Muñoz San Martín, Cristina

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Muñoz San Martín
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Químicas
Química Analítica
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Search Results

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    First bioelectronic immunoplatform for quantitative secretomic analysis of total and metastasis-driven glycosylated haptoglobin
    (Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2022) Muñoz San Martín, Cristina; Montero Calle, Ana; Garranzo Asensio, María; Gamella Carballo, Maria; Pérez Ginés, Víctor; Pedrero Muñoz, María; Pingarrón Carrazón, José Manuel; Barderas, Rodrigo; Santos Álvarez, Noemí de los; Lobo Castañón, María Jesús; Campuzano Ruiz, Susana
    The glycosylation status of proteins is increasingly used as biomarker to improve the reliability in the diagnosis and prognosis of diseases as relevant as cancer. This feeds the need for tools that allow its simple and reliable analysis and are compatible with applicability in the clinic. With this objective in mind, this work reports the frst bioelectronic immunoplatforms described to date for the determination of glycosylated haptoglobin (Hp) and the simultaneous determination of total and glycosylated Hp. The bioelectronic immunoplatform is based on the implementation of non-competitive bioassays using two diferent antibodies or an antibody and a lectin on the surface of commercial magnetic microcarriers. The resulting bioconjugates are labeled with the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) enzyme, and after their magnetic capture on disposable electroplatforms, the amperometric transduction using the H2O2/hydroquinone (HQ) system allows the single or multiple detection. The developed immunoplatform achieves limits of detection (LODs) of 0.07 and 0.46 ng mL−1 for total and glycosylated Hp in bufer solution, respectively. The immunoplatform allows accurate determination using simple and relatively short protocols (approx. 75 min) of total and glycosylated Hp in the secretomes of in vitro–cultured colorectal cancer (CRC) cells with diferent metastatic potentials, which is not feasible, due to lack of sensitivity, by means of some commercial ELISA kits and Western blot methodology.
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    Amperometric Immunosensing Scaffolds for Rapid, Simple, Non-Invasive and Accurate Determination of Protein Biomarkers of Well-Accepted and Emerging Clinical Importance
    (Proceedings, 2017) Pedrero Muñoz, María; Muñoz San Martín, Cristina; Torrente Rodríguez, Rebeca Magnolia; Ruiz Valdepeñas Montiel, Víctor; Vargas Orgaz, Eva; Manuel de Villena Rueda, Francisco Javier; Barderas Manchado, Rodrigo; Campuzano Ruiz, Susana; Pingarrón Carrazón, José Manuel
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    Disposable Amperometric Immunosensor for the Determination of Human P53 Protein in Cell Lysates Using Magnetic Micro-Carriers
    (Biosensors, 2016) Pedrero Muñoz, María; Manuel de Villena Rueda, Francisco Javier; Muñoz San Martín, Cristina; Campuzano Ruiz, Susana; Garranzo Asensio, María; Barderas Manchado, Rodrigo; Pingarrón Carrazón, José Manuel
    An amperometric magnetoimmunosensor for the determination of human p53 protein is described in this work using a sandwich configuration involving the covalent immobilization of a specific capture antibody onto activated carboxylic-modified magnetic beads (HOOC-MBs) and incubation of the modified MBs with a mixture of the target protein and horseradish peroxidase-labeled antibody (HRP-anti-p53). The resulting modified MBs are captured by a magnet placed under the surface of a disposable carbon screen-printed electrode (SPCE) and the amperometric responses are measured at −0.20 V (vs. an Ag pseudo-reference electrode), upon addition of hydroquinone (HQ) as a redox mediator and H2O2 as the enzyme substrate. The magnetoimmunosensing platform was successfully applied for the detection of p53 protein in different cell lysates without any matrix effect after a simple sample dilution. The results correlated accurately with those provided by a commercial ELISA kit, thus confirming the immunosensor as an attractive alternative for rapid and simple determination of this protein using portable and affordable instrumentation.
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    Electrochemical Immunosensing of ST2: A Checkpoint Target in Cancer Diseases
    (Biosensors, 2021) Torrente Rodríguez, Rebeca M.; Muñoz San Martín, Cristina; Gamella Carballo, Maria; Pedrero Muñoz, María; Martínez-Bosch, Neus; Navarro, Pilar; García de Frutos, Pablo; Pingarrón Carrazón, José Manuel; Campuzano Ruiz, Susana
    A magnetic beads (MB)-involved amperometric immunosensor for the determination of ST2, a member of the IL1 receptor family, is reported in this work. The method utilizes a sandwich immunoassay and disposable screen-printed carbon electrodes (SPCEs). Magnetic immunoconjugates built on the surface of carboxylic acid-microsized magnetic particles (HOOC-MBs) were used to selectively capture ST2. A biotinylated secondary antibody further conjugated with a streptavidin peroxidase conjugate (Strep-HRP) was used to accomplish the sandwiching of the target protein. The immune platform exhibits great selectivity and a low limit of detection (39.6 pg mL−1) for ST2, allowing the determination of soluble ST2 (sST2) in plasma samples from healthy individuals and patients diagnosed with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) in only 45 min once the immunoconjugates have been prepared. The good correlation of the obtained results with those provided by an ELISA kit performed using the same immunoreagents demonstrates the potential of the developed strategy for early diagnosis and/or prognosis of the fatal PDAC disease.