Carricondo Orejana, Francisco Javier

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First Name
Francisco Javier
Last Name
Carricondo Orejana
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Inmunología, Oftalmología y ORL
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    El receptor auditivo de la rata adulta y en desarrollo : estudio electrofisiológico de lesiones neurotóxicas y ototóxicas
    (2003) Carricondo Orejana, Francisco Javier; Gil Loyzaga, Pablo
    El receptor auditivo se puede ver afectado por múltiples patologías, entre las que se encuentran la neurotoxicidad y la ototoxicidad. La neurtoxicidad es un proceso ligado a un incremento en la liberación del neruotransmisor excitatorio glutamato por parte de las células ciliadas internas y asociado a fenómenos hipóxicos cocleares o de trauma acústico. Este aumento de glutamato inicia una serie de procesos de activación de las fibras aferentes del tipo I del ganglio espiral coclear que finaliza en la muerte de la fibra nerviosa. El tratamiento con agonistas glutamatérgicos constituye un buen modelo para el estudio de estas patologías. La administración de glutamato monosódico en distintos momentos del desarrollo postnatal de la rata, permitió, mediante estudios electrofisiológicos del potencial de acción compuesto del nervio coclear y morfológicos, la identificación del periodo de máxima sensibilidad coclear a la neurotoxicidad. Además, también se evaluó el potencial protector de un antagonista del calcio en el tratamiento de la neurotoxicidad coclear inducida para la administración de glutamato monosódico. Por otro lado, la ototoxicidad es una patología coclear producida por el tratamiento con antibiótiocs aminoglucósidos. Afecta a las células sensoriales del órgano de Corti, en especial a las células ciliadas externas, con lo que los efectos son distintos, desde el punto de vista electrofisiológico, a los producidos por la neurotoxicidad. Por ello, el estudio electrofisiológico de la ototoxicidad se basó, principalmente, en el registro de potencial microfónico coclear. Al igual que en el estudio de neurotoxicidad la administración de un antibiótico aminoglicósido, la kanamicina, en períodos tempranos del desarrollo coclear, permitió la identificación de los momentos de máxima sensibilidad coclear a esta patología. La investigación de estas afecciones del receptor auditivo es muy importante porque, aunque con diferencias, tienen muchos puntos en común con la presbiacusia o envejecimiento del receptor auditivo, proceso degenerativo que afecta a la mayoría de las personas en edades más o menos avanzadas y que por su prevalencia es una de las enfermedades que más afectan a ese sector de población.
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    Comparison Between two Surgical Techniques for Increasing Vocal Pitch by Endoscopic Shortening of the Vocal Folds
    (Journal of Voice, 2022) Casado Morente, Juan Carlos; Benjumea Flores, Felipe Luís; Romero Gómez, Bárbara; Angulo Serrano, María Soledad; O'Connor Reina, Carlos; Casado Alba, Carlos; Galeas López, Antonio José; Carricondo Orejana, Francisco Javier
    Objective: To compare two surgical techniques, the Wendler glottoplasty (GP) and its modification, the vocal fold shortening, and retrodisplacement of the anterior commissure (VFSRAC) associated with laser assisted voice adjustment (LAVA) cordotomy, used to feminize the voice of transgender women by increasing the fundamental frequency (F0). Methods: A retrospective study of 22 trans-women (20-62 years-old) was carried out. 12 of them were treated with GP and 10 with the VFSRAC+LAVA technique. They were evaluated before surgery and 6 months after surgery and the postoperative speech therapy. Laryngostroboscopy examination, F0 measurements, Transgender Woman Voice Questionnaire (TWVQ) assessment and the perceptual assessment using a visual analog scale (PA-VAS) were obtained from all patients. Results: Laryngostroboscopic findings showed normal vocal folds before surgery and a shortening of the vocal folds, due to the anterior glottic synechia, after surgery. Significant increases of F0 were found in both groups but they were higher in the VFSRAC+LAVA group (47.75Hz in GP group vs 69.70Hz in VFSRAC+LAVA group). TWVQ scores showed a significant decrease in both groups although the difference was greater in the VFSRAC+LAVA group. Similarly, PA-VAS scores lowered significantly in both groups but VFSRAC+LAVA group presented the biggest decreases. Conclusion: Both surgical techniques produce the shortening of the vocal folds through an endoscopic approach and result in voices with higher vocal pitch. Of the two techniques presented, the VFSRAC+LAVA produces better results although when compared with previous studies it seems that the LAVA technique may not significantly contribute to the postoperative results. So, the VFSRAC technique followed by postoperative speech therapy could be recommended for trans-women who wish to feminize their voice.
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    The Cochlear Spiral Ganglion Neurons: The Auditory Portion of the VIII Nerve
    (The anatomical record : advances in integrative anatomy and evolutionary biology, 2019) Carricondo Orejana, Francisco Javier; Romero Gómez, Bárbara
    The VIII nerve is formed by sensory neurons that innervate the inner ear, i.e., the vestibular and the auditory receptors. Neurons of the auditory portion, the cochlear afferent fibers that innervate the sensory hair cells of the organ of Corti, have their somas in the cochlear spiral ganglion where two types of neurons can be distinguished. Afferent Type-I neurons are the 95% of the total population. Bipolar and myelinated fibers, each one innervates only one cochlear inner hair cell (IHC). In contrast, afferent Type-II neurons are only the 5% of the spiral ganglion population. They are pseudounipolar and unmyelinated fibers and innervate the cochlear outer hair cells (OHC) so that one afferent Type-II fiber contacts with multiple OHCs, but each OHC only receives one contact from one Type-II neuron. Both types of VIII nerve fibers are glutamatergic, but these asymmetric innervations of the cochlear sensory cells could suggest that the IHC codifies the truly auditory message but the OHC only informs about mechanical aspects of the state of the organ of Corti. In fact, the central nervous system (CNS) has control over the information transmitted by the Type-I neuron by means of axons from the superior olivary complex that innervate them to modulate, filter and/or inhibit the entry of auditory message to CNS. The aim of this paper is to review the current knowledge about the anatomy and physiology of the auditory portion of the VIII nerve. Anat Rec, 302:463-471, 2019. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
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    Asthma Is Associated with Back Pain and Migraine-Results of Population-Based Case-Control Study
    (Journal of clinical medicine, 2023) Gutiérrez Albaladejo, Natalia; López De Andrés, Ana Isabel; Cuadrado Corrales, María Natividad; Albaladejo Vicente, Romana; Villanueva Orbaiz, M. Rosa Rita; Carricondo Orejana, Francisco Javier; Romero Gómez, Bárbara; Jiménez García, Rodrigo; Perez Farinos, Napoleón
    Background: Worldwide, asthma, back pain, and migraine are major public health problems due to their high prevalence, effect on the quality of life, and huge economic costs. The association of asthma with an increased risk of these types of pain has been suggested; however, no conclusive results have been obtained to date. The aims of our study were (1) to describe and compare the prevalence of three types of pain localization, namely migraine or frequent headaches (MFH), chronic neck pain (CNP), and chronic low back pain (CLBP), in adults with and without asthma in Spain during the years 2014 and 2020 and (2) to identify which variables were associated with the presence of these types of pain in adults with asthma. (2) Methods: A cross-sectional study and a case-control study were conducted. The 2014 and 2020 European Health Interview Surveys for Spain were used as the data source. (3) Results: A total of 2463 individuals were interviewed and had self-reported asthma. In this group, the prevalence of pain was high, with CLBP (30.9%) being the most common, followed by CNP (26.7%) and MFH (13.3%). All types of pain remained stable from 2014 to 2020. In both surveys, the women with asthma reported a remarkably higher prevalence of all the types of pain analyzed than the men with asthma. After matching by age and sex, the prevalence of all pain types was significantly higher in the patients with asthma than in the matched individuals without asthma. Multivariable adjustment showed that asthma increased the likelihood of CNP by 1.45 times (OR 1.45; 95% CI 1.19-1.76), that of CLBP by 1.37 times (OR 1.37; 95% CI 1.11-1.64), and that of MFH by 1.19 times (OR 1.19; 95% CI 1.02-1.51). The three types of pain analyzed were associated with the female sex and worse self-rated health. (4) Conclusions: Among the men and women with asthma, the prevalence of all the pain types was high and remained stable over time. The prevalence was higher and the severity was greater among the women with asthma than among the men with asthma. The prevalence of any pain was significantly higher in people with asthma than in the sex-age-matched individuals without asthma. Multivariable analysis showed that the variables associated with the reporting of the three types of pain in people with asthma were female sex, worse self-reported health, and self-reported mental illness.
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    Electrophysiological monitoring of hearing function during cochlear perilymphatic perfusions
    (Acta oto-laryngologica, 2012) San Román, Jesus; Carricondo Orejana, Francisco Javier; Iglesias Moreno, María Cruz; Martín-Villares, Cristina; Poch Broto, Joaquín; Gil Loyzaga, Pablo
    Conclusion: The cochlear perilymphatic perfusion produces, by itself, significant effects in the cochlear physiology that could be associated with the surgical procedure. These effects need to be well characterized to allow a reliable quantification of the effects of the experimental agent being tested. Objectives: The study focused on the accurate description of the electrophysiological effects on the cochlear potential recordings of perilymphatic perfusions. Methods: Two successive cochlear perilymphatic perfusions were carried out. The first used artificial perilymph. The second used artificial perilymph alone or a kainic acid (KA) solution in artificial perilymph. The compound action potential of the auditory nerve (CAP-AN) was recorded: (1) before the first perfusion, (2) after the first perfusion and (3) after the second perfusion, and compared between groups. Results: The first intracochlear perfusion with artificial perilymph produced significant effects in the CAP-AN that could be related to the surgical procedure. These effects were analysed separately from the effects produced by the KA. In particular, the KA administered intracochlearly produced a significant increase in the latency and a decrease in the amplitude of the CAP-AN N1 wave compared with the controls that were perfused twice with artificial perilymph.
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    Comparison between two surgical techniques for increasing vocal pitch by endoscopic shortening of the vocal folds
    (Journal of voice, 2022) Casado Morente, Juan Carlos; Benjumea Flores, Felipe Luis; Romero Gómez, Bárbara; Angulo Serrano, María Soledad; O'Connor Reina, Carlos; Casado Alba, Carlos; Galeas López, Antonio José; Carricondo Orejana, Francisco Javier
    Objective: To compare two surgical techniques, the Wendler glottoplasty (GP) and its modification, the vocal fold shortening, and retrodisplacement of the anterior commissure (VFSRAC) associated with laser assisted voice adjustment (LAVA) cordotomy, used to feminize the voice of transgender women by increasing the fundamental frequency (F0). Methods: A retrospective study of 22 trans-women (20-62 years-old) was carried out. 12 of them were treated with GP and 10 with the VFSRAC+LAVA technique. They were evaluated before surgery and 6 months after surgery and the postoperative speech therapy. Laryngostroboscopy examination, F0 measurements, Transgender Woman Voice Questionnaire (TWVQ) assessment and the perceptual assessment using a visual analog scale (PA-VAS) were obtained from all patients. Results: Laryngostroboscopic findings showed normal vocal folds before surgery and a shortening of the vocal folds, due to the anterior glottic synechia, after surgery. Significant increases of F0 were found in both groups but they were higher in the VFSRAC+LAVA group (47.75Hz in GP group vs 69.70Hz in VFSRAC+LAVA group). TWVQ scores showed a significant decrease in both groups although the difference was greater in the VFSRAC+LAVA group. Similarly, PA-VAS scores lowered significantly in both groups but VFSRAC+LAVA group presented the biggest decreases. Conclusion: Both surgical techniques produce the shortening of the vocal folds through an endoscopic approach and result in voices with higher vocal pitch. Of the two techniques presented, the VFSRAC+LAVA produces better results although when compared with previous studies it seems that the LAVA technique may not significantly contribute to the postoperative results. So, the VFSRAC technique followed by postoperative speech therapy could be recommended for trans-women who wish to feminize their voice.
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    Association between Asthma and Lower Levels of Physical Activity: Results of a Population-Based Case–Control Study in Spain
    (Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2024) Llamas Saez, Carlos; Saez Vaquero, Teresa; Miguel Díez, Javier De; Jiménez García, Rodrigo; Carricondo Orejana, Francisco Javier; López De Andrés, Ana Isabel; Romero Gómez, Bárbara; Carabantes Alarcón, David; Pérez Farinós, José Napoleón
    (1) Background: Our aim was to determine changes in the prevalence of physical activity (PA) in adults with asthma between 2014 and 2020 in Spain, investigate sex differences and the effect of other variables on adherence to PA, and compare the prevalence of PA between individuals with and without asthma. (2) Methods: This study was a cross-sectional, population-based, matched, case–control study using European Health Interview Surveys for Spain (EHISS) for 2014 and 2020. (3) Results: We identified 1262 and 1103 patients with asthma in the 2014 and 2020 EHISS, respectively. The prevalence of PA remained stable (57.2% vs. 55.7%, respectively), while the percentage of persons who reported walking continuously for at least 2 days a week increased from 73.9% to 82.2% (p < 0.001). Male sex, younger age, better self-rated health, and lower body mass index (BMI) were significantly associated with greater PA. From 2014 to 2020, the number of walking days ≥2 increased by 64% (OR1.64 95%CI 1.34–2.00). Asthma was associated with less PA (OR0.87 95%CI 0.47–0.72) and a lower number of walking days ≥2 (OR0.84 95%0.72–0.97). (4) Conclusions: Walking frequency improved over time among people with asthma. Differences in PA were detected by age, sex, self-rated health status, and BMI. Asthma was associated with less LTPA and a lower number of walking days ≥2. © 2024 by the authors.
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    Project number: 285
    Creación y utilización de atlas de prácticas digitales de anatomía y fisiología de los órganos de la audición para los Grados de Logopedia y Óptica y Optometría
    (2018) Carricondo Orejana, Francisco Javier; Romero Gómez, Bárbara; Muñoz Ferrero, Encarnación; Rodríguez Aramendia, Marta; Rodríguez Gómez, Fernando Luis
    Se propone la creación de atlas de prácticas de anatomía y fisiología auditiva para ambos Grados basado en ilustraciones científicas, con software profesional para ello, preparaciones histológicas, etc., que el alumno podrá rellenar.
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    Immunocytochemical detection of synaptophysin in C57BL/6 mice cochlea during aging process
    (Brain research reviews, 2009) Bartolomé Pascual, María Visitación; Zuluaga Arias, María Del Pilar; Carricondo Orejana, Francisco Javier; Gil Loyzaga, Pablo
    Aged mammals frequently exhibit a bilateral, progressive, and symmetric deafness related to the degeneration of auditory receptor. However, little is still known about aging effects on synapses in this receptor. Synaptophysin (Syp) is a 38 kDa Ca2+ binding glycoprotein widely found in presynaptic membrane and vesicles. The Syp has been found in presynaptic buttons of efferent auditory fibers, within the developing and adult auditory receptor. The detection of Syp in aged cochleae could provide relevant information about synaptic changes and receptor degeneration process observed in old animals. This paper focuses on aging linked changes related to the presence of Syp in cochleae of C57BL/6J mice (from 1 to 24 months old). Results showed that during the first months of age, no significant changes were observed in the Syp distribution under the basal pole of inner (IHCs) neither the outer (OHCs) hair cells. At six months of age, a significant decrease of Syp immunocytochemical detection appeared in fibers under the most external row of OHCs, but restricted to the cochlear basal coil. Only a very scarce reduction of Syp was noted under the IHC and the other OHC rows, also at the basal coil. From mice 9 months old on, a progressive decrease of the presence of Syp was found under IHC and all OHC rows starting at the basal coil and reaching the apical coil in the oldest mice. All these data could indicate that the cochlea aging process early affects to presynaptic membrane proteins of efferent endings fibers. This early alteration of cochleae efferent synapses could be involved in the whole degeneration of the Corti's organ.
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    Project number: 341
    Valoración del aprendizaje mediante quiz interactivos de asignaturas de anatomía y fisiología de la audición y el lenguaje
    (2022) Romero Gómez, Bárbara; Polo Roldán, Ignacio; Carricondo Orejana, Francisco Javier; Rodríguez Gómez, Fernando
    Las asignaturas con contenidos sobre anatomía humana de grados de naturaleza biomédica especializados en la voz y la audición, como “Anatomía y fisiología de los órganos del lenguaje” o "Fisiología de los Órganos de la Audición. Bases de Audiología", ambas del primer curso del Grado de Logopedia de la UCM, o “Bases de audiología y audiometría” y “Neurobiología de la audición”, asignaturas optativas del Grado en Óptica y Optometría, también de la UCM, requieren de gran cantidad de material didáctico, tanto en formato de papel como en formato virtual, para que el alumno se familiarice con la tridimensionalidad de dichas estructuras anatómicas y se facilite su aprendizaje. Los contenidos básicos de estas asignaturas presentan características comunes a pesar de que sean de diferentes grados, como por ejemplo los contenidos de audición y la voz. Así, conceptos básicos como por ejemplo, la anatomía funcional del receptor auditivo del ser humano, o el estudio de las estructuras que permiten articular el habla, son básicos en la formación de los graduados de estas carreras de ciencias biomédicas. Los alumnos de estas asignaturas disponen ya de materiales creados gracias a otros Proyectos Innova solicitados en años anteriores y que constan de esquemas mudos, dibujos anatómicos, imágenes de preparaciones histológicas, tinciones de estructuras, etc. Todos ellos aportan gran calidad a la enseñanza de estas materias y están englobados en un documento que se pone a disposición de los alumnos a modo de cuaderno de prácticas. Este cuaderno ha dado muy buenos resultados didácticos, sin embargo, dadas las circunstancias actuales, con parte de la enseñanza en modalidad virtual estos dos últimos años, se hace imprescindible la virtualización de todo este material para que sea posible un mejor aprovechamiento por parte del estudiante para su acceso en modo interactivo a través del campus virtual. De este modo, el objetivo de este proyecto es realizar con todo este material una serie de “quiz” interactivos que el alumno podrá completar online, a modo de práctica virtual, y que junto con los conocimientos teóricos adquiridos en clase servirán para mejorar su formación académica durante el proceso de aprendizaje en cada asignatura.