Hidalgo Arroquia, Juan José

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First Name
Juan José
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Hidalgo Arroquia
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Odontología Conservadora y Prótesis
UCM identifierORCIDScopus Author IDDialnet ID

Search Results

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    Predictive models of pain following root canal treatment: A prospective clinical study
    (International Endodontic Journal, 2013) Arias Paniagua, Ana María; Macorra García, José Carlos De La; Hidalgo Arroquia, Juan José; Azabal Arroyo, Magdalena
    Aim To determine the probability of the incidence, intensity, duration and triggering of postendodontic pain, considering factors related to the patient (age, gender, medical evaluation) and to the affected tooth (group, location, number of canals, pulp vitality, preoperative pain, periapical radiolucencies, previous emergency access, presence of occlusal contacts with antagonist). Methodology A total of 500 one-visit root-canal treatments (RCTs) were performed to patients referred to an endodontist. Shaping of root canals was performed manually with Gates-Glidden drills and K-Flexofiles, and apical patency was maintained with a size 10 file. A 5% NaOCl solution was used for irrigation, and canals were filled with lateral compaction and AH-plus sealer. Independent factors were recorded during the treatment, and characteristics of postendodontic pain (incidence, intensity, type and duration) were later surveyed through questionnaires. Out of the 500 questionnaires, 374 were properly returned and split in two groups for two different statistical purposes: 316 cases were used to adjust the logistic regression models to predict each characteristic of postendodontic pain using predictive factors, and the remaining 58 cases were used to test the validity of each model. Results The predictive models showed that the incidence of postendodontic pain was significantly lower when the treated tooth was not a molar (p=0.003), demonstrated periapical radiolucencies (p=0.003), there was no history of previous pain (p=0.006) or emergency endodontic treatment (p=0.045) and there was no occlusal contact (p<0.0001). The probability of experiencing moderate or severe pain was higher with increasing age (p=0.09) and in mandibular teeth (p=0.045). The probability of pain lasting more than two days was increased with age (p=0.1) and decreased in males (p=0.007) and when a radiolucent lesion was present in radiograph (p=0.1). Conclusions Predictive formulae for the incidence, the intensity and the duration of postendodontic pain were generated and validated considering the interrelation of multiple concomitant clinical factors. A predictive model for triggering postendodontic pain could not be established.
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    Project number: 435
    Desarrollo de un currículum práctico preclínico virtual no presencial para la adquisición de habilidades en el uso de instrumental rotatorio en el Grado en Odontología
    (2021) Arias Paniagua, Ana María; Hidalgo Arroquia, Juan José; Macorra García, José Carlos De La; Iglesias Linares, Alejandro; Ocaña Miguel, Nuria; Dos Santos de Andrade, Brenda José; Todorov Aparicio, Mariam
    La pandemia SARS-CoV-2 obliga a buscar soluciones educativas no presenciales; sin embargo, la adquisición de habilidades necesarias en Odontología son difícilmente virtualizables. Este proyecto ofrece una alternativa viable de prácticas preclínicas a distancia.
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    Project number: 239
    #Porque tu opinión importa: Fomentando la implicación y participación de los estudiantes en los procesos de calidad
    (2019) Arias Paniagua, Ana María; Macorra García, José Carlos De La; Iglesias Linares, Alejandro; Garcillán Izquierdo, María Del Rosario; Hidalgo Arroquia, Juan José; Fontecilla Castillo, Josefa; Oliveira Pegado Figueiredo, Frederico Eduardo de; Álvarez de Almeida, Eva; Isasi Castellón, Enrique; Gao, Baoluo; Cidad Pinto, Paula; González Martínez, Paula
    El objetivo general de este proyecto fue fomentar la implicación y la participación de los estudiantes en los procesos de garantía y evaluación de la calidad a través de una serie de herramientas que pretendieron la involucración más activa del colectivo.
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    Prospective case controlled clinical study of post-endodontic pain after rotary root canal preparation performed by a single operator
    (Journal of Dentistry, 2015) Arias Paniagua, Ana María; Macorra García, José Carlos De La; Azabal, Magdalena; Hidalgo Arroquia, Juan José; Peters, Ove A.
    Objectives: The aim of this study was to asses the influence of the shaping technique on incidence, intensity, duration and type of postoperative pain (PP). Methods: Root canal treatments were carried out with rtary instrumentation (n=80) during a single-visit, and data about pre-treatment conditions were collected. Patients were given a questionnaire to record the presence or absence of post-endodontic pain, its duration and level of discomfort. A matching patient (same pre-treatment conditions but manual instrumentation) was randomly selected from a pool (n=374) and assigned to the control group. A total of 44 pairs of patients matched completely and were included in the study. Incidence (yes/no) of PP was assessed using Chi-square tests, intensity (mild, moderate, severe) with trend tests and duration (days) with Mann-Whitney U tests. Results: A significantly greater proportion of the patients in the control group reported pain than did patients in the rotatory shaping group (p<0.05). However, pain duration was shorter (p=0.008) in the control group. Differences in level of discomfort were not statistically significant. Conclusions: The results of this prospective in vivo study suggest that a higher incidence of PP should be expected after manual root canal preparation. However a second major finding of the study is that when present, PP after a rotatory canal preparation is expected to last longer. Clinical significance: There has been an increase in the use of rotatory techniques among dentists in recent years. The present study analyses the differences in the incidence and characteristics of postoperative pain that should be expected after rotary canal preparation compared to traditional manual methods that had not been reported yet.
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    Project number: 373
    #Own your future: Promocionando la empleabilidad y el emprendimiento entre los estudiantes de Odontología
    (2020) Arias Paniagua, Ana María; Macorra García, José Carlos De La; Iglesias Linares, Alejandro; Hidalgo Arroquia, Juan José; Fontecilla Castillo, Josefa; Montero Martínez, Antonio; Rubio Flores, David; Oliveira Pegado Figueiredo, Frederico Eduardo de; Nahli Yahloul, Mohammed Oussama; Sada Bringas, Carmen de
    Los miembros de este equipo pretendimos facilitar la incorporación al mundo laboral de nuestros estudiantes y despertar su espíritu emprendedor abriendo nuevos horizontes de trabajo con este proyecto y creando nuevas perspectivas de desarrollo profesional basados en la excelencia de trabajo, esfuerzo y principios deontológicos.
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    Project number: 47
    Diseñando el futuro de la docencia de grado en la facultad de odontología de la UCM
    (2017) Macorra García, José Carlos De La; Martínez Álvarez, María Concepción; Hidalgo Arroquia, Juan José; Río Highsmith, Jaime Del; Collado Yurrita, Luis Rodolfo; Mourelle Martínez, Rosa; Vaticón Herreros, Dolores; Fernández-Tresguerres Hernández-Gil, Isabel; Arias Paniagua, Ana María; Oliveira Pegado Figueiredo, Frederico Eduardo de; García González, Marina; Angulo Manzaneque, Gema
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    Project number: 167
    Aprender educando: Experiencia ApS de promoción de la salud oral
    (2018) Iniesta Albentosa, Margarita Isabel; Alonso Álvarez, Bettina María; Arias Paniagua, Ana María; Hidalgo Arroquia, Juan José; Figuero Ruiz, Elena; Herrera González, David; Sanz Alonso, Mariano; Macorra García, José Carlos De La; Méndez González, Raquel; Figueiras López, Iria; De Oliveira Pegado Figueiredo, Frederico Eduardo
    El programa de aprendizaje-servicio realizado ha permitido que el estudiante construya su propio aprendizaje y, por lo tanto, el aprendizaje académico ha mejorado el servicio ofrecido. Hemos preparado a los estudiantes para que sepan participar de forma activa en la sociedad; y hemos generado en ellos una serie de valores que dentro del aula son más difíciles de conseguir, como empatía, responsabilidad social, liderazgo, etc.