Del Campo Campos, Cristina

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Del Campo Campos
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales
Economía Financiera, Actuarial y Estadística
Estadística e Investigación Operativa
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    Distribución municipal de la realidad socioeconómica gallega
    (Revista galega de economía: publicación Interdisciplinar da Facultade de Ciencias Económicas e Empresariais, 2003) Rúa Vieites, Antonio; Redondo Palomo, Raquel; Del Campo Campos, Cristina
    En este artículo se trata de establecer si la favorable evolución socioeconómica gallega de la última década se ha producido por igual en toda su geografía o si, por el contrario, ha tenido lugar en polos existentes de desarrollo, aumentando las diferencias existentes previamente. Para ello, se establecerá una clasificación de los municipios de la Comunidad Autónoma atendiendo a una serie de características socioeconómicas dadas por un número amplio de variables. Se utilizarán técnicas estadísticas multivariantes de reducción y clasificación de datos que permitirán determinar las diferencias y las similitudes existentes entre los distintos municipios gallegos. Esta clasificación supondrá una tipología municipal, constituida por diferentes grupos o conglomerados, de manera que las diferencias entre ellos sean lo más grandes posibles y las diferencias intragrupos sean mínimas.
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    Project number: 182
    El uso de wikis y blogs como facilitadores de la experiencia docente en los estudiantes de movilidad internacional
    (2019) Alañón Pardo, Ángel; Álvarez Suescun, Emilio; Iglesia Villasol, Covadonga de la; Iriondo Múgica, Iñaki; Del Campo Campos, Cristina; García-Ochoa Mayor, Mónica Carmen
    Los estudiantes de movilidad internacional (EMI) son un elemento clave en la internacionalización de la UCM ya que se convierten en un escaparate de nuestras fortalezas y debilidades. La Facultad de CC. Económicas y Empresariales es uno de los centros que más estudiantes in-coming recibe (más da 170 al año) y con más estudiantes out-going (más de 130 al año), aunque cada curso se quedan sin cubrir un número importante de plazas. Ambas cifras se espera que crezcan con el nuevo programa Erasmus+Internacional. La evidencia empírica destaca que la adaptación al nuevo entorno cultural y académico es un elemento clave en el rendimiento académico, y que la interacción y el apoyo social, así como el uso de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y comunicación pueden contribuir positivamente a dicha adaptación (Andrade, 2006; Montgomery y McDowell 2009; Araujo et al., 2011; Rodgers y Nagash, 2007; Jones et al. 2006; y Gray et al. 2010). Por ello, en la convocatoria 2015 de PIMCD, presentamos el proyecto titulado “Análisis del diseño de una plataforma 2.0 para facilitar la incorporación y salida de los estudiantes de movilidad internacional”, proyecto nº 209. Este proyecto consistió en el estudio de las posibilidades que las TIC nos ofrecen en este ámbito. El análisis se centró básicamente en redes sociales y en herramientas como los blogs y las wikis. Todos estos instrumentos presentan ventajas. Las principales redes sociales, aunque permiten ofrecer información prácticamente en tiempo real y son ampliamente utilizadas, no permiten una acumulación estructurada de conocimiento. Por el contrario, los blogs y las wikis, aunque menos populares, por lo que pueden tener cierto coste de entrada, presentan otras ventajas, como la perdurabilidad de los contenidos y la posibilidad de clasificar la información. El desarrollo del PIMCD no se limitó al estudio de los pros y contras de las TIC, sino que incluyó también la comparación de la información que se ofrece antes y durante la estancia por parte, tanto de nuestra facultad como de las instituciones extranjeras con las que tenemos convenios de intercambio, en lo relativo a programas, metodología docente, evaluación y a otros aspectos relevantes y que contribuyen a un mejor conocimiento del entorno académico. A partir de las conclusiones obtenidas en ese PIMCD, el presente proyecto pretende facilitar la adaptación de los estudiantes de movilidad internacional de la Facultad de CC. Económicas y Empresariales a sus nuevos entornos académicos en universidades extranjeras mediante el uso de herramientas 2.0, principalmente wikis y blogs. Alcanzar este objetivo requiere dos etapas fundamentales: el diseño y puesta en marcha de las herramientas tecnológicas y el proceso de creación de la información. 1. En un primer momento, se trataría de diseñar la wiki o el blog para que, de la forma más sencilla, pudieran recoger la información necesaria para mejorar la satisfacción de la estancia. En concreto, en esta fase se realizaría: 2. Posteriormente, se trataría de incluir la información anteriormente mencionada en la wiki y el blog.
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    Erasmus programme effects: a Spanish case
    (Papeles de Europa, 2016) Urquía Grande, Elena; Del Campo Campos, Cristina
    The internationalisation of Higher Education (HE), as part of the European integration programs, has become a priority not only for governments but also for universities. The Faculty of Economics and Business (Complutense University of Madrid) has promoted the European mobility as part of the internationalisation strategy through the Erasmus programs for students' mobility since its beginning. However continuous endeavour must be made. The objective of the present research is to study the internationalisation of HE. For this purpose a survey was designed to measure the degree of outgoing Erasmus students’ satisfaction. Multivariate statistic techniques were run to observe that variables such as academic and cultural experiences in the host Universities determine the students´ overall satisfaction. Multiple maps of relationships within variables were found demonstrating that students perceive as most important they develop academic and socio-cultural competences together with linguistic skills when studying abroad.
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    Learning effects of an international group competition project
    (Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 2015) Akpinar, Murat; Del Campo Campos, Cristina; Eryarsoy, Enes
    This study investigates the effects of collaboration and competition on students’ learning performance in a course of business statistics. The collaboration involved a simultaneously organised group competition project with analysis of real-life business problems among students. Students from the following schools participated: JAMK University of Applied Sciences in Finland, Universidad Complutense de Madrid in Spain, and Sabanci University in Turkey. The results support earlier literature on positive impacts of group collaboration on learning performance but deny any negative impacts of competition. It is also found out that learning performance may be influenced to a certain degree by cultural differences in perceptions towards collaboration and competition. Overall the international competition and the touch to real-life business problems stimulate students’ engagement and result in enhanced learning towards becoming ‘intelligent consumers of business statistics’.
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    Socio-economic factors determining the commitment to participate in an agricultural development project in rural Ethiopia
    (Revista Iberoamericana de Estudios de Desarrollo, 2017) Urquía Grande, Elena; Del Campo Campos, Cristina
    Ethiopia is suffering a massive exodus of rural people towards the capital. Thus, the Government is trying to support projects carried out to stimulate opportunities given to the agriculture sector. In this line a project has been designed, working together with a Non-Profit Organization (NPO). The present research paper analyses the factors which determine the farmers’ socio-economic, educational and nutrition commitments to design an assignment criterion in the frame of a rural development project in Ethiopia where all the families are surveyed. The donated wells are intended to make possible their access to safe water and the creation of a small vegetable garden with the final goal of improving their living standard. However, because the number of wells to donate was limited, it was crucial to identify assignment criteria to maximize the outcomes of the project. The selected families must help in the building of additional wells to other families and improving social status of the village through commitment to (i) return a percentage of exceeding crops for the community, (ii) assist to continuous training in agriculture, budgeting and nutrition and (iii) enroll their children in school. The article seeks to understand which socio-demographic and economic variables determine families’ different commitments. A descriptive analysis of the sample is made and different multivariate techniques are applied. Interesting results were observed such as women income, having an animal for transportation and owning a mobile, which are variables that determine these commitments.
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    Estereotipos y ética en la profesión auditora
    (Etic@net: revista científica electrónica de educación y comunicación en la sociedad del conocimiento, 2016) Camacho Miñano, Juana María Del Mar; Del Campo Campos, Cristina; Navallas Labat, Begoña
    El objetivo de este artículo es analizar las percepciones que los estudiantes universitarios del Grado de Administración y Dirección de Empresas, futuros profesionales contables y auditores, tienen sobre la ética empresarial y si esa percepción está condicionada por la imagen pública que tienen del auditor, medido a través de su estereotipo. Para conseguir nuestro objetivo, se realizó una encuesta anónima aprovechando la celebración de una mesa redonda sobre la ética en los negocios. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que no existe correlación entre los estereotipos que los alumnos tienen y su percepción ética sobre la profesión, aunque sí se encuentra diferencias de género en la percepción ética. Se requieren de futuros estudios, aumentando el tamaño de la muestra, para poder ratificar las conclusiones alcanzadas en este trabajo exploratorio.
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    Activating Generalized Fuzzy Implications from Galois Connections
    (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, 2015) Valverde-Albacete, Francisco J.; Peláez-Moreno, Carmen; Del Campo Campos, Cristina
    This paper deals with the relation between fuzzy implications and Galois connections, trying to raise the awareness that the fuzzy implications are indispensable to generalise Formal Concept Analysis. The concrete goal of the paper is to make evident that Galois connections, which are at the heart of some of the generalizations of Formal Concept Analysis, can be interpreted as fuzzy incidents. Thus knowledge processing, discovery, exploration and visualization as well as data mining are new research areas for fuzzy implications as they are areas where Formal Concept Analysis has a niche.
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    The role of creativity in entrepreneurship: an empirical study on business undergraduates
    (Education and Training, 2017) Camacho Miñano, María del Mar; Del Campo Campos, Cristina
    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to analyse the creativity level of business administration undergraduates who have attended an entrepreneurship seminar in contrast to those that have not. Design/methodology/approach – Using two samples of Spanish students, the factors that condition the creation of new start-ups are analysed. A survey following the creativity items from the Kirton Adaption-Innovation (KAI) inventory was employed for a start-up seminar students and a control sample. Non-parametric tests were carried out on the responses. Findings – The results show that Spanish business students’ entrepreneurial intentions are not conditioned by entrepreneurial courses, parental self-employment or by their creativity level. However, there are differences in creativity level by genders for their future ability to start-up a company. Practical implications – There are no external constraints on not being an entrepreneur, who plays a fundamental role in the future of a country and it is a way to reduce current youth unemployment rates. Social and educational implications are also presented. Originality/value – The use of the KAI inventory as a proxy of creativity index is original in the research. Moreover, this study contributes to a better understanding of the factors in becoming an entrepreneur, through exposure to creativity, growing up around businesses and awareness of individual creativity index. Integration of university courses with entrepreneurship actions will be of interest to the society development.
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    “Do you use English in your daily life?” Undergraduate students’ perceptions of their extramural use of English
    (Journal of Teaching in International Business, 2019) Avello Iturriagagoitia, María; Camacho Miñano, Juana María Del Mar; Urquía Grande, María Elena; Del Campo Campos, Cristina
    The aim of this research is to analyse the students’ perceptions about their extramural use of English, comparing undergraduates studying their degree in English (EMI) with those studying theirs in their native language (non-EMI) within a span of five academic years. Data collected from a Spanish University suggest that the students´s interest and perception of their possibilities of working abroad in English differ. Results also reveal key differences in the use of extramural English and suggest that exposure to reading books or watching English-language films will eventually contribute to the formation of global mindset in students. The trend of the importance of English during a five year span is also considered, for both strands of students. This study makes a contribution in the field of teaching in international business settings for high education institutions.
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    Useful interactive teaching tool for learning: clickers in higher education
    (Interactive Learning Environments, 2016) Camacho Miñano, María del Mar; Del Campo Campos, Cristina
    Many university lecturers are encouraged to implement innovative teaching tools and methodologies such as clickers in order to create an interactive learning environment and improve student learning, but its performance must be evaluated. The aim of this paper is to test empirically the impact of the use of clickers on students’ learning processes. The teaching experience applied to the subject of Financial Accounting is specifically described. The total sample size is 77 students from a Business Administration and Economics Degree, taught in English and in Spanish. The analysis, using multivariate techniques, of the questionnaire responses, students’ grades and a reflexive experience of the lecturer conclude that learning with clickers is effective. There is a positive relationship between grades and intrinsic motivation through clickers. Consequently, the students’ marks are related to its intrinsic motivation, feedback to understanding, students’ discussion and its negative aspects but not gender nor age.