Muñoz Madrigal, José Luis

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José Luis
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Muñoz Madrigal
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Farmacología y Toxicología
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Search Results

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  • Item
    Paliperidone reverts Toll-like receptor 3 signaling pathway activation and cognitive deficits in a maternal immune activation mouse model of schizophrenia
    (Neuropharmacology, 2017) Mac-Dowell Mata, Karina Soledad; Munarriz Cuezva, Eva; Caso Fernández, Javier Rubén; Muñoz Madrigal, José Luis; Zabala, Arantzazu; Meana, J. Javier; García Bueno, Borja; Leza Cerro, Juan Carlos
    The pathophysiology of psychotic disorders is multifactorial, including alterations in the immune system caused by exogenous or endogenous factors. Epidemiological and experimental studies indicate that infections during the gestational period represent a risk factor to develop schizophrenia (SZ) along lifetime. Here, we tested the hypothesis that the antipsychotic paliperidone regulates immune-related brain effects in an experimental model of SZ. A well described prenatal immune activation model of SZ in mice by maternal injection of the viral mimetic poly(I:C) during pregnancy was used. Young-adult offspring animals (60PND) received paliperidone ip (0.05 mg/kg) for 21 consecutive days. One day after last injection, animals were submitted to a cognitive test and brain frontal cortex (FC) samples were obtained for biochemical determinations. The adults showed an activated innate immune receptor TLR-3 signaling pathway, oxidative/nitrosative stress and accumulation of pro-inflammatory mediators such as nuclear transcription factors (i.e., NFκB) and inducible enzymes (i.e., iNOS) in FC. Chronic paliperidone blocked this neuroinflammatory response possibly by the synergic activation and preservation of endogenous antioxidant/anti-inflammatory mechanisms such as NRF2 and PPARγ pathways, respectively. Paliperidone administration also stimulated the alternative polarization of microglia to the M2 anti-inflammatory profile. In addition, paliperidone treatment improved spatial working memory deficits of this SZ-like animal model. In conclusion, chronic administration of paliperidone to young-adult mice prenatally exposed to maternal immune (MIA) challenge elicits a general preventive anti-inflammatory/antioxidant effect at both intracellular and cellular polarization (M1/M2) level in FC, as well as ameliorates specific cognitive deficits.
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    Paliperidone Prevents Brain Toll-Like Receptor 4 Pathway Activation and Neuroinflammation in Rat Models of Acute and Chronic Restraint Stress
    (International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2015) Mac-Dowell Mata, Karina Soledad; Caso Fernández, Javier Rubén; Martín Hernández, D.; Muñoz Madrigal, José Luis; Leza Cerro, Juan Carlos; García Bueno, Borja
    Background: Alterations in the innate immune/inflammatory system have been proposed to underlie the pathophysiology of psychotic disease, but the mechanisms implicated remain elusive. The main agents of the innate immunity are the family of toll-like receptors (TLRs), which detect circulating pathogen-associated molecular patterns and endogenous damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPS). Current antipsychotics are able to modulate pro- and anti-inflammatory pathways, but their actions on TLRs remain unexplored. Methods: This study was conducted to elucidate the effects of paliperidone (1mg/Kg i.p.) on acute (6 hours) and chronic (6 hours/day during 21 consecutive days) restraint stress-induced TLR-4 pathway activation and neuroinflammation, and the possible mechanism(s) related (bacterial translocation and/or DAMPs activation). The expression of the elements of a TLR-4-dependent proinflammatory pathway was analyzed at the mRNA and protein levels in prefrontal cortex samples. Results: Paliperidone pre-treatment prevented TLR-4 activation and neuroinflammation in the prefrontal cortices of stressed rats. Regarding the possible mechanisms implicated, paliperidone regulated stress-induced increased intestinal inflammation and plasma lipopolysaccharide levels. In addition, paliperidone also prevented the activation of the endogenous activators of TLR-4 HSP70 and HGMB-1. Conclusions: Our results showed a regulatory role of paliperidone on brain TLR-4, which could explain the therapeutic benefits of its use for the treatment of psychotic diseases beyond its effects on dopamine and serotonin neurotransmission. The study of the mechanisms implicated suggests that gut-increased permeability, inflammation, and bacterial translocation of Gram-negative microflora and HSP70 and HGMB1 expression could be potential adjuvant therapeutic targets for the treatment of psychotic and other stress-related psychiatric pathologies.