Sánchez Rodríguez, Ana

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Sánchez Rodríguez
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
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    Gestation Food Restriction and Refeeding Compensate Maternal Energy Status and Alleviate Metabolic Consequences in Juvenile Offspring in a Rabbit Model
    (Nutrients, 2021) García García, Rosa María; Arias Álvarez, María; Millán Pastor, María Pilar; Rodríguez, María; Sánchez Rodríguez, Ana; Lorenzo González, Pedro Luis; Rebollar, Pilar G.
    Nutritional status during gestation can influence mother and offspring metabolism. Undernutrition in pregnancy affects women in both western and developing countries, and it is associated with a high prevalence of chronic diseases in later life. The present work was conducted in the rabbit model, as a longitudinal study, to examine the effect of food restriction during early and mid-gestation, and re-feeding ad libitum until the end of pregnancy on metabolic status and body reserves of mother and, its association with development and metabolism of fetuses and female offspring to the juvenile stage. Little changes in live body weight (LBW), compensatory feed intake, similar body reserves, and metabolism were observed in dams. Placenta biometry and efficiency were slightly affected, but fetal BW and phenotype were not modified. However, hyperinsulinemia, insulin resistance, and hypertriglyceridemia were demonstrated in pre-term fetuses. In the juvenile period, these changes were not evidenced, and a similar pattern of growth and serum metabolic parameters in offspring of food-restricted mothers were found, except in serum aminotransferases levels, which increased. These were associated with higher liver fibrosis. Maternal food restriction in the early and mid-pregnancy followed by re-feeding in our rabbit model established a compensatory energy status in dams and alleviated potential long-term consequences in growth and metabolism in the offspring, even if fetal metabolism was altered.
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    Influence of Different Regimes of Moderate Maternal Feed Restriction during Pregnancy of Primiparous Rabbit Does on Long-Term Metabolic Energy Homeostasis, Productive Performance and Welfare
    (Animals, 2021) Fernández Pacheco, Carlota; Millán Pastor, María Pilar; Rodríguez, María; Formoso Rafferty, Nora; Sánchez Rodríguez, Ana; Lorenzo González, Pedro Luis; Arias Álvarez, María; García García, Rosa María; Rebollar, Pilar G.
    In this study, a maternal feed restriction (MFR; 105 g/d) in primiparous rabbit does was applied from day 0 to 7 post artificial insemination (AI) (R07, n = 96), from day 7 to 21 post AI (R721, n = 92), from day 0 to 21 post AI (R021, n = 94) or fed ad libitum during whole pregnancy (Control, n= 92). Feed intake (FI) was measured after MFR was over. On day 28 of gestation, fetoplacental development was evaluated (n = 11/group) and the productive parameters of the remaining dams were analyzed. Plasma free tri-iodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine, glucose, insulin, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), and corticosterone were analyzed during gestation and lactation (n = 5/group). After MFR, all groups significantly increased their voluntary FI. The longer MFR was, the lower the weight and length of the fetuses, but no long-term effects over litter performance were observed. R021 groups had the lowest T3 and the highest NEFA concentrations during pregnancy and showed insulin resistance at the end of gestation, but during lactation, energy homeostasis was balanced in all groups. MFR did not affect corticosterone concentrations. In conclusion, the ration setting applied slightly involved the energy homeostasis and metabolism of the animals, but their overall metabolic condition, productive performance and welfare were not compromised.
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    Physiological effects on rabbit sperm and reproductive response to recombinant rabbit beta nerve growth factor administered by intravaginal route in rabbit does
    (Theriogenology, 2020) Sánchez Rodríguez, Ana; Arias Álvarez, María; Millán Pastor, María Pilar; Lorenzo González, Pedro Luis; García García, Rosa María; García Rebollar, Pilar
    Beta nerve growth factor (β-NGF) is present in the seminal plasma of some species, including rabbits, acting as an ovulation-inducing factor in camelids. Traditionally, GnRH analogues are used to induce ovulation by intramuscular route when artificial insemination (AI) is performed in rabbit does. A specific rabbit recombinant β-NGF (rrβ-NGF) produced in our laboratory was tested as an alternative method to conventional treatment with GnRH analogues to induce ovulation. In the present work, different concentrations (0, 20, 100 ng/mL and 1, 20 and 100 μg/mL) of rrβ-NGF were added to diluted semen to assess its effect on sperm traits (viability and motility parameters). rrβ-NG was used also, incorporated to the AI dose, to evaluate ovulation response (LH and progesterone plasma concentrations, ovulation rate (OR) and embryo implantation at Day 7) after intravaginal administration. A negative control group stimulated with an empty catheter, and a positive control group inseminated and intramuscularly treated as usual with GnRH were also set up. Results showed that seminal quality was influenced by rrβ-NGF depending on the concentration added, being the highest concentrations tested deleterious for semen. Whereas the highest OR was found in the positive control group (100%), concentrations of 20 ng/mL, 1 μg/mL and 20 μg/mL of rrβ-NGF triggered intermediate OR (30, 60 and 42.9%, respectively), and 100 ng/mL and 100 μg/mL had the lowest OR (20 and 14.3%, respectively). Although LH peak was not observed in the first 2 h after AI in the ovulated females from rrβ-NGF groups, plasma progesterone significantly increased at Day 7, except in those females treated with 20 and 100 μg/mL. Also, 98.4% of ovulated females were pregnant on Day 7. In conclusion, rrβ-NGF added to diluted semen affects seminal quality and provokes ovulation, the development of functional CL and conception by intravaginal route in rabbit does, depending on the concentration added.
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    Role of nerve growth factor in the reproductive physiology of female rabbits: A review
    (Theriogenology, 2020) Rebollar, P.G.; García García, Rosa María; Arias Álvarez, María; Sánchez Rodríguez, Ana; Lorenzo González, Pedro Luis
    Rabbit does are reflex ovulators such that coitus is needed to release GnRH and elicit the LH surge that triggers the ovulation of mature oocytes. However, the mechanisms eliciting ovulation in this species remain unclear. One of the most promising recently discovered candidates with a role in female reproductive physiology is nerve growth factor beta (b-NGF). This neurotrophin and its high-affinity receptor TrkA and low affinity receptor p75, is present in all compartments of the ovary, oviduct and uterus suggesting a physiologic role in ovarian folliculogenesis, steroidogenesis, ovulation, luteogenesis and embryo development. Besides, evidence exists that b-NGF found in seminal plasma could exert a modulatory role in the female hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian axis contributing to the adrenergic and cholinergic neuronal stimulus of GnRH neurons in an endocrine manner during natural mating. Probably, the paracrine and local roles of the neurotrophin in steroidogenesis and ovulation reinforce the neuroendocrine pathway that leads to ovulation. This review updates knowledge of the role of b-NGF in rabbit reproduction, including its possible contribution to the mechanisms of action that induce ovulation, and discusses perspectives for the future applications of this neurotrophin on rabbit farms.
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    Effects of feed restriction during pregnancy on maternal reproductive outcome, foetal hepatic IGF gene expression and offspring performance in the rabbit
    (Animal, 2021) García García, Rosa María; Arias Álvarez, María; Rodríguez, M.; Sánchez Rodríguez, Ana; Formoso Rafferty, N.; Lorenzo González, Pedro Luis; Rebollar, P.G.
    Primiparous female rabbits have high nutritional requirements and, while it is recommended that they are subjected to an extensive reproductive rhythm, this could lead to overweight, affecting reproductive outcomes. We hypothesised that restricting food intake during the less energetic period of gestation could improve reproductive outcome without impairing offspring viability. This study compares two groups of primiparous rabbit does in an extensive reproductive programme, one in which feed was restricted from Day 0 to Day 21 of gestation (R021), and another in which does were fed ad libitum (control) throughout pregnancy. The mother and offspring variables compared were (1) mother reproductive outcomes at the time points pre-implantation (Day 3 postartificial insemination [AI]), preterm (Day 28 post-AI) and birth; and (2) the prenatal offspring characteristic IGF system gene expression in foetal liver, liver fibrosis and foetus sex ratio, and postnatal factor viability and growth at birth, and survival and growth until weaning. Feed restriction did not affect the conception rate, embryo survival, or the number of morulae and blastocysts recovered at Day 3 post-AI. Preterm placenta size and efficiency were similar in the two groups. However, both implantation rate (P < 0.001) and the number of foetuses (P = 0.05) were higher in the R021 mothers than controls, while there was no difference in foetal viability. Foetal size and weight, the weights of most organs, organ weight/BW ratios and sex ratio were unaffected by feed restriction; these variables were only affected by uterine position (P < 0.05). Conversely, in the R021 does, foetal liver IGBP1 and IGF2 gene expression were dysregulated despite no liver fibrosis and a normal liver structure. No effects of restricted feed intake were produced on maternal fertility, prolificacy, or offspring birth weight, but control females weaned more kits. Litter weight and mortality rate during the lactation period were also unaffected. In conclusion, pre-implantation events and foetal development were unaffected by feed restriction. While some genes of the foetal hepatic IGF system were dysregulated during pregnancy, liver morphology appeared normal, and the growth of foetuses and kits until weaning was unmodified. This strategy of feed restriction in extensive reproductive rhythms seems to have no significant adverse effects on dam reproductive outcome or offspring growth and viability until weaning.