Crespo Castejón, Francisco

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Crespo Castejón
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Medicina y Cirugía Animal
Medicina y Cirugía Animal
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    Shared Y chromosome repetitive DNA sequences in stallion and donkey as visualized using whole-genomic comparative hybridization
    (European Journal of Histochemistry, 2010) Gosálvez Berenguer, Jaime; Crespo Castejón, Francisco; Vega Plá, Jose Luis; López Fernández, Carmen; Cortés Gutiérrez, Elvira; Devila Rodríguez, M. I.; Mezzanote, Roberto
    The genome of stallion (Spanish breed) and donkey (Spanish endemic Zamorano-Leonés) were compared using whole comparative genomic in situ hybridisation (W-CGH) tech-nique, with special reference to the variability observed in the Y chromosome. Results show that these diverging genomes still share some highly repetitive DNA families localized in pericentromeric regions and, in the particular case of the Y chromosome, a sub-family of highly repeated DNA sequences, greatly expanded in the donkey genome, accounts for a large part of the chromatin in the stallion Y chromosome.
  • Item
    DNA fragmentation in frozen sperm of Equus asinus: Zamorano-Leonés, a breed at risk of extinction
    (Theriogenology, 2008) Cortés Gutiérrez, Elvira; Crespo Castejón, Francisco; Gosálvez Berenguer, Jaime; Dávila Rodríguez, M. I.; López Fernández, Carmen; Gosálvez, Antonio
    The dynamics of sperm DNA fragmentation (sDF) and sperm viability were analyzed in frozen-thawed sperm samples of Equus asinus (Zamorano-Leonés), a breed at risk of extinction. Sperm DNA fragmentation was assessed using an adaptation of the sperm chromatin dispersion test developed for stallions in five different frozen samples. Sperm were thawed and incubated at different temperatures (37 °C, 25 °C, and 4 °C) and sDF was assessed at different times and compared. The mean sDF after thawing at the beginning of the experiment was 18.20 ± 14.77% and did not differ significantly from the results of a neutral comet assay (22.0 ± 19.34%). The tendency in the sDF of all donkeys indicated that sperm DNA is more sensitive to breakage when incubated at 37 °C than when incubated at 25 °C or 4 °C. Interestingly, the tendency was not the same when different animals were compared, and differences in sDF dynamics were established among individuals. sDF correlated negatively with sperm viability in some individuals but not in others. From a conservation perspective, sDF analysis may offer a new way to assess sperm quality in endangered breeds in order to identify and select the best semen samples for artificial reproduction purposes. In particular, we recommend for artificial insemination the use of semen samples with a slow increase in sDF with time after thawing.