Martínez Sainz, María Del Pilar

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First Name
María Del Pilar
Last Name
Martínez Sainz
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Anatomía y Embriología
Anatomía y Anatomía Patológica Comparadas
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Search Results

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    Bladder Dysfunction in an Obese Zucker Rat: The Role of TRPA1 Channels, Oxidative Stress, and Hydrogen Sulfide
    (2019) Blaha, Igor; López-Oliva Muñoz, María Elvira; Martínez Sainz, María Del Pilar; Recio Visedo, María Paz; Agis Torres, Ángel; Martínez Gómez, Ana Cristina; Benedito Castellote, Sara; García Sacristán, Albino; Leite Fernandes, Vitor Samuel; Prieto Ocejo, Dolores; Hernández Rodríguez, Medardo Vicente
    Purpose: This study investigates whether functionality and/or expression changes of transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) and transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 (TRPA1) channels, oxidative stress, and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) are involved in the bladder dysfunction from an insulin-resistant obese Zucker rat (OZR). Materials and methods: Detrusor smooth muscle (DSM) samples from the OZR and their respective controls, a lean Zucker rat (LZR), were processed for immunohistochemistry for studying the expression of TRPA1 and TRPV1 and the H2S synthase cystathionine beta-synthase (CBS) and cysthathionine-γ-lyase (CSE). Isometric force recordings to assess the effects of TRPA1 agonists and antagonists on DSM contractility and measurement of oxidative stress and H2S production were also performed. Results: Neuronal TRPA1 expression was increased in the OZR bladder. Electrical field stimulation- (EFS-) elicited contraction was reduced in the OZR bladder. In both LZR and OZR, TRPA1 activation failed to modify DSM basal tension but enhanced EFS contraction; this response is inhibited by the TRPA1 blockade. In the OZR bladder, reactive oxygen species, malondialdehyde, and protein carbonyl contents were increased and antioxidant enzyme activities (superoxide dismutase, catalase, GR, and GPx) were diminished. CSE expression and CSE-generated H2S production were also reduced in the OZR. Both TRPV1 and CBS expressions were not changed in the OZR. Conclusions: These results suggest that an increased expression and functionality of TRPA1, an augmented oxidative stress, and a downregulation of the CSE/H2S pathway are involved in the impairment of nerve-evoked DSM contraction from the OZR.
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    Phosphodiesterase type 4 inhibition enhances nitric oxide- and hydrogen sulfide-mediated bladder neck inhibitory neurotransmission
    (Scientific Reports, 2018) Agis Torres, Ángel; Recio Visedo, María Paz; López-Oliva Muñoz, María Elvira; Martínez Sainz, María Del Pilar; Barahona Gomáriz, María Victoria; Benedito Castellote, Sara; Bustamante, Salvador; Jiménez-Cidre; Miguel Ángel; García Sacristán, Albino; Prieto Ocejo, Dolores; Leite Fernandes, Vitor Samuel; Hernández Rodríguez, Medardo Vicente
    Nitric oxide (NO) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) play a pivotal role in nerve-mediated relaxation of the bladder outflow region. In the bladder neck, a marked phosphodiesterase type 4 (PDE4) expression has also been described and PDE4 inhibitors, as rolipram, produce smooth muscle relaxation. This study investigates the role of PDE4 isoenzyme in bladder neck gaseous inhibitory neurotransmission. We used Western blot and double immunohistochemical staining for the detection of NPP4 (PDE4) and PDE4A and organ baths for isometric force recording to roflumilast and tadalafil, PDE4 and PDE5, respectively, inhibitors in pig and human samples. Endogenous H2S production measurement and electrical field stimulation (EFS) were also performed. A rich PDE4 and PDE4A expression was observed mainly limited to nerve fibers of the smooth muscle layer of both species. Moreover, roflumilast produced a much more potent smooth muscle relaxation than that induced by tadalafil. In porcine samples, H2S generation was diminished by H2S and NO synthase inhibition and augmented by roflumilast. Relaxations elicited by EFS were potentiated by roflumilast. These results suggest that PDE4, mainly PDE4A, is mostly located within nerve fibers of the pig and human bladder neck, where roflumilast produces a powerful smooth muscle relaxation. In pig, the fact that roflumilast increases endogenous H2S production and EFS-induced relaxations suggests a modulation of PDE4 on NO- and H2S-mediated inhibitory neurotransmission.
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    Mechanisms involved in the adenosine-induced vasorelaxation to the pig prostatic small arteries
    (Purinergic Signalling, 2011) Fernandes Ribeiro, Ana Sofía; Fernandes, Vítor S.; Orensanz Muñoz, Luis Miguel; Martínez Sainz, María Del Pilar; Recio Visedo, María Paz; Martínez Sáenz, Ana; Climent Flórez, Belén; Arteaga, Jose Luis; García Sacristán, Albino; Prieto Ocejo, Dolores; Hernández Rodríguez, Medardo Vicente
    Benign prostatic hypertrophy has been related with glandular ischemia processes and adenosine is a potent vasodilator agent. This study investigates the mechanisms underlying the adenosine-induced vasorelaxation in pig prostatic small arteries. Adenosine receptors expression was determined by Western blot and immunohistochemistry, and rings were mounted in myographs for isometric force recording. A(2A) and A(3) receptor expression was observed in the arterial wall and A(2A)-immunoreactivity was identified in the adventitia-media junction and endothelium. A(1) and A(2B) receptor expression was not obtained. On noradrenaline-precontracted rings, P1 receptor agonists produced concentration-dependent relaxations with the following order of potency: 5'-N-ethylcarboxamidoadenosine (NECA) = CGS21680 > 2-Cl-IB-MECA = 2-Cl-cyclopentyladenosine = adenosine. Adenosine reuptake inhibition potentiated both NECA and adenosine relaxations. Endothelium removal and ZM241385, an A(2A) antagonist, reduced NECA relaxations that were not modified by A(1), A(2B), and A(3) receptor antagonists. Neuronal voltage-gated Ca(2+) channels and nitric oxide (NO) synthase blockade, and adenylyl cyclase activation enhanced these responses, which were reduced by protein kinase A inhibition and by blockade of the intermediate (IK(Ca))- and small (SK(Ca))-conductance Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channels. Inhibition of cyclooxygenase (COX), large-conductance Ca(2+)-activated-, ATP-dependent-, and voltage-gated-K(+) channel failed to modify these responses. These results suggest that adenosine induces endothelium-dependent relaxations in the pig prostatic arteries via A(2A) purinoceptors. The adenosine vasorelaxation, which is prejunctionally modulated, is produced via NO- and COX-independent mechanisms that involve activation of IK(Ca) and SK(Ca) channels and stimulation of adenylyl cyclase. Endothelium-derived NO playing a regulatory role under conditions in which EDHF is non-functional is also suggested. Adenosine-induced vasodilatation could be useful to prevent prostatic ischemia.
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    Neuronal and non-neuronal bradykinin receptors are involved in the contraction and/or relaxation to the pig bladder neck smooth muscle
    (Neurourology and urodynamics, 2013) Fernandes Ribeiro, Ana Sofía; Leite Fernandes, Vitor Samuel; Martínez Sainz, María Del Pilar; Martínez-Sáenz, Ana; Pazos Rodríguez, María Ruth; Orensanz Muñoz, Luis Miguel; Recio Visedo, María Paz; Bustamante Alarma, Salvador; Carballido Rodríguez, Joaquín; García Sacristán, Albino; Prieto Ocejo, Dolores; Hernández Rodríguez, Medardo Vicente
    Aims: The current study investigates the role played by bradykinin (BK) receptors in the contractility to the pig bladder neck smooth muscle. Methods: Bladder neck strips were mounted in myographs for isometric force recordings and BK receptors expression was also determined by immunohistochemistry. Results: B2 receptor expression was observed in the muscular layer and urothelium whereas B1 expression was consistent detected in urothelium. A strong B2 immunoreactivity was also observed within nerve fibers among smooth muscle bundles. On urothelium-denuded preparations basal tone, BK induced concentration-dependent contractions which were reduced in urothelium-intact samples, by extracellular Ca(2+) removal and by blockade of B2 receptors and voltage-gated Ca(2+) (VOC) and non-VOC channels, and increased by cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibition. On phenylephrine-precontracted denuded strips, under non-adrenergic non-cholinergic (NANC) conditions, electrical field stimulation-elicited frequency-dependent relaxations which were reduced by B2 receptor blockade. In urothelium-intact samples, the B1 receptor agonist kallidin promoted concentration-dependent relaxations which were reduced by blockade of B1 receptors, COX, COX-1 and large-conductance Ca(2+) -activated K(+) (BKCa ) channels and abolished in urothelium-denuded samples and in K(+) -enriched physiological saline solution-precontracted strips. Conclusions: These results suggest that BK produces contraction of pig bladder neck via smooth muscle B2 receptors coupled to extracellular Ca(2+) entry via VOC and non-VOC channels with a minor role for intracellular Ca(2+) mobilization. Facilitatory neuronal B2 receptors modulating NANC inhibitory neurotransmission and urothelial B1 receptors producing relaxation via the COX-1 pathway and BKCa channel opening are also demonstrated.
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    Noradrenergic vasoconstriction of pig prostatic small arteries
    (Naunyn-Schmiedeberg’s Arch Pharmacol, 2008) Recio Visedo, María Paz; Orensanz Muñoz, Luis Miguel; Martínez Sainz, María Del Pilar; Navarro Dorado, Jorge; Bustamante Alarma, Salvador; García Sacristán, Albino; Prieto Ocejo, Dolores; Hernández Rodríguez, Medardo Vicente
    The current study investigated the distribution of adrenergic nerves and the action induced by noradrenaline (NA) in pig prostatic small arteries. Noradrenergic innervation was visualized using an antibody against dopamine-beta-hydroxylase (DBH), and the NA effect was studied in small arterial rings mounted in microvascular myographs for isometric force recordings. DBH-immunoreactive nerve fibers were located at the adventitia and the adventitia-media border of the vascular wall. Electrical field stimulation (EFS, 1-32 Hz) evoked frequency-dependent contractions that were reduced by guanethidine and prazosin (adrenergic neurotransmission and α1-adrenoceptors blockers, respectively) and by the α2-adrenoceptor agonist UK 14,304. The α2-adrenoceptor antagonist rauwolscine reversed the UK 14,304-produced inhibition. NA produced endothelium-independent contractions that were antagonized with low estimated affinities and Schild slopes different from unity by prazosin and the α1A-adrenoceptor antagonist N-[2-(2-cyclopropylmethoxyphenoxy) ethyl]-5-chloro-α-α-dimethyl-1H-indole-3-ethanamine (RS 17053). The α1A-adrenoceptor antagonist 5-methyl-3-[3-[4-[2-(2,2,2,-trifluoroethoxy) phenyl]-1-piperazinyl]propyl]-2,4-(1H)-pyrimidinedione (RS 100329), which also displays high affinity for α1L-adrenoceptors, and the α1L-adrenoceptor antagonist tamsulosin, which also has high affinity for α1A- and α1D-adrenoceptors, induced rightward shifts with high affinity of the contraction-response curve to NA. The α1D-adrenoceptor antagonist 8-[2-[4-(2-methoxyphenyl)-1-piperazinyl]-ethyl]8-azaspiro[4,5]decane-7,9-dione dihydrochloride (BMY 7378) failed to modify the NA contractions that were inhibited by extracellular Ca2+ removal and by voltage-activated (L-type) Ca2+ channel blockade. These data suggest that pig prostatic resistance arteries have a rich noradrenergic innervation; and NA, whose release is modulated by prejunctional α2-adrenoceptors, evokes contraction mainly through activation of muscle α1L-adrenoceptors coupled to extracellular Ca2+ entry via voltage (L-type)- and non-voltage-activated Ca2+ channels.
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    Role of endogenous hydrogen sulfide in nerve-evoked relaxation of pig terminal bronchioles
    (Pulmonary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 2016) Fernandes, Vítor S.; Recio Visedo, María Paz; López-Oliva Muñoz, María Elvira; Martínez Sainz, María Del Pilar; Fernandes Ribeiro, Ana Sofía; Barahona Gomáriz, María Victoria; Martínez Gómez, Ana Cristina; Benedito Castellote, Sara; Agis Torres, Ángel; Cabañero, Alberto; Muñoz, Gemma M.; García Sacristán, Albino; Orensanz Muñoz, Luis Miguel; Hernández Rodríguez, Medardo Vicente
    Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is a gasotransmitter employed for intra- and inter-cellular communication in almost all organ systems. This study investigates the role of endogenous H2S in nerve-evoked relaxation of pig terminal bronchioles with 260 μm medium internal lumen diameter. High expression of the H2S synthesis enzyme cystathionine γ-lyase (CSE) in the bronchiolar muscle layer and strong CSE-immunoreactivity within nerve fibers distributed along smooth muscle bundles were observed. Further, endogenous H2S generated in bronchiolar membranes was reduced by CSE inhibition. In contrast, cystathionine β-synthase expression, another H2S synthesis enzyme, however was not consistently detected in the bronchiolar smooth muscle layer. Electrical field stimulation (EFS) and the H2S donor P-(4-methoxyphenyl)-P-4-morpholinylphosphinodithioic acid (GYY4137) evoked smooth muscle relaxation. Inhibition of CSE, nitric oxide (NO) synthase, soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC) and of ATP-dependent K+, transient receptor potential A1 (TRPA1) and transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) channels reduced the EFS relaxation but failed to modify the GYY4137 response. Raising extracellular K+ concentration inhibited the GYY4137 relaxation. Large conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channel blockade reduced both EFS and GYY4137 responses. GYY4137 inhibited the contractions induced by histamine and reduced to a lesser extent the histamine-induced increases in intracellular [Ca2+]. These results suggest that relaxation induced by EFS in the pig terminal bronchioles partly involves the H2S/CSE pathway. H2S response is produced via NO/sGC-independent mechanisms involving K+ channels and intracellular Ca2+ desensitization-dependent pathways. Thus, based on our current results H2S donors might be useful as bronchodilator agents for the treatment of lung diseases with persistent airflow limitation, such as asthma and chronic obstructive lung disease.
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    Powerful Relaxation of Phosphodiesterase Type 4 Inhibitor Rolipram in the Pig and Human Bladder Neck
    (The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 2014) Fernandes Ribeiro, Ana Sofía; Fernandes, Vítor S.; Martínez Sáenz, Ana; Martínez Sainz, María Del Pilar; Barahona Gomáriz, María Victoria; Orensanz Muñoz, Luis Miguel; Blaha, Igor; Serrano Margüello, Daniel; Bustamante, Salvador; Carballido, Joaquín; García Sacristán, Albino; Prieto Ocejo, Dolores; Hernández Rodríguez, Medardo Vicente
    Introduction: Phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors act as effective drugs for the treatment of lower urinary tract symptom (LUTS). There is a poor information, however, about the role of the PDE4 inhibitors on the bladder outflow region contractility. Aim: To investigate PDE4 expression and the relaxation induced by the PDE4 inhibitor rolipram versus that induced by the PDE5 blockers sildenafil and vardenafil, in the pig and human bladder neck. Methods: Immunohistochemistry for PDE4 expression, myographs for isometric force recordings and fura-2 fluorescence for simultaneous measurements of intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i ) and tension for rolipram in bladder neck samples were used. Main outcome measures: PDE4 expression and relaxations to PDE4 and PDE5 inhibitors and simultaneous measurements of [Ca2+]i and tension. Results: PDE4 expression was observed widely distributed in the smooth muscle layer of the pig and human bladder neck. On urothelium-denuded phenylephrine (PhE)-precontracted strips of pig and human, rolipram, sildenafil and vardenafil produced concentration-dependent relaxations with the following order of potency: rolipram> > sildenafil>vardenafil. In pig, the adenylyl cyclase activator forskolin potentiated rolipram-elicited relaxation, whereas protein kinase A (PKA) blockade reduced such effect. On potassium-enriched physiological saline solution (KPSS)-precontracted strips, rolipram evoked a lower relaxation than that obtained on PhE-stimulated preparations. Inhibition of large (BKCa ) and intermediate (IKCa ) conductance Ca2+ -activated K+ channels, neuronal voltage-gated Ca2+ channels, nitric oxide (NO) and hydrogen sulfide (H2 S) synthases reduced rolipram responses. Rolipram inhibited the contractions induced by PhE without reducing the PhE-evoked [Ca2+]i increase. Conclusions: PDE4 is present in the pig and human bladder neck smooth muscle, where rolipram exerts a much more potent relaxation than that elicited by PDE5 inhibitors. In pig, rolipram-induced response is produced through the PKA pathway involving BKCa and IKCa channel activation and [Ca2+]i desensitization-dependent mechanisms, this relaxation also being due to neuronal NO and H2S release.
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    Mechanisms involved in the nitric oxide-induced vasorelaxation in porcine prostatic small arteries
    (Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol, 2011) Fernandes, Vítor S.; Martínez Sáenz, Ana; Recio Visedo, María Paz; Fernandes Ribeiro, Ana Sofía; Ana Sánchez; Martínez Sainz, María Del Pilar; Martínez Gómez, Ana Cristina; García Sacristán, Albino; Orensanz Muñoz, Luis Miguel; Prieto Ocejo, Dolores; Hernández Rodríguez, Medardo Vicente
    Benign prostatic hypertrophy has been known to be related with glandular ischemia processes, and nitric oxide (NO) is a potent vasodilator agent. Therefore, the current study investigates the mechanisms underlying the NO-induced vasorelaxation in pig prostatic small arteries. In microvascular myographs, relaxation to electrical field stimulation (EFS), or to exogenous (S)-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine (SNAP) and acetylcholine (ACh), was observed on noradrenaline-precontracted prostatic small arterial rings under non-adrenergic and non-cholinergic (NANC) conditions. EFS (1-16 Hz) and exogenous SNAP (0.1-30 μM) evoked frequency- and concentration-dependent relaxation, respectively. Tetrodotoxin, a neuronal voltage-gated Na(+) channel blocker, abolished the EFS-evoked relaxation. ACh (1 nM-10 μM) induced concentration-dependent relaxation, which was reduced by the NO synthase inhibitor N(G)-nitro-L: -arginine (L: -NOARG). L: -NOARG also reduced the EFS-elicited relaxation but failed to modify the response to SNAP. 1H-[1,2,4]-oxadiazolo[4,3-a]quinoxalin-1-one (ODQ) and iberiotoxin (IbTX), blockers of soluble guanylyl cyclase and large conductance Ca(2+)-activated K(+) (BK(Ca)) channels, respectively, reduced EFS-, SNAP-, and ACh-induced relaxation. The combination of ODQ with IbTX did not produce further inhibition of the responses to either SNAP or ACh, compared with ODQ alone. Blockade of cyclooxygenases and intermediate and small conductance Ca(2+)-activated, ATP-dependent, and voltage-gated K(+) channels did not change the EFS and SNAP responses. In conclusion, our results suggest that NO and non-NO non-prostanoid factor(s) derived from NANC nerves are involved in the vasodilatation of pig prostatic small arteries. NO produces relaxation through soluble guanylyl cyclase activation-dependent BK(Ca) channel opening and through guanylyl cyclase-independent mechanisms. The vasodilatation elicited by NO could be useful to prevent prostatic ischemia.
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    COX-2 is involved in vascular oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction of renal interlobar arteries from obese Zucker rats
    (Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 2015) Muñoz Picos, Mercedes; Sánchez Pina, Ana Alejandra; Martínez Sainz, María Del Pilar; Benedito Castellote, Sara; López-Oliva Muñoz, María Elvira; García Sacristán, Albino; Hernández Rodríguez, Medardo Vicente; Prieto Ocejo, Dolores
    Obesity is related to vascular dysfunction through inflammation and oxidative stress and it has been identified as a risk factor for chronic renal disease. In the present study, we assessed the specific relationships among reactive oxygen species (ROS), cyclooxygenase2 (COX-2), and endothelial dysfunction in renal interlobar arteries from a genetic model of obesity/insulin resistance, the obese Zucker rats (OZR). Relaxations to acetylcholine(ACh) were significantly reduced in renal arteries from OZR compared to their counterpart, the lean Zucker rat (LZR), suggesting endothelial dysfunction. Blockade of COX with indomethacin and with the selective blocker of COX-2 restored the relaxations to ACh in obese rats. Selective blockade of the TXA2/PGH2 (TP) receptor enhanced ACh relaxations only in OZR, while inhibition of the prostacyclin (PGI2) receptor (IP) enhanced basal tone and inhibited ACh vasodilator responses only in LZR. Basal production of superoxide was increased in arteries of OZR and involved NADPH and xanthine oxidase activation and NOS uncoupling. Under conditions of NOS blockade, ACh induced vasoconstriction and increased ROS generation that were augmented in arteries from OZRandbluntedbyCOX-2 inhibition and by the ROS scavenger tempol. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) evoked both endothelium-and vascular smooth muscle (VSM)-dependent contractions, as well as ROS generation that was reduced by COX-2 inhibition.In addition, COX-2 expression was enhanced in both VSM and endothelium of renal arteries from OZR. These results suggest that increased COX-2-dependent vasoconstriction contributes to renal endothelial dysfunction through enhanced (ROS) generation in obesity.COX-2 activity is in turn upregulated by ROS.
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    Impaired Excitatory Neurotransmission in the Urinary Bladder from the Obese Zucker Rat: Role of Cannabinoid Receptors
    (Plos One, 2016) Blaha, Igor; Recio Visedo, María Paz; Martínez Sainz, María Del Pilar; López-Oliva Muñoz, María Elvira; Fernandes Ribeiro, Ana Sofía; Agis Torres, Ángel; Martínez Gómez, Ana Cristina; Benedito Castellote, Sara; García Sacristán, Albino; Fernandes, Vítor S.; Hernández Rodríguez, Medardo Vicente; Agustín Guerrero-Hernandez
    Metabolic syndrome (MS) is a known risk factor for lower urinary tract symptoms. This study investigates whether functional and expression changes of cannabinoid CB1 and CB2 receptors are involved in the bladder dysfunction in an obese rat model with insulin resistance. Bladder samples from obese Zucker rat (OZR) and their respective controls lean Zucker rat (LZR) were processed for immunohistochemistry and western blot for studying the cannabinoid receptors expression. Detrusor smooth muscle (DSM) strips from LZR and OZR were also mounted in myographs for isometric force recordings. Neuronal and smooth muscle CB1 and CB2 receptor expression and the nerve fiber density was diminished in the OZR bladder. Electrical field stimulation (EFS) and acetylcholine (ACh) induced frequency- and concentration-dependent contractions of LZR and OZR DSM. ACh contractile responses were similar in LZR and OZR. EFS-elicited contractions, however, were reduced in OZR bladder. Cannabinoid receptor agonists and antagonists failed to modify the DSM basal tension in LZR and OZR In LZR bladder, EFS responses were inhibited by ACEA and SER-601, CB1 and CB2 receptor agonists, respectively, these effects being reversed by ACEA plus the CB1 antagonist, AM-251 or SER-601 plus the CB2 antagonist, AM-630. In OZR bladder, the inhibitory action of ACEA on nerve-evoked contractions was diminished, whereas that SER-601 did not change EFS responses. These results suggest that a diminished function and expression of neuronal cannabinoid CB1 and CB2 receptors, as well as a lower nerve fiber density is involved in the impaired excitatory neurotransmission of the urinary bladder from the OZR.