Martínez Alberquilla, Irene

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Martínez Alberquilla
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Óptica y Optometría
Optometría y Visión
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 10
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    Refractive surgery after deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty: a review of the literature
    (International Ophthalmology, 2022) Alfonso Bartolozzi, Belén; Martínez Alberquilla, Irene; Baamonde Arbaiza, Begoña; Fernández Vega-Cueto, Luis; Alfonso Sánchez, José F.; Madrid Costa, David
    Purpose:The main objective of this work is to present an updated review of the different surgical procedures for the correction of residual refractive errors following deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty (DALK) surgery. Methods: A review of the literature was conducted using PubMed, Web of Science, and Scopus databases. The search was conducted in January 2022 and was limited to articles published in peer-reviewed journals. The information extracted from each publication included sample size, mean follow-up time, pre- and post-operative uncorrected (UDVA) and corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA), pre- and post-operative refraction and spherical equivalent (SE), safety and efficacy indexes and complications. Results: Residual ametropias, mainly high astigmatism and myopia, and the resulting anisometropia are likely to occur following DALK. They become a limiting factor and may lead to unsatisfactory visual restoration, therefore affecting patients’ quality of vision and life. Alternative surgical interventions may be required to treat this residual ametropia, such as corneal refractive surgery or intraocular lens implantation. A total of 47 relevant articles were studied in detail. Different refractive surgery techniques have been shown to be effective and safe for the correction of ametropia following the DALK procedure and to improve the patient’s quality of vision, although more research is needed to confirm long-term results. Conclusion: The final refractive technique will depend on different factors, such as the amount of ametropia, the condition of the cornea or the patient’s individual needs, economics, and occupational demands.
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    Impact of contact lens wear on NLRP3 gene expression: Implications for ocular frailty in middle-aged adults
    (Experimental Eye Research, 2020) Crooke Álvarez, Almudena; Martínez Alberquilla, Irene; García Montero, María; Rico Del Viejo, Laura; Ruiz Alcocer, Javier; Madrid Costa, David
    The inflammatory process plays a crucial role in frailty syndrome, which can appear in middle age and is associated with a poor health outcome. Consequently, gerontologists recommend screening inflammatory biomarkers in middle-aged adults to detect frailty and, therefore, prevent chronic diseases and mortality. External factors could be a risk factor for frailty because they can generate and extend the inflammatory process. For these reasons, we analysed the effect of long-term contact lens wear on mRNA level of genes linked to inflammation (IL-6, NLRP3, NK1R, CD73, MUC16 and TRPV1 genes) in conjunctival cells of middle-aged individuals, by quantitative PCR. Middle-aged contact lens wearers presented a significant increase of NLRP3 and MUC16 mRNA level as well as a decrease of CD73 mRNA level, in comparison with non-contact lens wearers. Additionally, we checked for a potential correlation between these transcript levels and clinical changes of the participants’ ocular surface. Unlike molecular analysis, clinical examination fails to detect inflammation in contact lens wearers. These data suggest that long-term contact lens wear could trigger an inflammatory response in middle age orchestrated by NLRP3 inflammasome and modulated by CD73 and MUC16 proteins. Further studies are needed to confirm our gene expression findings at the protein level as well as to investigate the potential role of long-term CL wear in the onset of ocular frailty.
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    Project number: 202
    Aplicación de un programa informatizado para emitir informes clínicos en la asignatura de Clínica Optométrica I
    (2019) García Montero, María; Hernández Verdejo, José Luis; Madrid Costa, David; Gómez Sanz, Fernando Javier; Lorente Velázquez, Amalia; Rico Del Viejo, Laura; Martínez Alberquilla, Irene
    El objetivo es optimizar el uso de un programa informático de registro y almacenamiento de datos clínicos y la creación de una nueva herramienta para generar informes clínicos. Los informes clínicos forman parte de la evaluación del alumno.
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    Visual function, ocular surface integrity and symptomatology of a new extended depth-of-focus and a conventional multifocal contact lens
    (Contact Lens and Anterior Eye, 2020) Martínez Alberquilla, Irene; García Montero, María; Ruiz Alcocer, Javier; Crooke Álvarez, Almudena; Madrid Costa, David
    Purpose: To evaluate visual function, ocular surface integrity and dry eye symptoms with an extended depth-of-focus (EDOF) design and a conventional multifocal (MF) contact lens (CL) after 15 days of wear. Methods: A crossover single mask randomised clinical trial was conducted including 30 presbyopes who used an EDOF and a conventional MF CL (Biofinity MF) for 15 days each. Defocus curves, depth-of-focus range, contrast sensitivity (CS) under photopic and mesopic conditions (with and without glare) and subjective perception of halos and glare were evaluated. The ocular surface was evaluated through non-invasive Keratograph tear breakup time (NIKBUT), averaged tear breakup time (NIKBUT-avg), tear meniscus height (TMH), bulbar and limbal redness, and conjunctival and corneal staining. Dry eye symptoms were assessed with the OSDI questionnaire. Results: No statistically significant differences were found for defocus curves or depth-of-focus between the two CLs (both p > 0.05). Subjective perception of halos and glare was not significantly different between CLs. Statistically significant differences were observed for CS under mesopic conditions for low spatial frequencies (p = 0.008). None of the CL produced significant changes in NIKBUT, NIKBUT-avg, TMH or redness. No change in conjunctival staining was observed in 76.7 % and 73.3 % of participants for EDOF and Biofinity MF, respectively. No change in corneal staining was observed in 86.7 % and 83.3 % of participants for EDOF and Biofinity MF, respectively. No changes were observed in the symptomatology measured with OSDI questionnaire (p > 0.05). Conclusions: Both CL for presbyopia offer good visual quality, preserve the ocular surface integrity and provide the patient with similar symptomatology levels after 15 days of lens wear.
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    Ocular Surface Temperature in DED under Natural Non-Controlled Blinking Conditions
    (Applied Sciences, 2022) Rico del Viejo, Laura; Llorens Quintana, Clara; Martínez Alberquilla, Irene; Madrid Costa, David; García Montero, María
    Infrared (IR) thermography is a tool to non-invasively assess the tear film temperature. The aim was to analyze ocular surface temperature (OST) variations in dry eye disease (DED) and control eyes under natural non-controlled blinking conditions. Imaging was performed with a thermal camera (FLIR Systems Inc.) at 30 Hz framerate in 79 participants (39 DED (62.5% women, average age 48 ± 20 years) and 40 control (46.2 % women, average age 38 ± 13 years)) using non-contact IR thermography camera. Data acquisitions were performed in natural blinking conditions for 40 s. IR images were analyzed using a custom algorithm that calculates the OST indexes: mean OST, OST at the start and at the end, minimum and maximum OST, and tear evaporation rate (TER). No significant differences were found between groups in any thermal parameter analyzed (paired comparisons t-test, p > 0.05). In conclusion, the findings of this study did not reveal significant differences between DED and control eyes under natural non-controlled blinking conditions. However, the presence of clinical signs in the control group may affect the results, highlighting the role of DED diagnosis criteria.
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    PhDAY 2020 -FOO (Facultad de Óptica y Optometría)
    (2020) Pintor Just, Jesús Jerónimo; Carpena Torres, Carlos; Peral Cerda, María Asunción; Pérez de Lara, María Jesús; Toral, Fernando; Crooke Álvarez, Almudena; Pastrana Robles, Cristina; Carracedo Rodríguez, Juan Gonzalo; Cayuela López, Ana; Sorzano Sánchez, Óscar; Charbel, Carla; Garzón Jiménez, Nuria; Carballo Álvarez, Jesús; Diz Arias, Elena; Fernández Jiménez, Elena; Lledó Mayans, Victoria Eugenia; Gómez Pedrero, José Antonio; Durán Prieto, Elena; López Alonso, José Manuel; Fernández Torres, Miguel Ángel; Guzmán Aránguez, Ana Isabel; Gómez Manzanares, Ángela; Vázquez Molini, Daniel; Martínez Antón, Juan Carlos; Bernárdez Vilaboa, Ricardo; Mayorga Pinilla, Santiago; Álvarez Fernández-Balbuena, Antonio; Benítez, AntoJ.; Igalla El-Youssfi, Asmae; León Álvarez, Alejandro; Palomo Álvarez, Catalina; Awad Alkozi, Hanan; Sánchez Naves, Juan; Martínez Alberquilla, Irene; García Montero, María; Ruiz Alcocer, Javier; Madrid Costa, David; Martínez Florentín, Gema; Papas, Eric B.; Medrano Muñoz, Sandra Milena; Molina, Nancy; Jurado, Sandra; Oliveiros López, Juan; Platero Alvarado, Nadiuska Cristine; Garrido Mercado, Rafaela; Pérez Garmendia, Carlos; Antona Peñalba, Beatriz; Barrio De Santos, Ana Rosa; González Pérez, Mariano; Pérez Garmendia, Carlos; Serramito Blanco, María; Privado Aroco, Ana; Almalki, Wael; Bodas Romero, Julia; Ouzzani, Mohamed; Paune, Jaume; Calderón García, Raquel; Pitarch Velasco, Aída; Cebrián, José Luis; Sánchez Pérez, María Isabel; García Rojo, Marta María; Bonnin Arias, Cristina Natalia; Sánchez Ramos, Celia; Gutiérrez Jorrín, Sara Carmen; Rodríguez Alonso, Xabier; Laucirica Sáenz, Gorka; Arranz Márquez, Esther; Alonso Castellanos, Miriam; Teus Guezala, Miguel Ángel; Hernández Verdejo, José Luis; Mármol Errasti, Esther; Martín García, Beatriz; Arriola Villalobos, Pedro; Gómez De Liaño Sánchez, María Rosario; Mínguez Caro, N; Orduña Azcona, Javier; Navarro Gil, Francisco Javier; Huete Toral, Fernando; Rodríguez Pomar, Candela; Martínez Águila, Alejandro; Martín Gil, Alba; Tomé de la Torre, Miguel Ángel
    Por cuarto año consecutivo los doctorandos de la Facultad de Óptica y Optometría de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid cuentan con un congreso propio organizado por y para ellos, el 4º PhDAY- FOO. Se trata de un congreso gratuito abierto en la que estos jóvenes científicos podrán presentar sus investigaciones al resto de sus compañeros predoctorales y a toda la comunidad universitaria que quiera disfrutar de este evento. Apunta en tu agenda: el 15 de octubre de 2020. En esta ocasión será un Congreso On-line para evitar que la incertidumbre asociada a la pandemia Covid-19 pudiera condicionar su celebración.
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    Presbyopia: An outstanding and global opportunity for early detection of pre-frailty and frailty states
    (Frontiers in Medicine, 2022) Crooke Álvarez, Almudena; Martínez Alberquilla, Irene; Madrid Costa, David; Ruiz Alcocer, Javier
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    Repeatability of Noninvasive Keratograph 5M Measurements Associated With Contact Lens Wear
    (Eye & Contact lens, 2019) García Montero, María; Rico del Viejo, Laura; Lorente Velázquez, Amalia; Martínez Alberquilla, Irene; Hernández Verdejo, José Luis; Madrid Costa, David
    Objetive: To assess the intrarater repeatability of the measurements of tear meniscus height (TMH), noninvasive keratograph tear break-up time (NIKBUTs), and ocular redness measurements obtained with the Keratograph 5M (K5M) in a sample of soft silicone hydrogel contact lens (CL) wearers over 15 days. Methods: Prospective study over two consecutive weeks. Three measurements of TMH, NIKBUTs (NIKBUT first and NIKBUT average), and ocular redness were obtained in different sessions; the first day (baseline, at 8 hr of wear, and after lens removal) and the last day of wear-15th day (at 8 hr of wear and after lens removal). The repeatability of measurements were assessed by two intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) forms; single measurement [ICC (2,1)] and multiple measurements (k=3) [ICC (2, k)]. Results: Sixty-four eyes were analyzed. The repeatability of baseline TMH [ICC (2,1) greater than 0.90; coefficient of repeatability (CR)=0.06 mm] and after and during CL wear [ICC (2,k) greater than 0.90; CR≤0.07 mm] were excellent. The repeatability of baseline NIKBUT average [ICC (2,k)=0.89 (0.82-0.93); CR=6.07 sec] was maintained after CL removal but was poorer during CL wear. The repeatability of baseline NIKBUT first [ICC (2,k) =0.80 (0.69-0.87); CR=8.74 sec] was maintained after CL removal and during CL wear at moderate-good level. Conclusions: Intrarater repeatability of TMH, NIKBUTs, and ocular redness performed by K5M after CL wear remains stable when three measurements are performed. However, intrarater repeatability during CL wear decreased only for NIKBUT average and was not affected by time of use (15 days).
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    Effects of Blink Rate on Tear Film Optical Quality Dynamics with Different Soft Contact Lenses
    (Journal of Ophthalmology, 2019) García Montero, María; Rico del Viejo, Laura; Martínez Alberquilla, Irene; Hernández Verdejo, José Luis; Lorente Velázquez, Amalia; Madrid Costa, David
    Objective. The aim of this study was to investigate tear film optical quality dynamics for four types of silicone hydrogel contact lenses (SHCLs) for daily wear over a 15-day period and for different blink rate (BR) patterns. Methods. A prospective randomized, double-blind, cross-over pilot study including four SHCLs (A: lotrafilcon B (Air Optix plus HydraGlyde, Alcon Laboratories); B: samfilcon A (Ultra, Bausch & Lomb); C: comfilcon A (Biofinity, CooperVision); and D: filcom V3 (Blu:gen, Mark’Ennovy)). Serial measurements of Objective Scatter Index (OSI) using the HD Analyzer (Visiometrics S.L., Terrassa, Spain) were taken at different blinking patterns: blinking every 2.5 seconds (high BRs) and every 9 seconds (low BRs). They were performed during the first visit before CL insertion (baseline), after 20 minutes of CL wear (Day 1), and during the last visit after 8 hours of CL wear on day 15 of use (Day 15). Results. Normal young healthy subjects were recruited and fitted with the four lenses. For low BRs, the mean OSI value increased over time for all CLs and the slope of the curve also increased for all CLs, except for CL D. However, for high BRs, the mean OSI value increased only for CLs B and C and the slope of the curve did not change over time for any of them. Conclusions. These results suggest that the tear film optical quality dynamics after wearing SCHLs for 15 days seems to undergo a slight deterioration only for lowest BR.
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    Triple Procedure: A Stepwise Combination of Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty and Cataract Surgery
    (Córnea, 2023) Alfonso Bartolozzi, Belén; Fernández Vega Cueto, Luis; Fernández-Vega, Luis; Martínez Alberquilla, Irene; Madrid Costa, David; Alfonso, José F.
    Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate clinical outcomes of the combined surgery (triple procedure) of deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty (DALK), phacoemulsification, and intraocular lens (IOL) implantation using a new surgical strategy. Methods: The study included 43 eyes of 43 patients who underwent a triple procedure. Twenty-six eyes with good visibility through the cornea underwent phacoemulsification before the stromal dissection. Seventeen eyes with bad visibility underwent the DALK procedure first until achieving enough visibility to perform the lensectomy. IOL power calculation was performed for a postoperative estimated flat keratometry of 43.5 and aiming to avoid hyperopic postoperative refraction. The postoperative visual examination included uncorrected and corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA) measurements and manifest refraction. Results: The mean follow-up time after suture removal was 3.06 ± 2.14 years. Mean CDVA significantly changed from 0.86 ± 0.56 logMAR preoperatively to 0.37 ± 0.28 logMAR in the last visit (P < 0.0001). The percentage of eyes with CDVA ≤0.3 logMAR changed from 6.9% preoperatively to 62.8%. No eyes lost lines of vision after surgery, and 80% experienced an improvement of 2 or more lines. The safety index was 2.2. The mean postoperative refractive sphere was +0.13 ± 2.04 D, and the postoperative refractive cylinder was -4.02 ± 2.24 D. Only 2 cases (4.65%) obtained postoperative hyperopic astigmatism. No intraoperative complications were found. Conclusions: Combined surgery of DALK, phacoemulsification, and IOL implantation is an effective and safe procedure. Depending on the corneal transparency, different surgical strategies can be established to provide more efficacy and safety.