SSS). After SSS, resting state power spectrum and functional connectivity, as well as visual evoked responses, derived from both magnetometers and gradiometers were highly similar (Intraclass Correlation Coefficient > 0.8, r 2 > 0.8). Conclusions: After SSS, magnetometer and gradiometer data are estimated from a single set of SSS components (usually ≤ 80). Equivalent results can be obtained with both sensor types in typical MEG experiments.
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    Searching for Primary Predictors of Conversion from Mild Cognitive Impairment to Alzheimer’s Disease: A Multivariate Follow-Up Study
    (Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 2016) López García, María Eugenia; Turrero Nogués, Agustín; Cuesta Prieto, Pablo; López Sanz, David; Bruña Fernández, Ricardo; Marcos Dolado, Alberto; Gil Gregorio, Pedro; Yus, Miguel; Barabash Bustelo, Ana; Cabranes Díaz, José Antonio; Maestu Unturbe, Fernando; Fernández Lucas, Alberto Amable
    Recent proposals of diagnostic criteria within the healthy aging-Alzheimer’s disease (AD) continuum stressed the role of biomarker information. More importantly, such information might be critical to predict those mild cognitive impairment (MCI) patients at a higher risk of conversion to AD. Usually, follow-up studies utilize a reduced number of potential markers although the conversion phenomenon may be deemed as multifactorial in essence. In addition, not only biological but also cognitive markers may play an important role. Considering this background, we investigated the role of cognitive reserve, cognitive performance in neuropsychological testing, hippocampal volumes, APOE genotype, and magnetoencephalography power sources to predict the conversion to AD in a sample of 33 MCI patients. MCIs were followed up during a 2-year period and divided into two subgroups according to their outcome: The “stable” MCI group (sMCI, 21 subjects) and the “progressive” MCI group (pMCI, 12 subjects). Baseline multifactorial information was submitted to a hierarchical logistic regression analysis to build a predictive model of conversion to AD. Results indicated that the combination of left hippocampal volume, occipital cortex theta power, and clock drawing copy subtest scores predicted conversion to AD with a 100% of sensitivity and 94.7% of specificity. According to these results it might be suggested that anatomical, cognitive, and neurophysiological markers may be considered as “first order” predictors of progression to AD, while APOE or cognitive reserve proxies might play a more secondary role.
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    Brain networks in subjective cognitive decline and mild cognitive impairment: characterizing the predementia stages using magnetoencephalography
    (2018) López Sanz, David; Maestú Unturbe, Fernando; Garcés López, Pilar; Vicente Pérez, Francisco de
    La demencia es un cuadro que puede ser originado por múltiples causas, produciendo un deterioro cognitivo muy marcado y limitando la independencia del paciente. La causa más común de demencia es la Enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA) que representa aproximadamente el 60% de los casos totales. Aunque existen numerosos factores que parecen modular el riesgo de desarrollar EA tales como factores genéticos (APOE, PS1, etc.) o variables relacionadas con el estilo de vida (estudios, ocupación, dieta, etc.), la edad es sin duda la variable más influyente y el mayor factor de riesgo ante la aparición de la EA. Por este motivo, el número de personas mayores afectadas por esta enfermedad no ha parado de aumentar durante las últimas décadas, y se espera que aumente su incidencia aún más. Debido al fracaso generalizado de los ensayos farmacológicos, numerosos esfuerzos en investigación se centran ahora en la detección temprana de la EA. El curso de la EA es lento e insidioso, y la acumulación de neuropatología puede comenzar hasta 15 años antes de su diagnóstico. A lo largo de esta etapa preclínica los pacientes atraviesan un estadio conocido como deterioro cognitivo leve (DCL). Esta etapa se caracteriza por alteraciones en uno o varios dominios cognitivos que no genera aún graves alteraciones del funcionamiento diario. Este estadio está altamente asociado al desarrollo posterior de EA y por tanto se considera bajo determinadas condiciones una etapa prodrómica de la enfermedad. Las personas mayores con DCL suelen presentar alteraciones a nivel cerebral o metabólico característicos de la EA, tales como atrofia cortical, alteraciones sinápticas o acumulación de proteínas relacionadas con la fisiopatología de la EA. La literatura científica reciente ha descrito una etapa anterior incluso al DCL que podría asociarse al desarrollo de demencia futuro. Las quejas subjetivas de memoria (QSM) se caracterizarían por la presencia de un sentimiento subjetivo de deterioro cognitivo en ausencia de afectación objetiva, es decir, la evaluación neuropsicológica de estas personas mayores se encuentra en el rango normal. Sin embargo, el estado de la actividad cerebral en esta etapa, o su integridad estructural aún no ha sido apenas descrito. Existen resultados contradictorios con respecto a si la presencia de QSM en personas mayores se asocia a un riesgo más elevado de desarrollar demencia. Además, mientras algunos estudios reportan alteraciones a nivel cerebral compatibles con EA en esta etapa, otros no encuentran tales signos. El objetivo fundamental de esta tesis es la caracterización de las alteraciones en las redes cerebrales en personas mayores sanas, personas mayores con QSM y personas mayores con DCL. El estado actual de la literatura nos permite anticipar la presencia de alteraciones cerebrales relacionadas con EA en el grupo con DCL, sin embargo este trabajo pretende estudiar si dichas alteraciones, o formas más sutiles, se encuentran presentes en el grupo con QSM. Esto nos permitirá en primer lugar clarificar si las QSM tienen alguna relevancia clínica y si se encuentran asociadas a cambios objetivos en la actividad cerebral. Además, se podrá describir el curso exacto de las alteraciones que tienen lugar a lo largo de las etapas preclínicas en la EA gracias a la inclusión del grupo con DCL, caracterizando así en cada estudio las dos etapas que anteceden a la EA descritas a día de hoy...
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    Sex Differences in the Complexity of Healthy Older Adults’ Magnetoencephalograms
    (Entropy, 2019) Shumbayawonda, Elizabeth; Abásolo, Daniel; López Sanz, David; Bruña Fernández, Ricardo; Maestú Unturbe, Fernando; Fernández Lucas, Alberto Amable
    The analysis of resting-state brain activity recording in magnetoencephalograms (MEGs) with new algorithms of symbolic dynamics analysis could help obtain a deeper insight into the functioning of the brain and identify potential differences between males and females. Permutation Lempel-Ziv complexity (PLZC), a recently introduced non-linear signal processing algorithm based on symbolic dynamics, was used to evaluate the complexity of MEG signals in source space. PLZC was estimated in a broad band of frequencies (2–45 Hz), as well as in narrow bands (i.e., theta (4–8 Hz), alpha (8–12 Hz), low beta (12–20 Hz), high beta (20–30 Hz), and gamma (30–45 Hz)) in a sample of 98 healthy elderly subjects (49 males, 49 female) aged 65–80 (average age of 72.71 ± 4.22 for males and 72.67 ± 4.21 for females). PLZC was significantly higher for females than males in the high beta band at posterior brain regions including the precuneus, and the parietal and occipital cortices. Further statistical analyses showed that higher complexity values over highly overlapping regions than the ones mentioned above were associated with larger hippocampal volumes only in females. These results suggest that sex differences in healthy aging can be identified from the analysis of magnetoencephalograms with novel signal processing methods.
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    Enhancement of posterior brain functional networks in bilingual older adults
    (Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 2019) De Frutos Lucas, Jaisalmer; López Sanz, David; Cuesta Prieto, Pablo; Bruña Fernández, Ricardo; Fuente, Sofía de la; Serrano Martínez, Noelia; López García, María Eugenia; Delgado Losada, María Luisa; López Sánchez, Ramón; Marcos Dolado, Alberto; Maestu Unturbe, Fernando
    Bilingualism has been said to improve cognition and even delay the onset of Alzheimer's disease (AD). This research aimed to investigate whether bilingualism leaves a neurophysiological trace even when people are highly educated. We expected bilinguals to present better preserved brain functional networks, which could be a trace of higher cognitive reserve. With this purpose, we conducted a magnetoencephalographic study with a group of healthy older adults. We estimated functional connectivity using phase-locking value and found five clusters in parieto-occipital regions in which bilinguals exhibited greater functional connectivity than monolinguals. These clusters included brain regions typically implicated in language processing. Furthermore, these functional changes correlated with caudate volumes (a key region in language shifting and control) in the bilingual sample. Interestingly, decreased Functional Connectivity between posterior brain regions had already been identified as an indicator of aging/preclinical AD but, according to our study, bilingualism seems to exert the opposite effect.