Sáez Suanes, Gema Pilar

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First Name
Gema Pilar
Last Name
Sáez Suanes
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Educación-Centro Formación Profesor
Personalidad, Evaluación y Psicología Clínica
Personalidad, Evaluación y Tratamiento Psicológico
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 6 of 6
  • Item
    Depressive symptomatology in adults with autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability: correlates and predictors
    (International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 2022) d’Orey Roquete, María; Sáez Suanes, Gema Pilar; Álvarez Couto, María
    Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) usually appears associated with other comorbid psychopathology. For this reason, the present research aimed to study the comorbid conditions in ASD paying more attention to depressive symptoms. The investigation included a sample of 37 adults with ASD and intellectual disability (M = 27.49; SD = 9.2), users of various associations of the Community of Madrid. Autistic severity was assessed with the Diagnostic Behavioral Assessment for Autism Spectrum Disorder-Revised (Dibas-R) and comorbidity was assessed through Autism Spectrum Disorders-Comorbidity for Adults (ASD-CA). The results showed a significant correlation between autism symptomatology and general comorbidity. Moreover, autistic symptoms were associated with depressive symptomatology. A hierarchical regression analysis was also conducted; and its data suggested that irritability/behavioral excesses were significant predictors of depression in ASD.
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    Acogida a docentes de nuevo ingreso en la Universidad: programa primeros pasos docentes en la Facultad de Educación
    (Profesorado: Revista de Currículum y Formación del Profesorado, 2023) Álvarez Couto, María; Biencinto López, Chantal-María; Bel Fenellos, María Cristina; Carpintero Molina, María Elvira; Sáez Suanes, Gema Pilar; Torrecilla Manresa, Sofía
    El proceso de acogida hace referencia a diferentes actuaciones y procedimientos que tienen por objeto proporcionar a la persona que comienza la información y apoyos necesarios para facilitar el acceso a una institución. En el ámbito de la educación superior, y concretamente en la docencia universitaria, la acogida no ha sido un tema de interés y las experiencias en este sentido son escasas. El documento describe el proceso de análisis de necesidades del profesorado novel en una institución universitaria a partir de un grupo de discusión y la recogida de información posterior mediante cuestionario. Los datos ponen de manifiesto la importancia de una buena acogida, acompañada de la entrega de información imprescindible, así como la implementación de programas de mentoría para el bienestar personal del docente universitario.
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    Influence of executive functioning and emotional regulation on effective career choice
    (Environment and Social Psychology, 2023) Álvarez Couto, María; Sáez Suanes, Gema Pilar
    Although emotional management and executive functioning have been widely associated with effective decision making, not much attention has been paid to their role in vocational decision making. This study analyzed the relationship between insecurity in career choice, executive functioning, and emotion regulation in university students. Results show how executive dysfunction significantly predicted insecurity in vocational choice. Its mediating role between emotional management and the academic-vocational decision-making process was also confirmed. Our findings contribute to the understanding of vocational choice in youth and suggest the need to consider both variables in guidance programs, to prevent subsequent dissatisfaction with the vocational decision.
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    Quality of life in adults with autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disabilities
    (The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Disability, 2024) Álvarez Couto, María; Sáez Suanes, Gema Pilar; Bennett, Gabriel; Goodall, Emma
    Quality of Life (QoL) refers to the individual’s perception of their position in life, in the context of their culture and in relation to their goals, expectations, norms, and concerns, and is indicative of the well-being of each individual in the different areas of their life. This variable has been the focus of interest of numerous investigations focused on populations with disabilities, even adapting QoL models to specific populations, such as people with intellectual disabilities. In the area of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), this variable has been addressed by different studies, all agreeing that QoL in adults with ASD is lower than that reflected for the general population in the spectrum as a whole, particularly in those who also present intellectual disabilities (ID). However, much of this research uses QoL assessment measures that do not take into account the characteristics of this impairment, in addition to reaching conclusions that generalize to this population and that obviate the particularities that define ASD, for example, in relation to socialization and leisure time. What may be considered indicative of QoL for the neurotypical population is not necessarily so for people with ASD. Throughout this chapter, we reflect on this issue, which leads us to the conclusion that it is necessary to reconceptualize this term when talking about ASD and adapt it to this population and its characteristics.
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    A Spanish adaptation and validation of the Interpersonal Emotion Regulation Questionnaire
    (Environment and Social Psychology, 2023) d'Orey Roquete, María; Sáez Suanes, Gema Pilar; Álvarez Couto, María; Hofmann, Stephan G.
    Intrapersonal Emotion Regulation is a widely studied and recognized term as an essential variable in people’s well-being, and their optimal psychosocial functioning. It has not been until recent years that Interpersonal Emotion Regulation (IER) has been taken into account in studies focused on emotional life and academic performance. The Interpersonal Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (IERQ) is one of the few self-report instruments designed for the evaluation of this construct. As far as we know, there is no tool that evaluates this variable in the Spanish language. The present study aims to adapt and validate the IERQ in the Spanish population (n = 289). Maintaining the internal structure of the original scale, it has been found that the Spanish version of the IERQ (IERQ-S) is a valid instrument for the evaluation of IER in the Spanish population.
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    El bienestar emocional de los adultos con síndrome de Down: una mirada transdiagnóstica
    (Siglo cero: Revista Española sobre Discapacidad Intelectual, 2020) Álvarez Couto, María; Sáez Suanes, Gema Pilar; d'Orey Roquete, María
    Introducción. Diferentes estudios muestran tasas elevadas de trastornos psicopatológicos, como ansiedad o depresión, en adultos con síndrome de Down (SD). Además, algunas variables, como las funciones ejecutivas (FE) y la regulación emocional (RE), elementos esenciales en la conducta adaptativa, presentan déficits en estas personas. Método. Este estudio se propuso investigar la influencia de las FE y la RE en el desarrollo de la sintomatología internalizante en personas adultas con SD. Se emplearon el DEX, el ERC y el PIMRA-II con una muestra de 40 adultos para determinar si las dificultades en las funciones ejecutivas y en la regulación emocional se relacionan con la aparición de síntomas internalizados en esta población. Resultados. Los resultados muestran la asociación entre las FE, la RE y la depresión y la ansiedad. Asimismo, existe relación entre la sintomatología internalizada y aspectos vitales de las personas, como la muerte de un familiar. Discusión. Se debe tener en consideración la intervención en la RE y en las FE para prevenir la aparición de síntomas internalizados y el desarrollo de trastornos emocionales. Se necesita mayor investigación para intervenir en ambas capacidades de manera más comprensiva, sobre todo en lo referente a la regulación emocional.