Guijarro Ruano, Paloma

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Guijarro Ruano
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Filología Clásica
Filología Griega
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    À la recherche d’une langue poétique : les épigrammes préhellénistiques du Péloponnèse
    (Revue de philologie, de littérature et d'histoire anciennes, 2018) Guijarro Ruano, Paloma
    RÉSUMÉ : L’objectif de cette étude est d’examiner le contact linguistique qui se produit entre la tradition littéraire ionienne-épique et les dialectes doriens dans la poésie épigraphique péloponnésienne. L’analyse repose sur l’étude des inscriptions votives versifiées datées avant la diffusion de la koinè ionienne-attique (VIIe-IVe siècles av. J.-C.). L’examen de ce corpus nous amène à postuler qu’à la base de ces compositions se trouve une langue mêlée, qui constituait une tentative de création d’une langue poétique différenciée de la langue quotidienne. Mais contrairement à l’opinion la plus répandue, cette langue de compromis ne supprime pas les traits épichoriques. Ainsi, il s’avère que les caractéristiques poétiques héritées de l’épopée ne se justifient que par les contraintes métriques. Inversement, les traits épichoriques affleurent, même dans des contextes où ils altèrent la structure prosodique.
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    Greek lexicography and the designation of helotic-like populations in Ancient Greece: The history of three compounds
    (Studies in Greek Lexicography: in honor of John N. Kazazis, 2018) Guijarro Ruano, Paloma; Barrio Vega, María Luisa Del; Giannakis, Georgios K.; Charalambakis, Christoforos; Montanari, Franco; Rengakos, Antonios
    Slavery constitutes an old phenomenon inherent to Greek society from its origins onwards. Some terms attested for designating slaves in the first millennium are already employed in Linear B tablets, such as 'do-e-ro' and 'do-e-ra' for δοῦλος and δούλα (Attic δούλη), respectively. Contrary to the limited vocabulary for characterising free people, there exists a vast amount of specific terminology referred to slavery or to intermediate dependent statuses. Although many different allusions to slavery are to be found in the works of ancient authors, oddly enough we cannot find proper classifications of slaves regarding the available repertory of forms these authors had at their disposal. The first formal attempts of lexical arrangement aroused the interest of grammarians and lexicographers. Nonetheless, due to the historical gap between them and their sources, linguistic variants can be detected in their preserved works. This study focuses on the analysis of some of these lexical variants. Our objective is to trace back their lifeline in order to determine first the origins of the linguistic alterations and secondly to compare the different mechanisms that influenced later reinterpretations of them and confusion concerning the inherited terms. The research has been limited to the terminology that concerns the socalled helotic slavery type so as to update the inquiry in a well-defined area by compiling and analysing all the extant information.
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    Contactos interdialectales en las inscripciones métricas de Olimpia
    (Lingüística XL: el lingüista del siglo XXI, 2012) Guijarro Ruano, Paloma; Cabedo Nebot, Adrián; Infante Ríos, Patricia
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    The northern coast of the Aegean sea: a linguistic overview
    (Linguarum Varietas: An International Journal, 2019) Guijarro Ruano, Paloma; Benedetti, Marina; Bruno, Carla; Logozzo, Felicia; Tronci, Liana
    ABSTRACT: Recent archaeological and epigraphical surveys in the territory known as Aegean Thrace have brought to light new findings enhancing our knowledge in this area. New corpora of inscriptions, as well as prosopographical and onomastic studies, have been published in about the last 20 years. These contributions have boosted linguistic research on the different processes of language contact and acculturation that took place in this region. Additionally, further studies concerning Greek dialectology and the Thracian language have completed our previous understanding of the linguistic landscape of Aegean Thrace, but they have also challenged older tenets. Thus, this work attempts to provide an overall picture of the newly appeared linguistic evidence and an account of the linguistic approaches that this material has given rise to in modern scholarship.
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    De las «palabras aladas» a las «letras aladas»: el tratamiento de /w/ en las inscripciones métricas
    (E Barbatulis Puellisque: actas del II Congreso Nacional Ganimedes de investigadores noveles de Filología Clásica, 2016) Guijarro Ruano, Paloma; Movellán Luis, Mireia; Verano Liaño, Rodrigo
    RESUMEN: El objeto de este trabajo es estudiar la rentabilidad métrica de /w/ en las inscripciones en verso anteriores al siglo IV a.C. Puesto que se trata de textos influidos por la tradición jónico-épica, se toma como punto de partida la fórmula (ϝ)ἔπεα πτερό(ϝ)εντα en la que intervienen antiguas 'digammas' que por su carácter fluctuante podrían considerarse “letras aladas”. Tras examinar el comportamiento de *w en Homero, se analiza su tratamiento en las inscripciones en verso procedentes de diversas regiones cuyos respectivos dialectos conservan, al menos gráficamente, este fonema.
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    Project number: 42
    La Epigrafía griega y latina en la enseñanza de las materias de Filología Clásica: aplicación de nuevas metodologías y nuevas tecnologías (II)
    (2018) Barrio Vega, María Luisa Del; Del Barrio Vega, Felisa María De Fátima; Velázquez Soriano, María Isabel; Guijarro Ruano, Paloma; Montero Bermejo, Miriam; Alonso Déniz, Alcorac; Nieto Izquierdo, Enrique; Jerez Sánchez, Gonzalo; Checa Olmos, Alicia
    El proyecto PIMCD 2017/18-42 es continuación de dos proyectos anteriores, PIMCD 2011/12-314 y PIMCD 2016/17-5. Su finalidad es familiarizar a los alumnos con diversas cuestiones de la epigrafía griega y latina mediante una serie de unidades didácticas expuestas en un Seminario abierto, cuyas sesiones se celebran en la Facultad de Filología de la UCM.
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    Observaciones lingüísticas sobre algunas inscripciones métricas laconias
    (Artes ad humanitatem. I, Mitologia, pensament, literatura, lingüística, filologia i tradició clàssica a l’entorn del món grec, 2010) Guijarro Ruano, Paloma; Borrell Vidal, Esperança; Gómez Cardó, Pilar
    RESUMEN: La lengua que presentan las inscripciones métricas griegas goza de un carácter especial ya que son más permeables a la influencia de la poesía épica y elegíaca, tanto en su forma como en su contenido. De ahí que su lengua pueda ser literaria, dialectal o una combinación de ambas. En el presente trabajo pretendemos exponer las variantes lingüísticas que se reflejan en las inscripciones métricas laconias.
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    "IG" VII 53: an epigraphic "rara avis" in the corpus of Greek metrical inscriptions
    (Mare Nostrum: estudos sobre o Mediterrâneo Antigo, 2016) Guijarro Ruano, Paloma
    ABSTRACT: This paper aims to study the inscription published in "IG" VII 53 from a linguistic point of view. It consists of a prose section that includes an epigram dedicated to the Megarians fallen during the Persian Wars. The inscription was presumably composed in the fifth century BC, but the preserved text was not inscribed before the fourth century AD. After revisiting this text’s main scholarship, which has studied this inscription mainly from an archaeological, historical or literary approach, we apply a two-level linguistic analysis based on (a) the comparison of its linguistic data with epigraphical prose and other literary influences, and (b) the metrical constraints that could determine the choice between local and literary forms. As a complement to what current scholarship suggests, this methodological approach will allow us to distinguish to what extent it is possible to trace the original linguistic features of the earliest version of this epigram, as well as whether and how metrics contributed to preserve them.
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    La lengua de las inscripciones métricas del Peloponeso (siglos VII- IV a.C.)
    (2016) Guijarro Ruano, Paloma; Barrio Vega, María Luisa del; Alonso Déniz, Alcorac
    Many works deal with the study of Greek epigrams. These texts gather precious historical, religious and epigraphic content whose analysis has been addressed from a literary point of view. The degree of dependence of Hellenistic epigrams of earlier period epigrams are of great interest, as shown by recent and numerous papers on this matter (Harder et al . 1998; 2002; 2006; 2012; Bing and Bruss 2007; Baumbach et al. 2010). Another major line of research is focused on the origin of epigrams and their relation to elegy (Gentilli 1968; Passa 1998b) or to hexametric poetry and the oral-formulaic language inherited from Homeric tradition (di Tillio 1969; Moranti 1971, 1972; Gentili and Giannini 1977). Furthermore, other authors, such as Day (2010), have pointed out the significance of the performative and ritual nature of epigrams. Likewise, this field of study has undergone a renewal because of new papyrological findings enriching the existing epigram collection corpora. Compared to all these works, monographs and studies dedicated to the analysis of the language of the verse inscriptions are fewer. Many of them explore the linguistic differences between literary epigrams and those epigrams preserved by epigraphic means, as well as the degree of intervention of later tradition on such texts (Tiberi 1996, del Barrio Vega 2008; Kaczko 2009). The first exclusively linguistic reviews were published by the end of the 19th century (Wagner 1883; Fengler 1892), however, they are descriptive analyses lacking from an independent methodology. Kock(1910) was the first researcher who systematized and suggested a linguistic hypothesis and upheld the use of epichoric dialects by poets. His theory was supported by adepts such as Kretschmer (1913; 1915) although some discordant voices appeared soon, such as Buck (1923) who denied the existence of a linguistic standard and endorsed the importance of the Ionic model over the epichoric one. Traditionally, Greek language manuals point out the significance of the Ionic model and accept the adaptation of Homeric language to epichoric dialect. The study of verse inscription language was not systematically resumed until Mickey's publications (1981a; 1981b). According to this researcher, epigraphic poetry consists of a tempered version of the epichoric dialect where the dialect-characteristic features are avoided. Following the same line but with some differences, Alonso Déniz and Nieto Izquierdo (2009) conclude that the most distinctive features of Argolic are not avoided, at least at the metrical inscriptions from Argolid...
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    La lengua de las inscripciones métricas laconias anteriores al 400 a.C.
    (Cuadernos de Filología Clásica. Estudios griegos e indoeuropeos, 2015) Guijarro Ruano, Paloma
    RESUMEN: En este trabajo se analiza la lengua que presentan las inscripciones laconias en verso anteriores al ca. 400 a.C. Nuestro objetivo es determinar si en estos textos se reproduce fundamentalmente el modelo jónico o si, por el contrario, se emplea el dialecto local. Tras examinar los rasgos dialectales que comparten los epigramas laconios con las inscripciones en prosa de la misma región, por un lado, y con el dialecto épico, por otro, llegamos a la conclusión de que, contrariamente a la opinión extendida, la poesía epigráfica laconia se compone en dialecto epicórico y que no evita los rasgos locales más marcados de este.