Lorente Pérez, María Del Mar

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First Name
María Del Mar
Last Name
Lorente Pérez
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Químicas
Bioquímica y Biología Molecular
Bioquímica y Biología Molecular
UCM identifierORCIDScopus Author IDWeb of Science ResearcherIDDialnet ID

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    Optimization of a preclinical therapy of cannabinoids in combination with temozolomide against glioma
    (Biochemical Pharmacology, 2018) López-Valero, Israel; Torres, Sofía; Salazar Roa, María; García-Taboada, Elena; Hernández-Tiedra, Sonia; Guzmán Pastor, Manuel; Sepúlveda-Sánchez, Juan Manuel; Lorente Pérez, María Del Mar; Velasco Díez, Guillermo; Velasco Díez, Guillermo
    Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most frequent and aggressive form of brain cancer. These features are explained at least in part by the high resistance exhibited by these tumors to current anticancer therapies. Thus, the development of novel therapeutic approaches is urgently needed to improve the survival of the patients suffering this devastating disease. Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC, the major active ingredient of marijuana), and other cannabinoids have been shown to exert antitumoral actions in animal models of cancer, including glioma. The mechanism of these anticancer actions relies, at least in part, on the ability of these compounds to stimulate autophagy-mediated apoptosis in tumor cells. Previous observations from our group demonstrated that local administration of THC (or of THC + CBD at a 1:1 ratio, a mixture that resembles the composition of the cannabinoid-based medicine Sativex®) in combination with Temozolomide, the benchmark agent for the treatment of GBM, synergistically reduces the growth of glioma xenografts. With the aim of optimizing the possible clinical utilization of cannabinoids in anti-GBM therapies, in this work we explored the anticancer efficacy of the systemic administration of cannabinoids in combination with TMZ in preclinical models of glioma. Our results show that oral administration of Sativex-like extracts (containing THC and CBD at a 1:1 ratio) in combination with TMZ produces a strong antitumoral effect in both subcutaneous and intracranial glioma cell-derived tumor xenografts. In contrast, combined administration of Sativex-like and BCNU (another alkylating agent used for the treatment of GBM which share structural similarities with the TMZ) did not show a stronger effect than individual treatments. Altogether, our findings support the notion that the combined administration of TMZ and oral cannabinoids could be therapeutically exploited for the management of GBM.
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    Targeting Glioma Initiating Cells with A combined therapy of cannabinoids and temozolomide
    (Biochemical Pharmacology, 2018) López-Valero, Israel; Saiz-Ladera, Cristina; Torres, Sofía; Hernández-Tiedra, Sonia; García-Taboada, Elena; Rodríguez-Fornés, Fátima; Barba, Marina; Dávila, David; Salvador-Tormo, Nélida; Guzmán Pastor, Manuel; Sepúlveda, Juan Manuel; Sánchez-Gómez, Pilar; Lorente Pérez, María Del Mar; Velasco Díez, Guillermo
    Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most frequent and aggressive type of brain tumor due, at least in part, to its poor response to current anticancer treatments. These features could be explained, at least partially, by the presence within the tumor mass of a small population of cells termed Glioma Initiating Cells (GICs) that has been proposed to be responsible for the relapses occurring in this disease. Thus, the development of novel therapeutic approaches (and specifically those targeting the population of GICs) is urgently needed to improve the survival of the patients suffering this devastating disease. Previous observations by our group and others have shown that Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC, the main active ingredient of marijuana) and other cannabinoids including cannabidiol (CBD) exert antitumoral actions in several animal models of cancer, including gliomas. We also found that the administration of THC (or of THC + CBD at a 1:1 ratio) in combination with temozolomide (TMZ), the benchmark agent for the treatment of GBM, synergistically reduces the growth of glioma xenografts. In this work we investigated the effect of the combination of TMZ and THC:CBD mixtures containing different ratios of the two cannabinoids in preclinical glioma models, including those derived from GICs. Our findings show that TMZ + THC:CBD combinations containing a higher proportion of CDB (but not TMZ + CBD alone) produce a similar antitumoral effect as the administration of TMZ together with THC and CBD at a 1:1 ratio in xenografts generated with glioma cell lines. In addition, we also found that the administration of TMZ + THC:CBD at a 1:1 ratio reduced the growth of orthotopic xenografts generated with GICs derived from GBM patients and enhanced the survival of the animals bearing these intracranial xenografts. Remarkably, the antitumoral effect observed in GICs-derived xenografts was stronger when TMZ was administered together with cannabinoid combinations containing a higher proportion of CBD. These findings support the notion that the administration of TMZ together with THC:CBD combinations – and specifically those containing a higher proportion of CBD – may be therapeutically explored to target the population of GICs in GBM.
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    The pseudokinase tribbles homologue-3 plays a crucial role in cannabinoid anticancer action
    (Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids, 2013) Salazar Roa, María; Lorente Pérez, María Del Mar; García-Taboada, Elena; Hernández-Tiedra, Sonia; Dávila, David; Francis, Sheila; Guzmán Pastor, Manuel; Kiss-Toth, Endre; Velasco Díez, Guillermo; Velasco Díez, Guillermo
    Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the major active ingredient of marijuana, and other cannabinoids inhibit tumor growth in animal models of cancer. This effect relies, at least in part, on the up-regulation of several endoplasmic reticulum stress-related proteins including the pseudokinase tribbles homologue-3 (TRIB3), which leads in turn to the inhibition of the AKT/mTORC1 axis and the subsequent stimulation of autophagy-mediated apoptosis in tumor cells. Here, we took advantage of the use of cells derived from Trib3-deficient mice to investigate the precise mechanisms by which TRIB3 regulates the anti-cancer action of THC. Our data show that RasV12/E1A-transformed embryonic fibroblasts derived from Trib3-deficient mice are resistant to THC-induced cell death. We also show that genetic inactivation of this protein abolishes the ability of THC to inhibit the phosphorylation of AKT and several of its downstream targets, including those involved in the regulation of the AKT/mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) axis. Our data support the idea that THC-induced TRIB3 up-regulation inhibits AKT phosphorylation by regulating the accessibility of AKT to its upstream activatory kinase (the mammalian target of rapamycin complex 2; mTORC2). Finally, we found that tumors generated by inoculation of Trib3-deficient cells in nude mice are resistant to THC anticancer action. Altogether, the observations presented here strongly support that TRIB3 plays a crucial role on THC anti-neoplastic activity. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Lipid Metabolism in Cancer.