Manzanero Puebla, Antonio Lucas

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First Name
Antonio Lucas
Last Name
Manzanero Puebla
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Psicología Experimental, Procesos Cognitivos y Logopedia
Psicología Básica
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Search Results

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  • Item
    Evaluating the credibility of statements given by persons with intellectual disability
    (Anales de psicología, 2015) Manzanero Puebla, Antonio Lucas; Alemany, Alberto; Recio Hoyas, María José; Vallet Colchero, Rocío; Aróztegui Vélez, Javier
    The objective of this study was to analyze the features that dis-tinguish statements given by actual and simulated victims with mild to moderate intellectual disability, using the credibility analysis procedure known as Reality Monitoring (RM). Two evaluators trained in credibility analysis procedures using content criteria evaluated 13 true statements and 16 false statements. The results obtained show that there is little difference between the two types of statements when analyzed on the basis of content criteria using the RM procedure. The only criteria that proved to be signifi-cant for discriminating between the two types of statements were the amount of details and the length of spontaneous statements obtained through free recall. None of the phenomenological characteristics studied turned out to be significant for discriminating between actual and simulat-ed victims. Graphic representation using high-dimensional visualization (HDV) with all criteria taken into consideration shows that the two types of statements are quite heterogeneous. Cluster analysis can group cases with a 68.75% chance of accuracy.
  • Item
    Memories for traumatic events: accuracy, types and characteristics
    (Cuadernos de Medicina Forense, 2012) Manzanero Puebla, Antonio Lucas; Recio Hoyas, María José
    The study of memory for trauma has generated considerable controversy. Its importance stems from its involvement in the understanding of memory processes, and for its importance in forensic contexts. The aim of this study was to analyze the factors that help explain the controversy surrounding memories for trauma. To do this the definition of trauma and the factors that can determine the memory were analyzed. Also, the accuracy of memories for trauma was analyzed. The explanation of memory for trauma is depending on the concept of trauma. If trauma is defined by its psychological effects, then studies support that memories for trauma are different from other autobiographical memories. If trauma is defined by the characteristics of its cause, then studies support that memory for trauma are different from other memories. Regardless of focus, factors that influence the recall should be considered. Stress level, intensity of emotion, and degree of involvement are the most important. The effect of these factors affects the ability to deploy strategies to face the trauma, and it is important to understand the differences in the accuracy and accessibility of memories.
  • Item
    Atención a Víctimas con Discapacidad Intelectual
    (2013) Manzanero Puebla, Antonio Lucas; Recio Hoyas, María José; Alemany, Alberto; Cendra, Jacobo
    El presente libro pretende servir para una primera aproximación a las actuaciones con víctimas con discapacidad intelectual en el contexto jurídico-forense. Así pues, resultaría de interés para todos aquellos profesionales (juristas, abogados, psicólogos, médicos forenses, pedagogos, maestros, especialistas en la atención a personas con discapacidad, trabajadores sociales…) que se acercan a la problemática de las víctimas con discapacidad intelectual, tradicionalmente poco consideradas es este contexto.