Hewitt, Richard James

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Richard James
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Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Geografía e Historia
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    Conversion of Post-Socialist Agricultural Premises as a Chance for Renewable Energy Production. Photovoltaics or Biogas Plants?
    (Energies, 2021) Josef Navrátil; Stanislav Martinát; Tomáš Krejčí; Petr Klusáček; Hewitt, Richar James; Hewitt, Richard James
    We aim to contribute to in-depth comprehension of the factors and preferences behind the reuses of large-scale underused or abandoned former collective farms from the 1950s–1980s for biogas plants and solar photovoltaic power plants. As a case study, three regions in the southern part of the Czech Republic have been selected. Our findings signal that the residents’ attitudes towards the mentioned energy sources are rather negative. Similarly, farmers’ interest in photovoltaic power plants is low. More interest has been detected in the case of biogas production; this is especially true for large agricultural companies and farmers, who own underused or abandoned premises. Biogas plants are frequently located in agricultural areas with warmer or just slightly colder climates as a consequence of the potential to process locally grown maize. On the other hand, photovoltaic power plants are found on more fertile plains with high levels of insolation, but, surprisingly, also in mountain regions which typically have low emissions. Both renewable energy solutions were found to be problematic as there is strong opposition to both types of installations among local inhabitants. This indicates the need for “soft” forms of planning. Stakeholder engagement and inclusive participation in all phases of the planning process are essential requirements for arriving at the best possible outcomes for the new renewable energy solutions and their acceptance by the public.
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    Climate Change Challenges and Community-Led Development Strategies: Do They Fit Together in Fisheries Regions?
    (Energies, 2021) Furmankiewicz, Marek; Hewitt, Richard James; Kapusta, Andrzej; Solecka, Iga
    Coastal and terrestrial fisheries communities in Europe, often economically marginalised, are likely to face severe impacts as climate change becomes more acute. Although progress on climate mitigation and adaptation from national governments remains slow, local development actions can also address these impacts from the bottom up. In this paper we analyse the Fisheries and Sea Operational Programme 2014–2020 and 36 Local Development Strategies prepared within the framework of this programme for the case of Poland. The strategies, which were prepared by cross-sectoral, area-based partnerships known as Fisheries Local Action Groups, are analysed using a content analysis approach. The aim was to assess the degree to which local stakeholders sought to address the climate challenge. We found that the mitigation of climate impacts and the development of renewable energy did not feature prominently in the analysed documents, suggesting that both central policymakers and local stakeholders in Polish fisheries regions had a low level of awareness about the climate problem and their potentially important role in addressing it. Transformation to a post-carbon society undoubtedly requires additional, targeted support and extensive educational activities at the local level, in Poland and elsewhere.
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    Project number: 424
    Realidad Aumentada para el aprendizaje en asignaturas vinculadas a las Tecnologías de la Información Geográfica (TIG-RA)
    (2023) Talavera García, Rubén; Condeço Melhorado, Ana Margarida; García Palomares, Juan Carlos; Gutiérrez Puebla, Javier; Michelini, Juan José; Moya Gómez, Borja; Pérez Campaña, Rocío; Romanillos Arroyo, Gustavo; Hewitt, Richard James; Santiago Iglesias, Enrique; Cara Santana, Yeray; Rodríguez Pacheco, Farid Leonardo
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    Project number: 313
    UNIVERGIS-Diseño universal para el aprendizaje en asignaturas vinculadas a las tecnologías de la información geográfica
    () Pérez Campaña, Rocío; Gutiérrez Puebla, Javier; García Palomares, Juan Carlos; Condeço Melhorado, Ana Margarida; Romanillos Arroyo, Gustavo; Michelini, Juan José; García Ruiz, Yolanda; Carmona Alcalá, Hilaria; Hewitt, Richard James; Arias Molinares, Daniela; Santiago Iglesias, Enrique; Barros Sulca, Diana Carolina; Bucur, Loraidan Dorian; Gallo Bermeo, Noelia; Leal Serrano, Ángel
    Desde la publicación en 2006 del Libro Blanco del Diseño para Todos en la Universidad, se ha avanzado para implantar la formación en Diseño para Todas las Personas en las universidades españolas, y fruto de diferentes proyectos llevados a cabo por CRUE Universidades Españolas, Fundación ONCE y Real Patronato sobre Discapacidad, existen ya publicaciones específicas que abordan la formación curricular en diseño para todas las personas en varios estudios universitarios: Arquitectura, Diseño, Informática y Telecomunicaciones, Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, Ingeniería Industrial, Administración y Dirección de Empresas, Derecho, Medicina, Pedagogía, Psicología, Trabajo Social, Ciencias Políticas, Enfermería, Farmacia, Periodismo, Sociología, Terapia Ocupacional, Turismo y Educación. Además, todas las universidades disponen ya de oficinas, unidades o secretariados específicamente dedicados a la integración y al reconocimiento de la diversidad que proporcionan orientación y recursos tanto al profesorado como al alumnado. Sin embargo, como bien se refleja en la mayoría de los documentos y recursos disponibles, se hace necesaria una mayor implicación del profesorado en calidad de conocedor directo de los contenidos curriculares teóricos y prácticos de las asignaturas que imparte y como interlocutor principal del alumnado en general y del alumnado en situación de discapacidad en particular. Es en este contexto en el que surge el proyecto UNIVERGIS, que pretende recopilar y generar ideas para la mejora de la accesibilidad universal en la enseñanza y aprendizaje en asignaturas relacionadas con las TIG. En estas asignaturas hay una importante carga de cuestiones espaciales a veces abstractas y una componente de interacción persona-ordenador (IPO) que suponen un reto añadido a la hora de realizar adaptaciones y ajustes curriculares.