Cuadra Blanco, Crótida De La

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Crótida De La
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Cuadra Blanco
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Anatomía y Embriología
Anatomía y Embriología Humana
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 5 of 5
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    Project number: 144
    Elaboración de modelos anatómicos y embriológicos mediante la impresión 3D
    (2016) Arráez Aybar, Luis Alfonso; Barrio Asensio, María Del Carmen; Cabrera Parra, Walter; Cuadra Blanco, Crótida De La; Río Sevilla, Aurora Del; García Gómez, Susana; Herrera Lara, Manuel Eugenio; Maestro De Las Casas, María Del Carmen; Martínez Álvarez, María Concepción; Mérida Velasco, José Ramón; Murillo González, Jorge Alfonso; Naredo Sánchez, Esperanza; Quirós Terrón, Luis; Pérez De Miguelsanz, María Juliana
    La impresión 3D es un enfoque innovador en la docencia anatómica que puede proporcionar a los alumnos un material didáctico casi idéntico a la pieza embalsamada mitigando muchas de las múltiples controversias existentes en torno a la Disección
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    Development of the long head of the biceps brachial tendon: A possible explanation of the anatomical variations
    (Annals of Anatomy, 2018) Minuesa-Asensio, Alvaro; Murillo González, Jorge Alfonso; Cuadra Blanco, Crótida De La; Arráez Aybar, Luis Alfonso; Herrera Lara, Manuel Eugenio; Mérida Velasco, José Ramón
    The anatomical variations of the proximal portion of the long head of the biceps brachii tendon (LHBT) are rarely observed in clinical practice. However, an increase in the rate of shoulder arthroscopic surgery has led to an increase in the observation of anatomical variations of this region. The aim of this work was to analyze the development of the LHBT in 23 human embryos ranging from the 6th to 8th weeks of development. The LHBT develops from the glenohumeral interzonal mesenchyme in the 6th week. By week 7, the myotendinous junction of the LHBT develops. The anlage of the LHBT is separated from that of the glenohumeral capsule during week 8. Our results suggest that the most important period for the LHBT development occurs between the 6th and 8th weeks of embryonic development. Alterations during this critical period may cause anatomical variations of the LHBT. An additional case report from our own experience is provided as Supplementary material.
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    Development of the Platysma Muscle and the Superficial Musculoaponeurotic System (Human Specimens at 8–17 Weeks of Development)
    (Scientific World Journal, 2013) Cuadra Blanco, Crótida De La; Peces Peña, María Dolores; Carvallo de Moraes, L. O.; Herrera Lara, Manuel Eugenio; Mérida Velasco, José Ramón
    There is controversy regarding the description of the different regions of the face of the superficial musculoaponeurotic system (SMAS) and its relationship with the superficial mimetic muscles. The purpose of this study is to analyze the development of the platysma muscle and the SMAS in human specimens at 8–17 weeks of development using an optical microscope. Furthermore, we propose to study the relationship of the anlage of the SMAS and the neighbouring superficial mimetic muscles. The facial musculature derives from the mesenchyme of the second arch and migrates towards the different regions of the face while forming premuscular laminae. During the 8th week of development, the cervical, infraorbital, mandibular, and temporal laminae are observed to be on the same plane. The platysma muscle derives from the cervical lamina and its mandibular extension enclosing the lower part of the parotid region and the cheek, while the SMAS derives from the upper region. During the period of development analyzed in this study, we have observed no continuity between the anlage of the SMAS and that of the superficial layer of the temporal fascia and the zygomaticus major muscle. Nor have we observed any structure similar to the SMAS in the labial region.
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    Development of the Human Biceps Brachii Tendon and Coracoglenoid Ligament (7th-12th Week of Development)
    (Cells Tissues Organs, 2017) Cuadra Blanco, Crótida De La; Arráez Aybar, Luis Alfonso; Murillo González, Jorge Alfonso; Herrera Lara, Manuel Eugenio; Mérida Velasco, José Ramón
    The goal of this study is to clarify the development of the long head of the biceps brachii tendon (LHBT) and to verify the existence and development of the coracoglenoid ligament. Histological preparations of 22 human embryos (7-8 weeks of development) and 43 human fetuses (9-12 weeks of development) were studied bilaterally using a conventional optical microscope. The articular interzone gives rise to the LHBT, glenoid labrum, and articular capsule. During the fetal period, it was observed that in 50 cases (58%), the LHBT originated from both the glenoid labrum and the scapula, while in 36 cases (42%), it originated only from the glenoid labrum. The coracoglenoid ligament, first described by Sappey in 1867, is a constant structure that originates at the base of the coracoid process and projects toward the glenoid labrum zone, which is related to the origin of the LHBT. The coracoglenoid ligament was more easily identifiable in the 36 cases in which the LHBT originated only from the glenoid labrum. We suggest that the coracoglenoid ligament is a constant anatomical structure, is not derived from the articular interzone unlike the LHBT, and contributes to the fixation of the glenoid labrum in the scapula in cases in which the LHBT originated only from the glenoid labrum. We postulate that, when the LHBT is fixed only at the glenoid labrum, alterations in the coracoglenoid ligament could lead to a less sufficient attachment of the glenoid labrum to the scapula which could predispose to a superior labral lesion.
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    Project number: 79
    Programación infográfica para la representación de los huesos y articulaciones del miembro inferior
    (2021) Martínez Sanz, Elena; Murillo González, Jorge Alfonso; Arráez Aybar, Luis Alfonso; Barrio Asensio, María Del Carmen; Herrera Lara, Manuel Eugenio; Cabrera Parra, Walter; Dorado Fernández, Enrique; Maldonado Bautista, Estela; Mérida Velasco, José Ramón; Catón Vázquez, Francisco Javier; Cuadra Blanco, Crótida De La; García Gómez, Susana; Becerro De Bengoa Vallejo, Ricardo
    Desarrollo de una infografía con los huesos y articulaciones del miembro inferior para mejorar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en la docencia de la anatomía topográfica de estas estructuras a través del campus virtual (Grados de CC. de la Salud).