Cuesta Martínez, Ángel

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Cuesta Martínez
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
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Bioquímica y Biología Molecular
Bioquímica y Biología Molecular
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 22
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    Enhanced antiangiogenic therapy with antibody‐collagen XVIII NC1 domain fusion proteins engineered to exploit matrix remodeling events
    (International Journal of Cancer, 2006) Sánchez‐Arévalo Lobo, Víctor J.; Cuesta Martínez, Ángel; Sanz, Laura; Compte, Marta; García, Pascal; Prieto, Jesús; Blanco, Francisco J.; Álvarez‐Vallina, Luis
    Antiangiogenic therapy is nowadays one of the most active fields in cancer research. The first strategies, aimed at inhibiting tumor vascularization, included upregulation of endogenous inhibitors and blocking of the signals delivered by angiogenic factors. But interaction between endothelial cells and their surrounding extracellular matrix also plays a critical role in the modulation of the angiogenic process. This study introduces a new concept to enhance the efficacy of antibody‐based antiangiogenic cancer therapy strategies, taking advantage of a key molecular event occurring in the tumor context: the proteolysis of collagen XVIII, which releases the endogenous angiogenesis inhibitor endostatin. By fusing the collagen XVIII NC1 domain to an antiangiogenic single‐chain antibody, a multispecific agent was generated, which was efficiently processed by tumor‐associated proteinases to produce monomeric endostatin and fully functional trimeric antibody fragments. It was demonstrated that the combined production in the tumor area of complementary antiangiogenic agents from a single molecular entity secreted by gene‐modified cells resulted in enhanced antitumor effects. These results indicate that tailoring recombinant antibodies with extracellular matrix‐derived scaffolds is an effective approach to convert tumor progression associated processes into molecular clues for improving antibody‐based therapies.
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    Deep Learning Reveals Cancer Metastasis and Therapeutic Antibody Targeting in the Entire Body
    (Cell, 2019) Pan, Chenchen; Schoppe, Oliver; Parra-Damas, Arnaldo; Cai, Ruiyao; Todorov, Mihail Ivilinov; Gondi, Gabor; Neubeck, Bettina von; Böğürcü-Seidel, Nuray; Seidel, Sascha; Sleiman, Katia; Veltkamp, Christian; Förstera, Benjamin; Mai, Hongcheng; Rong, Zhouyi; Trompak, Omelyan; Ghasemigharagoz, Alireza; Reimer, Madita Alice; Javier Coronel; Jeremias, Irmela; Saur, Dieter; Acker-Palmer, Amparo; Acker, Till; Garvalov, Boyan K.; Menze, Bjoern; Zeidler, Reinhard; Ertürk, Ali; Cuesta Martínez, Ángel
    Reliable detection of disseminated tumor cells and of the biodistribution of tumor-targeting therapeutic antibodies within the entire body has long been needed to better understand and treat cancer metastasis. Here, we developed an integrated pipeline for automated quantification of cancer metastases and therapeutic antibody targeting, named DeepMACT. First, we enhanced the fluorescent signal of cancer cells more than 100-fold by applying the vDISCO method to image metastasis in transparent mice. Second, we developed deep learning algorithms for automated quantification of metastases with an accuracy matching human expert manual annotation. Deep learning-based quantification in 5 different metastatic cancer models including breast, lung, and pancreatic cancer with distinct organotropisms allowed us to systematically analyze features such as size, shape, spatial distribution, and the degree to which metastases are targeted by a therapeutic monoclonal antibody in entire mice. DeepMACT can thus considerably improve the discovery of effective antibody-based therapeutics at the pre-clinical stage.
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    A Novel Splicing Mutation in the ACVRL1/ALK1 Gene as a Cause of HHT2
    (Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2022) Errasti Díaz, Suriel; Peñalva, Mercedes; Recio Poveda, Lucía; Vilches, Susana; Casado Vela, Juan; Pérez Pérez, Julián; Botella, Luisa María; Albiñana, Virginia; Cuesta Martínez, Ángel
    Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (HHT) is a rare disorder of vascular development. Common manifestations include epistaxis, telangiectasias and arteriovenous malformations in multiple organs. Different deletions or nonsense mutations have been described in the ENG (HHT1) or ACVRL1/ALK1 (HHT2) genes, all affecting endothelial homeostasis. A novel mutation in ACVRL1/ALK1 has been identified in a Peruvian family with a clinical history compatible to HHT. Subsequently, 23 DNA samples from oral exchanges (buccal swaps) of the immediate family members were analyzed together with their clinical histories. A routine cDNA PCR followed by comparative DNA sequencing between the founder and another healthy family member showed the presence of the aforementioned specific mutation. The single mutation detected (c.525 + 1G > T) affects the consensus splice junction immediately after exon 4, provokes anomalous splicing and leads to the inclusion of intron IV between exons 4 and 5 in the ACVRL1/ALK1 mRNA and, therefore, to ALK1 haploinsufficiency. Complete sequencing determined that 10 of the 25 family members analyzed were affected by the same mutation. Notably, the approach described in this report could be used as a diagnostic technique, easily incorporated in clinical practice in developing countries and easily extrapolated to other patients carrying such a mutation.
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    Enhancement of DNA vaccine potency through linkage of antigen to filamentous bacteriophage coat protein III domain I
    (Immunology, 2006) Cuesta Martínez, Ángel; Suárez Porto, Eduardo; Larsen, Martin; Jensen, Kim Bak; Sanz, Laura; Compte Grau, Marta; Kristensen, Peter; Álvarez‐Vallina, Luis
    Although DNA‐based cancer vaccines have been successfully tested in mouse models, a major drawback of cancer vaccination still remains, namely that tumour antigens are weak and fail to generate a vigorous immune response in tumour‐bearing patients. Genetic technology offers strategies for promoting immune pathways by adding immune‐activating genes to the tumour antigen sequence. In this work, we converted a model non‐immunogenic antigen into a vaccine by fusing it to domain I of the filamentous bacteriophage coat protein III gene. Vaccination with a DNA construct encoding the domain I fusion generated antigen‐specific T helper 1‐type cellular immune responses. These results demonstrate that the incorporation of protein III into a DNA vaccine formulation can modulate the gene‐mediated immune response and may thus provide a strategy for improving its therapeutic effect.
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    Proteasome activator complex PA28 identified as an accessible target in prostate cancer by in vivo selection of human antibodies
    (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 2013) Sánchez-Martín, David; Martínez-Torrecuadrada, Jorge; Teesalu, Tambet; Sugahara, Kazuki N.; Alvarez-Cienfuegos, Ana; Ximénez-Embún, Pilar; Fernández-Periáñez, Rodrigo; Martín, M. Teresa; Molina-Privado, Irene; Ruppen-Cañás, Isabel; Blanco-Toribio, Ana; Cañamero, Marta; Cuesta Martínez, Ángel; Compte, Marta; Kremer, Leonor; Bellas, Carmen; Alonso-Camino, Vanesa; Guijarro-Muñoz, Irene; Sanz,Laura; Ruoslahti, Erkki; Alvarez-Vallina, Luis
    Antibody cancer therapies rely on systemically accessible targets and suitable antibodies that exert a functional activity or deliver a payload to the tumor site. Here, we present proof-of-principle of in vivo selection of human antibodies in tumor-bearing mice that identified a tumor-specific antibody able to deliver a payload and unveils the target antigen. By using an ex vivo enrichment process against freshly disaggregated tumors to purge the repertoire, in combination with in vivo biopanning at optimized phage circulation time, we have identified a human domain antibody capable of mediating selective localization of phage to human prostate cancer xenografts. Affinity chromatography followed by mass spectrometry analysis showed that the antibody recognizes the proteasome activator complex PA28. The specificity of soluble antibody was confirmed by demonstrating its binding to the active human PA28αβ complex. Whereas systemically administered control phage was confined in the lumen of blood vessels of both normal tissues and tumors, the selected phage spread from tumor vessels into the perivascular tumor parenchyma. In these areas, the selected phage partially colocalized with PA28 complex. Furthermore, we found that the expression of the α subunit of PA28 [proteasome activator complex subunit 1 (PSME1)] is elevated in primary and metastatic human prostate cancer and used anti-PSME1 antibodies to show that PSME1 is an accessible marker in mouse xenograft tumors. These results support the use of PA28 as a tumor marker and a potential target for therapeutic intervention in prostate cancer.
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    Inhibition of tumor growth in vivo by in situ secretion of bispecific anti-CEA × anti-CD3 diabodies from lentivirally transduced human lymphocytes
    (Cancer Gene Therapy, 2007) Compte, Marta; Blanco, Bélen; Serrano, Fernando; Cuesta Martínez, Ángel; Sanz, Laura; Bernad, Antonio; Holliger, Philipp; Álvarez-Vallina, Luis
    Infiltrating T lymphocytes are found in many malignancies, but they appear to be mostly anergic and do not attack the tumor, presumably because of defective T-cell activation events. Recently, we described a strategy for the tumor-specific polyclonal activation of tumor-resident T lymphocytes based on the in situ production of recombinant bispecific antibodies (bsAbs) by transfected nonhematological cell lines. Here, we have constructed a novel HIV-1-based lentiviral vector for efficient gene transduction into various human hematopoietic cell types. Several myelomonocytic and lymphocytic cell lines secreted the anti-carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) × anti-CD3 diabody in a functionally active form with CD3+ T-cell lines being the most efficient secretors. Furthermore, primary human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) were also efficiently transduced and secreted high levels of functional diabody. Importantly gene-modified PBLs significantly reduced in vivo tumor growth rates in xenograft studies. These results demonstrate, for the first time, the utility of lentiviral vectors for sustained expression of recombinant bsAbs in human T lymphocytes. Such T lymphocytes, transduced ex vivo to secrete the activating diabody in autocrine fashion, may provide a promising route for a gene therapy strategy for solid human tumor
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    Tumor Immunotherapy Using Gene-Modified Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Loaded into Synthetic Extracellular Matrix Scaffolds
    (Stem Cells, 2009) Compte, Marta; Cuesta Martínez, Ángel; Sánchez-Martín, David; Alonso-Camino, Vanesa; Vicario, José Luís; Sanz, Laura; Álvarez-Vallina, Luís
    Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are appealing as gene therapy cell vehicles given their ease of expansion and transduction. However, MSCs exhibit immunomodulatory and proangiogenic properties that may pose a risk in their use in anticancer therapy. For this reason, we looked for a strategy to confine MSCs to a determined location, compatible with a clinical application. Human MSCs genetically modified to express luciferase (MSCluc), seeded in a synthetic extracellular matrix (sECM) scaffold (sentinel scaffold) and injected subcutaneously in immunodeficient mice, persisted for more than 40 days, as assessed by bioluminescence imaging in vivo. MSCs modified to express a bispecific α-carcinoembryonic antigen (αCEA)/αCD3 diabody (MSCdAb) and seeded in an sECM scaffold (therapeutic scaffolds) supported the release of functional diabody into the bloodstream at detectable levels for at least 6 weeks after implantation. Furthermore, when therapeutic scaffolds were implanted into CEA-positive human colon cancer xenograft-bearing mice and human T lymphocytes were subsequently transferred, circulating αCEA/αCD3 diabody activated T cells and promoted tumor cell lysis. Reduction of tumor growth in MSCdAb-treated mice was statistically significant compared with animals that only received MSCluc. In summary, we report here for the first time that human MSCs genetically engineered to secrete a bispecific diabody, seeded in an sECM scaffold and implanted in a location distant from the primary tumor, induce an effective antitumor response and tumor regression.
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    C3G Protein, a New Player in Glioblastoma
    (International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021) Manzano Figueroa, Sara; Gutiérrez Uzquiza, Álvaro; Bragado Domingo, Paloma; Cuesta Martínez, Ángel; Guerrero, Carmen; Porras Gallo, María Almudena
    C3G (RAPGEF1) is a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) for GTPases from the Ras superfamily, mainly Rap1, although it also acts through GEF-independent mechanisms. C3G regulates several cellular functions. It is expressed at relatively high levels in specific brain areas, playing important roles during embryonic development. Recent studies have uncovered different roles for C3G in cancer that are likely to depend on cell context, tumour type, and stage. However, its role in brain tumours remained unknown until very recently. We found that C3G expression is downregulated in GBM, which promotes the acquisition of a more mesenchymal phenotype, enhancing migration and invasion, but not proliferation. ERKs hyperactivation, likely induced by FGFR1, is responsible for this pro-invasive effect detected in C3G silenced cells. Other RTKs (Receptor Tyrosine Kinases) are also dysregulated and could also contribute to C3G effects. However, it remains undetermined whether Rap1 is a mediator of C3G actions in GBM. Various Rap1 isoforms can promote proliferation and invasion in GBM cells, while C3G inhibits migration/invasion. Therefore, other RapGEFs could play a major role regulating Rap1 activity in these tumours. Based on the information available, C3G could represent a new biomarker for GBM diagnosis, prognosis, and personalised treatment of patients in combination with other GBM molecular markers. The quantification of C3G levels in circulating tumour cells (CTCs) in the cerebrospinal liquid and/or circulating fluids might be a useful tool to improve GBM patient treatment and survival.
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    PHD3 Controls Lung Cancer Metastasis and Resistance to EGFR Inhibitors through TGFα
    (Cancer Research, 2018) Dopeso, Higinio; Jiao, Hui-Ke; Cuesta Martínez, Ángel; Henze, Anne-Theres; Jurida, Liane; Kracht, Michael; Acker-Palmer, Amparo; Boyan K. Garvalov; Acker, Till
    Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related death worldwide, in large part due to its high propensity to metastasize and to develop therapy resistance. Adaptive responses to hypoxia and epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT) are linked to tumor metastasis and drug resistance, but little is known about how oxygen sensing and EMT intersect to control these hallmarks of cancer. Here, we show that the oxygen sensor PHD3 links hypoxic signaling and EMT regulation in the lung tumor microenvironment. PHD3 was repressed by signals that induce EMT and acted as a negative regulator of EMT, metastasis, and therapeutic resistance. PHD3 depletion in tumors, which can be caused by the EMT inducer TGFβ or by promoter methylation, enhanced EMT and spontaneous metastasis via HIF-dependent upregulation of the EGFR ligand TGFα. In turn, TGFα stimulated EGFR, which potentiated SMAD signaling, reinforcing EMT and metastasis. In clinical specimens of lung cancer, reduced PHD3 expression was linked to poor prognosis and to therapeutic resistance against EGFR inhibitors such as erlotinib. Reexpression of PHD3 in lung cancer cells suppressed EMT and metastasis and restored sensitivity to erlotinib. Taken together, our results establish a key function for PHD3 in metastasis and drug resistance and suggest opportunities to improve patient treatment by interfering with the feedforward signaling mechanisms activated by PHD3 silencing. Significance: This study links the oxygen sensor PHD3 to metastasis and drug resistance in cancer, with implications for therapeutic improvement by targeting this system.
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    Generation and characterization of monospecific and bispecific hexavalent trimerbodies
    (mAbs, 2013) Blanco Toribio, Ana; Sainz Pastor, Noelia; Álvarez Cienfuegos, Ana; Merino, Nekane; Sánchez Martín, David; Bonet, Jaume; Santos Valle, Patricia; Sanz, Laura; Oliva, Baldo; Blanco, Francisco J.; Álvarez Vallina, Luis; Cuesta Martínez, Ángel
    Here, we describe a new class of multivalent and multispecific antibody-based reagents for therapy. The molecules, termed “trimerbodies,” use a modified version of the N-terminal trimerization region of human collagen XVIII noncollagenous 1 domain flanked by two flexible linkers as trimerizing scaffold. By fusing single-chain variable fragments (scFv) with the same or different specificity to both N- and C-terminus of the trimerizing scaffold domain, we produced monospecific or bispecific hexavalent molecules that were efficiently secreted as soluble proteins by transfected mammalian cells. A bispecific anti-laminin x anti-CD3 N-/C-trimerbody was found to be trimeric in solution, very efficient at recognizing purified plastic-immobilized laminin and CD3 expressed at the surface of T cells, and remarkably stable in human serum. The bispecificity was further demonstrated in T cell activation studies. In the presence of laminin-rich substrate, the bispecific anti-laminin x anti-CD3 N-/C-trimerbody stimulated a high percentage of human T cells to express surface activation markers. These results suggest that the trimerbody platform offers promising opportunities for the development of the next-generation therapeutic antibodies, i.e., multivalent and bispecific molecules with a format optimized for the desired pharmacokinetics and adapted to the pathological context.