Olmeda García, Ángeles Sonia

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First Name
Ángeles Sonia
Last Name
Olmeda García
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Sanidad Animal
Sanidad Animal
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    Germacrone Derivatives as new Insecticidal and Acaricidal Compounds: A Structure-Activity Relationship
    (Molecules, 2019) Galisteo Pretel, Alberto; Pérez del Pulgar, Helena; Guerrero de León, Estela; López-Pérez, José Luis; Olmeda García, Ángeles Sonia; Gonzalez-Coloma, Azucena; F. Barrero, Alejandro; Quílez del Moral, José Francisco
    Currently, the use of synthetic pesticides is the main method of plant protection applied in agri- and horticulture. However, its excessive use leads to the development of pesticide resistance, a contamination of the environment, toxicity to non-target organisms, and risks for human health. With the ultimate aim of contributing to the develop of a more sustainable pest management, we used the natural product germacrone (compound 1), reported to possess significant insecticidal activity, as starting material for the generation of molecular diversity (2–24). Some of the generated derivatives are natural compounds, such as 1,10-epoxygermacrone (2), 4,5-epoxygermacrone (3), gajutsulactone A (7), germacrol (11), isogermacrone (14), 9-hydroxyeudesma-3,7(11)dien-6-one (19), eudesma-4,7(11),dien-8-one (20), eudesma-3,7(11)-dien-8-one (21) and eudesma-4(15),7(11)-dien-8-one (22). Compounds, 7,11-9,10-diepoxigermacr-4,5-en-8-ol (17), 7,11-epoxieudesma-4,7(11)-dien-8-one (23) and 7,11-epoxieudesma-3,7(11)-dien-8-one (24) are described for the first time. The biocidal activity of most of these compounds was assayed against the tick Hyalomma lusitanicum. The acaricidal effects of compound 24 were four times higher than that of germacrone (1). Compound 2 is an insect antifeedant a thousand times more potent than germacrone against Rhopalosiphum padi, which makes this substance a promising selective antifeedant against this cereal pest.
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    Antiparasitic Properties of Cantharidin and the Blister Beetle Berberomeloe majalis (Coleoptera: Meloidae)
    (Toxins, 2019) Whitman, Douglas W.; Andrés, Maria Fe; Martínez Díaz, Rafael A; Ibáñez Escribano, Alexandra; Olmeda García, Ángeles Sonia; Gonzalez-Coloma, Azucena
    Cantharidin (CTD) is a toxic monoterpene produced by blister beetles (Fam. Meloidae) as a chemical defense against predators. Although CTD is highly poisonous to many predator species, some have evolved the ability to feed on poisonous Meloidae, or otherwise beneficially use blister beetles. Great Bustards, Otis tarda, eat CTD-containing Berberomeloe majalis blister beetles, and it has been hypothesized that beetle consumption by these birds reduces parasite load (a case of self-medication). We examined this hypothesis by testing diverse organisms against CTD and extracts of B. majalis hemolymph and bodies. Our results show that all three preparations (CTD and extracts of B. majalis) were toxic to a protozoan (Trichomonas vaginalis), a nematode (Meloidogyne javanica), two insects (Myzus persicae and Rhopalosiphum padi) and a tick (Hyalomma lusitanicum). This not only supports the anti-parasitic hypothesis for beetle consumption, but suggests potential new roles for CTD, under certain conditions.
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    Project number: 56
    Parásitos en movimiento: Videoteca docente
    (2023) Gómez Muñoz, María Teresa; Montoya Matute, Ana; Olmeda García, Ángeles Sonia; Juan Ferré, Lucía De; Azami Conesa, Iris; Barrera Martín, Juan Pedro; Carbonell Bonelo, Juan David; Hurtado Corral, Izaskum; Valcárcel Sancho, Félix; Meana Mañes, María Aranzazu
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    Transmisión experimental de Dipetalonema dracunculoides (Cobbold 1870) por Riphicephalus sanguineus (Latreille 1806)
    (2002) Olmeda García, Ángeles Sonia; Rodríguez Rodríguez, José Alberto
    Se demuestra por priemra vez la transmisión experimental de la filaria Dipetalonema dracunculoides (Cobbold, 1870) por la garrapata marrón del perro Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Latreille, 1806) de un perro infectado a perros no parasitados. El período de prepatencia es de 69 a 76 días. Se estudia la morfología de las microfilarias hemáticas y de los diferentes estadios del nematodo fuera del hospedador vertebrado (microfilarias estadio I, II y III), así como su desarrollo en las diferentes fases del ciclo biológico en el vector. Se aportan datos sobre la biología de Rhipicephalus sanguineus mantenida en condiciones de laboratorio durantes 6 generaciones
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    Acaricidal and Repellent Effects of Essential Oils against Ticks: A Review
    (Pathogens, 2021) Selles, Sidi Mohammed Ammar; Kouidri, Mokhtaria; González, Marta G.; González, Julia; Sánchez, María; González Coloma, Azucena; Sanchis, Jaime; Elhachimi, Latifa; Olmeda García, Ángeles Sonia; Tercero, José Maria; Valcárcel, Félix
    Tick control is a priority in order to prevent the transmission of vector-borne diseases. Industrial chemical acaricides and repellents have been the most efficient tools against hard ticks for a long time. However, the appearance of resistances has meant the declining effectiveness of the chemicals available on the market. The trend today is to develop alternative control methods using natural products to replace nonefficient pesticides and to preserve the efficient ones, hoping to delay resistance development. Traditional in vitro evaluation of acaricidal activity or resistance to synthetic pesticides have been reviewed and they mainly focus on just one species, the one host tick (Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus (Acari: Ixodidae)). Recent reports have called for the standardization of natural product components, extraction techniques, and experimental design to fully discover their acaricidal potential. This study reviews the main variables used in the bibliography about the efficiency of natural products against ticks, and it proposes a unification of variables relating to ticks, practical development of bioassays, and estimation of ixodicidal activity.
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    Influence of environmental temperature and humidity on questing ticks in central Spain
    (Experimental and Applied Acarology, 2017) Requena García, F.; Cabrero Sañudo, Francisco José; Olmeda García, Ángeles Sonia; González, Julia; Valcárcel, F.
    Ticks are important ectoparasites and vectors of the pathogens that cause disease in humans and animals. At a natural reserve in Ciudad Real (Spain), an uncontrollable infestation of wild animals with Hyalomma lusitanicum (Koch) has been reported by some game reserve owners. Many questions about distribution, abundance, and phenology of this tick in this area remain unanswered. The aim of this study was to determine if temperature and relative humidity affect the questing tick’s activity in four species of ticks in a mesoMediterranean area, especially that of H. lusitanicum. Data for tick populations in six selected sampling sites every month, between January 2007 and December 2013 were used. Temperature and humidity values (ground and environmental) were recorded. The sampling effort, the similarity between sites, and the phenology of the species were analyzed. Effects of environmental variables on tick’s activity were assessed by general linear models (GLM) whereas the comparative importance of variables was measured by hierarchical variance partitioning. Hyalomma lusitanicum represented 96.3% of the four species of ticks collected. Spring and summer months presented a higher activity of ticks, than autumn and winter months. In general, humidity variables were negatively related to the activity of ticks, whereas temperature variables were positively related. Our results suggest that the highest activity in the area is produced by biological characteristics of H. lusitanicum; being temperature and humidity the most important environmental factors influencing the abundance of this species in the region.
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    Project number: 249
    Desarrollo de unidades audiovisuales para veterinarios: control de enfermedades de abejas
    (2014) Meana Mañes, María Aranzazu; LLorens Picher, Miguel; Olmeda García, Ángeles Sonia; Cutuli Simón, María Teresa
    El objetivo ha sido el diseño de Unidades Docentes audiovisuales para enseñar de una manera directa y práctica las competencias necesarias para poder realizar el diagnóstico de campo y de laboratorio de las enfermedades de las abejas. Se han realizado, editado y producido tres vídeos que están siendo utilizados en asignaturas del Grado en Veterinaria y Máster de Sanidad y Producción Animal.
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    Project number: 376
    Creación de un entorno de enseñanza online para los programas de posgrado
    (2016) Lorenzo González, Pedro Luis; Fernández Álvarez, Manuela; Olmeda García, Ángeles Sonia; Serres Dalmau, María Consolacion; Gutiérrez Cepeda, Luna; Manzano Barea, Elena
    En este proyecto se ha conseguido modernizar, a través de las diferentes labores y actividades desarrolladas, las herramientas de aprendizaje a través del uso de medios en formato online que facilitan la comprensión y adquisición de conocimientos. Se ha logrado introducir un método alternativo a la enseñanza tradicional, basado en el aprendizaje online con apoyo de material fácilmente accesible en web, lo que da la oportunidad a los estudiantes, antiguos alumnos y profesorado de mejorar sus conocimientos, mantenerse actualizados y administrarse sus tiempos de trabajo y estudio. Las herramientas utilizadas han logrado incrementar el número de alumnos matriculados. Este curso académico 2016-2017, el título propio de Experto en Bases de la Fisioterapia y Rehabilitación Animal, cuenta con el mayor número de matriculaciones desde su inicio en 2012. Además, se ha incrementado el acceso de alumnos extranjeros comunitarios y extracomunitarios, lo que demuestra el alcance de las labores realizadas. Se ha logrado crear una herramienta que favorece la cooperación interdisciplinar en el intercambio de conocimientos entre los diferentes programas de formación de posgrado y entre las diferentes ediciones de los mismos. Se han creado herramientas que han facilitado el uso del inglés así como las interpelaciones de los alumnos entre si y con los diferentes profesores de la formación solventando las barreras geográficas y creando una comunidad formativa e interactiva de gran utilidad.
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    Comparative Ecology of Hyalomma lusitanicum and Hyalomma marginatum Koch, 1844 (Acarina: Ixodidae)
    (Insects, 2020) Valcárcel, Félix; González, Julia; González, Marta G.; Sánchez, María; Tercero, José María; Elhachimi, Latifa; Carbonell Bonelo, Juan David; Olmeda García, Ángeles Sonia
    The genus Hyalomma belongs to the Ixodidae family and includes many tick species. Most species in this genus are African species, but two of them, Hyalomma lusitanicum and Hyalomma marginatum, are also found in Europe and, owing to their morphological similarity, it is very difficult to tell them apart. This is a major concern because their phenology and vector capacities are quite different. Moreover, they share many habitats and both are currently spreading to new areas, probably due to climate change and animal/human movements. In this study, we review the described ecology of the two species and provide further interesting data on H. lusitanicum based on the authors’ experience, which could be useful in assessing the risk they pose to humans and animals.
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    Novel Insect Antifeedant and Ixodicidal Nootkatone Derivatives
    (Biomolecules, 2019) Galisteo Pretel, Alberto; Pérez del Pulgar, Helena; Olmeda García, Ángeles Sonia; Gonzalez-Coloma, Azucena; Barrero, Alejandro F.; Quílez del Moral, José Francisco
    Naturally occurring nootkatone, with reported insecticidal and acaricidal properties, has been used as a lead to generate molecular diversity and, consequently, new insect antifeedant and ixodicidal compounds. A total of 22 derivatives were generated by subjecting this molecule to several reactions including dehydrogenation with the iodine/DMSO system, oxidation with SeO2, epoxidation with mCPBA, oxidation or carbon homologations of the α-carbonyl position with TMSOTf (trimethylsilyl trifluoromethanesulfonate) followed by Rubottom and Dess Martin periodane oxidations, condensation with formaldehyde using Yb(OTf)3 as catalyst and dehydroxilation using the Grieco protocol. The insect antifeedant (against Myzus persicae and Ropaloshysum padi) and ixodicidal (against the tick Hyalomma lusitanicum) activities of these compounds were tested. Compound 20 was the most active substance against M. persicae and R. padi, and twice more efficient than nootkatone in the antitick test.