Puerta Fonolla, Antonio Javier

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First Name
Antonio Javier
Last Name
Puerta Fonolla
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Anatomía y Embriología Humana
UCM identifierScopus Author IDDialnet ID

Search Results

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    Magnetic resonance microscopy versus light microscopy in human embryology teaching
    (Clinical Anatomy, 2004) Puerta Fonolla, Antonio Javier; Vázquez Osorio, María Teresa; Ruiz-Cabello Osuna, Jesús; Murillo González, Jorge Alfonso; Peña Melián, Ángel
    A study was carried out on the application of magnetic resonance microscopy (MRM) in teaching prenatal human development. Human embryos measuring 8 mm, 15 mm, 18.5 mm, and 22 mm were fixed in a 4% paraformaldehyde solution and sections obtained with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were compared to those prepared for light microscopy (LM), using the same embryos. The MRM and LM slices were of a similar quality. In the MRM sections, embryonic organs and systems were clearly visible, particularly the peripheral and central nervous systems, and the cardiovascular and digestive systems. The digitalization and clarity of the MRM images make them an ideal teaching aid that is suitable for students during the first years of a health‐science degree, particularly medicine. As well as providing students with their first experience of MRM, these images allow students to access, at any time, all embryos used, to assess changes in the positions of different organs throughout their stages of development, and to acquire spatial vision, an absolute requirement in the study of human anatomy. We recommend that this technique be incorporated into the wealth of standard embryonic teaching methods already in use.
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    Arthroscopic Study of the Shoulder Joint in Fetuses
    (Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic & Related Surgery, 2005) Tena Arregui, José; Barrio Asensio, María Del Carmen; Puerta Fonolla, Antonio Javier; Murillo González, Jorge Alfonso
    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to macroscopically examine the fetal shoulder joint using arthroscopy. We attempted to identify and describe the specific characteristics of the fetal shoulder joint, how it evolves during the last few weeks of intrauterine development, and any possible variations with regard to the adult shoulder. Type of Study: Observational anatomic case series. Methods: We used 20 frozen fetuses with a gestational age of 24 to 40 +/- 2 weeks, obtained from spontaneous abortions. Examination was performed with standard arthroscopic surgical equipment, using a 2.7-mm optical lens. Whenever possible, we tried to use the standard arthroscopic portals. Images were obtained for comparison with the adult shoulder. Results: The arthroscopic images of the fetal glenohumeral joint are similar to those of an adult shoulder, with the only differences being those related to the stage of development. In this study we observed no so-called bare spot in the glenoid cavity such as has been described in treatises on the adult shoulder joint. The arthroscopic images of the anterosuperior region of the fetal joint show more highly defined structures than in the adult shoulder, especially the coracohumeral and glenohumeral ligaments. Conclusions: To our knowledge, this is the first arthroscopic study to target the fetal shoulder joint. The results indicate minimal differences when compared with the adult shoulder joint; for some structures, particularly in the anterosuperior region, the anatomy observed was easier to discern than what is observed in adult shoulder arthroscopy. Clinical Relevance: Our study obtained clear images of virgin shoulder joints that had never been subjected to deterioration from wear or other distorting forces. The clarity of these images is useful for locating and identifying structures in the adult shoulder.
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    Arthroscopic study of the knee joint in fetuses
    (Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopy and Related Surgery, 2003) Tena Arregui, José; Barrio Asensio, María Del Carmen; Viejo Tirado, Fermín; Puerta Fonolla, Antonio Javier; Murillo González, Jorge Alfonso
    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to macroscopically examine the fetal knee joint via arthroscopy. We have attempted to identify and describe the specific characteristics of the fetal knee joint, how it evolves during the last few weeks of intrauterine development, and any possible variations with regard to the adult knee. Type of study: Observational anatomic case series. Methods: We used 20 frozen fetuses with a gestational age of 24 to 40 +/- 2 weeks, obtained from spontaneous abortions. Examination was performed with standard arthroscopic surgical equipment, using a 2.7-mm optical lens. Whenever possible, we tried to use standard arthroscopic portals. Images were obtained for comparison with the adult knee. Results: Suprapatellar and infrapatellar septa were an almost consistent finding. The suprapatellar septum always opened laterally and was intact in the developmentally younger specimens. We found 2 mediopatellar septa. The femoral attachment of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) differed in appearance from that of the adult in that it was more ribbon-like. The lateral meniscus had a more spread-out appearance than its adult counterpart, especially in the specimens of a younger gestational age. We were surprised at the easy accessibility of the popliteal hiatus and the clear arthroscopic vision we were able to obtain of the involved structures. Conclusions: To our knowledge, this is the first arthroscopic study to target the fetal knee. The results indicate minimal differences when compared with the adult knee, and for some structures, such as the popliteal hiatus, the anatomy seen was easier to discern than in adult knee arthroscopy.