Marazuela Lamata, María Dolores

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First Name
María Dolores
Last Name
Marazuela Lamata
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Químicas
Química Analítica
Química Analítica
UCM identifierORCIDScopus Author IDWeb of Science ResearcherIDDialnet ID

Search Results

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    Risk assessment of silver and microplastics release from antibacterial food containers under conventional use and microwave heating
    (Food Chemistry, 2023) Moreno Gordaliza, María Estefanía; Gómez Gómez, María Milagros; Marazuela Lamata, María Dolores
    The evaluation of the migration of ionic silver and nanoparticulated silver (AgNPs) from antimicrobial plastic packaging to food is crucial to ensure its safety. Migration assays were performed on reusable silver-containing polypropylene (PP) food containers and a silicone baby bottle, using food simulants, under conventional or microwave heating and repeated use. The PP containers released significant amounts of silver, increasing with temperature, contact time, acidity and lower crystallinity. Silver migration in the silicone bottle was much lower. Risk assessment of released silver was done considering European authorities safety recommendations, with some containers far exceeding these levels. No significant AgNPs release was detected in the simulants by single particle-ICPMS. Silver-containing microplastics and silicone microparticles were detected by SEM in the food simulants after the migration assays. Consumers may be continuously exposed to the harmful effects of ionic silver and microplastics, which can potentially lead to health issues
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    Safety assessment of commercial antimicrobial food packaging: Triclosan and microplastics, a closer look
    (2022) Marazuela Lamata, María Dolores; Klaiber, Miguel; Moreno Gordaliza, María Estefanía; Barata, A.; Gómez Gómez, María Milagros
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    Human intake assessment of triclosan associated with the daily use of polypropylene-made antimicrobial food packaging
    (Food Chemistry, 2024) Klaiber Miguel; Moreno Gordaliza, María Estefanía; Gómez Gómez, María Milagros; Marazuela Lamata, María Dolores
    In this work, we aimed to evaluate human intake of triclosan (TCS) associated with real-life use of different brands of Microban™ microwave-safe food packaging. Calculations were based on: TCS migration data (under the worst-case foreseeable conditions), MPs abundance and TCS bioaccessibility from microplastics (MPs), leached from containers under microwave heating. Bioaccessibility studies were performed with in vitro digestion of MPs, followed by liquid-liquid extraction of TCS from digestive fluids and LC-QqQ-MS analysis yielding values of 46 ± 9%. The estimated weekly intake (EWI) of TCS ranged between 11 and 42 μg/kg body weight/week, with migration being the largest contribution (0.6–2.3 mg/week), compared to leaching of MPs (75–300 μg/week). These values represent a significant source of human exposure to TCS, emphasizing the need to harmonize the ban of TCS in food contact materials worldwide and improve compliance testing of food contact articles, particularly those marketed through online sales platforms.
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    Lipidomics Reveals Cisplatin-Induced Renal Lipid Alterations during Acute Kidney Injury and Their Attenuation by Cilastatin
    (International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021) Moreno Gordaliza, Estefanía; Marazuela Lamata, María Dolores; Pastor, Óscar; Lázaro Fernández, Alberto; Gómez Gómez, María Milagros
    Nephrotoxicity is a major complication of cisplatin-based chemotherapy, leading to acute kidney injury in ca. 30% of patients, with no preventive intervention or treatment available for clinical use. Cilastatin has proved to exert a nephroprotective effect for cisplatin therapies in in vitro and in vivo models, having recently entered clinical trials. A deeper understanding at the molecular level of cisplatin-induced renal damage and the effect of potential protective agents could be key to develop successful nephroprotective therapies and to establish new biomarkers of renal damage and nephroprotection. A targeted lipidomics approach, using LC-MS/MS, was employed for the quantification of 108 lipid species (comprising phospholipids, sphingolipids, and free and esterified cholesterol) in kidney cortex and medulla extracts from rats treated with cisplatin and/or cilastatin. Up to 56 and 63 lipid species were found to be altered in the cortex and medulla, respectively, after cisplatin treatment. Co-treatment with cilastatin attenuated many of these lipid changes, either totally or partially with respect to control levels. Multivariate analysis revealed that lipid species can be used to discriminate renal damage and nephroprotection, with cholesterol esters being the most discriminating species, along with sulfatides and phospholipids. Potential diagnostic biomarkers of cisplatin-induced renal damage and cilastatin nephroprotection were also found.
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    DNA-Modulated and Mechanoresponsive Excitonic Couplings Reveal Chiroptical Correlation of Conformation, Tension, and Dynamics of DNA Self-Assembly
    (Nano Letters, 2023) Mo, Xiaomei; Li, Huacheng; Tang, Pan; Hao, Yaya; Dong, Bingqian; Marazuela Lamata, María Dolores; Gómez Gómez, María Milagros; Zhu, Xianfeng; Li, Qian; Lora Maroto, Beatriz; Jiang, Shuoxing; Fan, Chunhai; Lan, Xiang