Navarrete Fernández, María Cruz

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María Cruz
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Navarrete Fernández
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Físicas
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 6 of 6
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    Measurement of the degree of salinity of water with a fiber-optic sensor
    (Applied Optics, 1999) Esteban Martínez, Óscar; Navarrete Fernández, María Cruz; González Cano, Agustín; Bernabeu Martínez, Eusebio
    A fiber-optic sensor based on surface-plasmon resonance for the determination of the refractive index is used for measuring the degree of salinity of water. The transducing element consists of a multilayer structure deposited on a side-polished monomode optical fiber. Measuring the attenuation of the power transmitted by the fiber shows that a linear relation with the refractive index of the outer medium of the structure is obtained. The system is characterized by use of a varying refractive index obtained with a mixture of water and ethylene glycol. Experimental results show that the sensor can be used as a salinity-degree measurement device with environmental applications.
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    Fiberoptic Gyroscopes Response Functions by Graph-Theory.
    (Optik, 1995) Navarrete Fernández, María Cruz; Bernabeu Martínez, Eusebio
    Two fiber-optic gyro configuration (interferometric and resonator fiber-optic gyro) are considered and their, response functions are derived by means of graph theory. These response functions are compared with previous results.
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    Graph-Theory in Optical Networks – Application to the Study of a 3-Branch All-Fiber Optic Interferometer
    (Optik, 1994) Bernabeu Martínez, Eusebio; Navarrete Fernández, María Cruz
    The study of an optical network can be simplified with the help of signal flow graph theory. In this work a brief overview of this theory, and its application to some simple optical networks is given. The graph theory is particularly useful in the obtainment of complicated network response. A study of a three-branch all-fibre optic interferometer is shown in this paper.
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    Three-branch optical fibre interferometer for simultaneous measurement of two physical measurands
    (Optics Communications, 1994) Bernabeu Martínez, Eusebio; Navarrete Fernández, María Cruz
    A three-branch all-fibre optic interferometer (3B-FOI) based on a Mach-Zehnder configuration is proposed. We have studied the feasibility of using it to measure two phase perturbations. Results are presented which show the linearity of the detection scheme. It is shown that the 3B-FOI can be used to separate the induced phase changes produced by two measurands acting simultaneously on a single sensing fibre.
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    Fibre-optic weigh-in-motion sensor
    (Sensors and actuators A - Physical, 1994) Navarrete Fernández, María Cruz; Bernabeu Martínez, Eusebio
    This paper presents a fibre-optic sensor to measure weight in motion based on a multiple fibre-optic interferometer. The differential phase between the arms of the interferometer produced by the pressure is compensated by a feedback system, thus converting pressure into voltage. This sensor can be used to separate the induced phase changes produced by two measurands acting simultaneously on the sensing arm. Results are presented that show the linearity of the detection scheme.
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    Pressure Sensor-Based on a 3-Branch Fiber Optic Interferometric Device.
    (Measurement & Control, 1995) Bernabeu Martínez, Eusebio; Navarrete Fernández, María Cruz