Urraca Ruiz, Javier

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Urraca Ruiz
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Químicas
Química Analítica
Química Analítica
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Search Results

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    Eu(III)-Templated molecularly imprinted polymer used as a luminescent sensor for the determination of tenuazonic acid mycotoxin in food samples
    (Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2021) Rico Yuste, Alberto; Abouhany, Rahma; Urraca Ruiz, Javier; Descalzo López, Ana Belén; Orellana Moraleda, Guillermo; Moreno Bondi, María Cruz
    Tenuazonic acid (TeA) is a common mycotoxin produced by Alternaria species found in various foodstuffs. Herein, we describe the preparation of porous molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) microspheres doped with Eu(III), for selective fast analysis of TeA in rice extracts. The TeA template, bearing a β-diketone moiety, is a good Eu(III)-chelating antenna ligand that can be selectively captured in the MIP cavities and detected by observing the “turned-on” sensitized luminescence of the Eu(III) ions at 615 nm (λex 337 nm). A MIP library was prepared at small scale using diethyl allylmalonate (DEAM) or allyl acetoacetate as functional monomers, mixed in different mole ratios with the template and ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EDMA) as cross-linker. The screening allowed selection of poly(DEAM-co-EDMA) with Eu(III) as luminogenic metal center for the sensor development. Under the optimized conditions, a linear response to TeA in the 1.7–20 μg mL−1 range, with a detection limit of 0.5 μg mL−1, was obtained. The Eu(III)-doped MIP for TeA showed very little or no cross-recognition of other mycotoxins present in foodstuff such as alternariol, β-zearalenol and cyclopiazonic acid, even containing the same recognition moiety. The MIP-based optosensor was successfully applied to the analysis of rice extracts spiked with TeA, and the results were confirmed by HPLC-DAD.
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    Project number: 127
    Diseño y preparación de un laboratorio virtual de Química Analítica: Técnicas instrumentales de análisis
    (2022) Benito Peña, María Elena; Burgueño Arjona, Maria José; Campuzano Ruiz, Susana; Madrid Albarrán, María Yolanda; Marazuela Lamata, María Dolores; Mateos Briz, María Raquel; Moreno Bondi, María Cruz; Navarro Villoslada, Fernando; Pedrero Muñoz, María; Reviejo García, Ángel Julio; Tortajada Pérez, José; Urraca Ruiz, Javier; Villalonga Santana, Reynaldo; Blanco Asenjo, Miriam; del Valle Ávila, Marcos; Molla Escudero, David; Navarro Duro, Marina; del Rosario García-Marcos, Beatriz; Merino Sierra, Miguel Ángel; García López, Patricia
    La reciente pandemia del COVID-19 ha supuesto un cambio excepcional y drástico de la concepción tradicional del aprendizaje, tanto para los estudiantes como para los docentes. Ante esta situación se requiere no sólo acciones que faciliten la adaptación de los estudiantes y profesores a las plataformas educativas en línea, sino también a que éstas se conviertan en auténticas herramientas para potenciar y mejorar de forma significativa el aprendizaje del alumno. El presente proyecto de Innovación Educativa y Mejora de la Calidad Docente pretende mejorar la calidad del aprendizaje de varias asignaturas de los Grados de Química e Ingeniería Química que llevan asociado un Laboratorio de Técnicas Instrumentales. Tradicionalmente esa docencia práctica ha sido presencial, pero la situación excepcional surgida con la pandemia en el curso 2019/2020, ha demostrado que disponer de unas prácticas virtualizadas es de gran ayuda para facilitar el aprendizaje de los alumnos y facilitar una transferencia del conocimiento constructivo y colaborativo. Desde hace años, el personal docente e investigador (PDI), personal de administración y servicios (PAS) y los estudiantes de la UCM, disponemos de la plataforma de enseñanza online Moodle (Campus Virtual, CV). Sin embargo, la pandemia que vivimos ha evidenciado la brecha digital en lo referente a cómo usar Moodle y, por ende, la utilización de las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TICs) como facilitadoras didácticas. A pesar de nuestras limitaciones, tanto profesores como estudiantes, hemos desarrollado una enorme capacidad resiliente, lo que permitió, durante el pasado mes de mayo, la puesta en marcha de los primeros laboratorios en línea en el Departamento de Química Analítica de la UCM. Fruto de esta experiencia, así como de la situación actual de incertidumbre para el curso próximo, algunos profesores, estudiantes y PAS del departamento hemos decidido adelantarnos a un escenario futuro en el que se contemple nuevamente la impartición de Docencia Experimental en línea y solicitar el presente proyecto de Innovación Educativa y Mejora de la Calidad Docente.
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    The ultratrace determination of fluoroquinolones in river water samples by an online solid-phase extraction method using a molecularly imprinted polymer as a selective sorbent
    (Molecules, 2022) Baeza, Ana; Urriza-Arsuaga, Idoia; Navarro Villoslada, Fernando; Urraca Ruiz, Javier
    Fluoroquinolones (FQs) are broad-spectrum antibiotics widely used to treat animal and human infections. The use of FQs in these activities has increased the presence of antibiotics in wastewater and food, triggering antimicrobial resistance, which has severe consequences for human health. The detection of antibiotics residues in water and food samples has attracted much attention. Herein, we report the development of a highly sensitive online solid-phase extraction methodology based on a selective molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) and fluorescent detection (HPLC-FLD) for the determination of FQs in water at low ng L−1 level concentration. Under the optimal conditions, good linearity was obtained ranging from 0.7 to 666 ng L−1 for 7 FQs, achieving limits of detection (LOD) in the low ng L−1 level and excellent precision. Recoveries ranged between 54 and 118% (RSD < 17%) for all the FQs tested. The method was applied to determining FQs in river water. These results demonstrated that the developed method is highly sensitive and selective.
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    Development of a Screening Method for Fluoroquinolones in Meat Samples Using Molecularly Imprinted Carbon Dots
    (Biosensors, 2023) Ahmed Faried Abdel Hakiem; Urriza-Arsuaga, Idoia; Urraca Ruiz, Javier
    An accurate and simple screening method has been developed for the determination of fluoroquinolone antibiotics. Carbon dots were synthesized by simple hydrothermal treatment as highly fluorescent nano-sensors. They were subsequently used in the synthesis of organic-based molecularly imprinted polymers to develop fluorescence-based polymeric composites using enoxacin as a representative dummy template molecule of fluoroquinolones. The method was optimized concerning the pH of the medium and composite concentration. The normalized fluorescence intensity showed efficient quenching under optimized conditions upon successive addition of the template, with an excellent correlation coefficient. The proposed method was applied to eight other fluoroquinolones, exhibiting, in all cases, good correlation coefficients (0.65–0.992) within the same linearity range (0.03–2.60 mg mL−1). Excellent detection and quantification limits were been obtained for the target analytes down to 0.062 and 0.186 mg L−1, respectively. All studied analytes showed no interference with enrofloxacin, the most commonly used veterinary fluoroquinolone, with a percentage of cross-reactivity varying from 89.00 to 540.00%. This method was applied successfully for the determination of enrofloxacin in three different types of meat samples: beef, pork, and chicken, with good recoveries varying from 70 to 100% at three levels. This new procedure is an easy analytical method that can be useful as a screening method for monitoring the environmental hazard of fluoroquinolones in quality control laboratories.
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    Simultaneous determination of zearalenone and alternariol mycotoxins in oil samples using mixed molecularly imprinted polymer beads
    (Food Chemistry, 2023) Moya-Cavas, Tamara; Navarro Villoslada, Fernando; Urraca Ruiz, Javier; Antonio Serrano, Luis; Orellana Moraleda, Guillermo; Moreno-Bondi, María Cruz; Moreno Bondi, María Cruz
    This work reports the optimization of a method using Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIPs) for the simultaneous determination of zearalenone and alternariol mycotoxins. The method was optimized using a chemometric approach where in the optimized conditions, the cartridges with a mixture (50:50, w/w) of both MIPs, were loaded with 30 mL of sample, washed with 2 mL of ACN/water (20/80, v/v) and eluted with 2.5 mL of trifluoroacetic acid/MeOH (3/97, v/v). The extracts were analyzed by HPLC coupled to a fluorescence detector (FLD). The optimized method has been applied and validated to the analysis of the mycotoxins in maize, sunflower and olive oils samples with a limit of detection of 5 and 2 μg kg- 1, respectively. Recoveries were in the range of 94 % to 108 % (RSD < 6 %) for zearalenone and 92 % to 113 % (RSD < 5 %) for alternariol. The results were confirmed by HPLC-MS/MS.
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    Project number: 172
    Mentoría pedagógica como método de formación del profesorado universitario. Experiencia en la asignatura "Química Analítica I" del grado en Química
    (2023) Sánchez Sánchez, Alfredo; Villalonga Santana, Reynaldo; Urraca Ruiz, Javier; Gracia Lor, Emma; Vilela García, Diana; Rodríguez Bencomo, Juan José; Molla Escudero, David; Mayol Hornero, Beatriz; Villalonga Chico, Anabel
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    The Ultratrace Determination of Fluoroquinolones in River Water Samples by an Online Solid-Phase Extraction Method Using a Molecularly Imprinted Polymer as a Selective Sorbent
    (Molecules, 2022) Baeza, A.N.; Urriza-Arsuaga, Idoia; Navarro Villoslada, Fernando; Urraca Ruiz, Javier
    Fluoroquinolones (FQs) are broad-spectrum antibiotics widely used to treat animal and human infections. The use of FQs in these activities has increased the presence of antibiotics in wastewater and food, triggering antimicrobial resistance, which has severe consequences for human health. The detection of antibiotics residues in water and food samples has attracted much attention. Herein, we report the development of a highly sensitive online solid-phase extraction methodology based on a selective molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) and fluorescent detection (HPLC-FLD) for the determination of FQs in water at low ng L−1 level concentration. Under the optimal conditions, good linearity was obtained ranging from 0.7 to 666 ng L−1 for 7 FQs, achieving limits of detection (LOD) in the low ng L−1 level and excellent precision. Recoveries ranged between 54 and 118% (RSD < 17%) for all the FQs tested. The method was applied to determining FQs in river water. These results demonstrated that the developed method is highly sensitive and selective.