Meniz García, Cristina María

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Cristina María
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Meniz García
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Especialidades Clínicas Odontológicas
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Search Results

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    Project number: PIMCD157/23-24
    Proyecto para elaboración de un libro docente para la enseñanza de Cirugía Maxilofacial a alumnos de Odontología
    (2024) Cobo Vázquez, Carlos; Cortés Bretón Brinkmann, Jorge; Leco Berrocal, María Isabel; López Carriches, María Carmen; López-Quiles Martínez, Juan; Madrigal Martínez-Pereda, Cristina María; Meniz García, Cristina María; Ramos Rodríguez, Elia; Valverde Espejo, Arelhys Rosa; Cobo Vázquez, Carlos; López-Quiles Martínez, Juan
    En la actividad odontológica, resulta imprescindible el conocimiento de la anatomía maxilofacial y las principales técnicas de diagnóstico, planificación y tratamiento quirúrgico de las patologías bucodentales. La enseñanza de Cirugía Maxilofacial en alumnos de Odontología comprende la impartición de clases magistrales en las que se exponen los conocimientos que el alumno debe adquirir, seminarios en los que se actualizan los conocimientos científicos actuales, prácticas en las que el alumno adquiere la habilidad manual para desarrollar en un futuro su actividad, y trabajos de revisión o búsqueda bibliográfica en los que el alumno debe aprender a seleccionar la información que le resulte de utilidad, organizarla y exponerla. Sin embargo, las herramientas docentes actuales de la Cirugía Maxilofacial en la Facultad de Odontología no incluyen un libro propio sobre los contenidos anteriormente mencionados. La actualización de los contenidos programados y los recursos disponibles, elaborando una literatura de referencia debe permitir al alumno adquirir los conocimientos y competencias necesarias para realizar su actividad profesional de forma razonada, responsable y eficaz. La comprobación de la adquisición de conocimientos se realizará mediante una autoevaluación disponible en el libro. Finalmente, mediante la simulación de situaciones clínicas para las que el alumno debe estar capacitado en base al conocimiento adquirido en la literatura de referencia el alumno será capaz de asimilar los conocimientos necesarios para la práctica odontológica.
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    Analysis of the Radiological Changes of the Sinus Membrane Using Cone Beam Computed Tomography and Its Relationship with Dental Treatments. A Retrospective Study
    (Biology, 2022) Rey-Martínez, María Helena; Ruiz-Sáenz, Pedro Luis; Martínez Rodríguez, Natalia; Barona Dorado, Cristina; Meniz García, Cristina María; Cortés Bretón Brinkmann, Jorge; Suárez-Quintanilla, Juan Antonio; Martínez González, José María
    The aim of this study was to identify the most relevant dental factors and iatrogenic causes in the development of pathological changes to the sinus membrane and to analyse their possible influence on the development of odontogenic sinusitis. A descriptive, observational study was designed, with 276 patients who had been evaluated via cone beam computed tomography, analysing possible sinus thickening factors, such as apical infections, endodontic treatments, periodontitis, radicular cysts and impacted teeth, as well as iatrogenic factors caused by implant treatments or the development of oroantral communications produced during tooth extraction manoeuvres. Among the dental factors, periodontitis (47.1%), apical pathology (23.5%) and endodontic treatments (23.1%) were the predominant causes of sinus membrane thickening that most frequently produced an occupancy between 2 and 10 mm. Regarding the implant treatments, the placement of implants through the floor of the maxillary sinus was the main cause (9.8%), followed by sinus elevation techniques (6.2%). Dental extraction was the first cause of oroantral communication (5.0%), being the procedure that caused the greatest thickening of the sinus membrane. This study highlights the importance of dental treatments and iatrogenic factors in sinus pathology, and the need for diagnostic interrelations between the different specialists who address this pathology.
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    Medium-term clinical behaviour of one-piece zirconia implants supporting single crowns or fixed dental prostheses: A systematic review and meta-analysis
    (International journal of oral implantology, 2023) Santmartí Oliver, Margalida; Hernando-Calzado, Lucía; Cortés Bretón Brinkmann, Jorge; Sánchez-Labrador, Luis; Sáez Alcaide, Luis Miguel; Meniz García, Cristina María
    Purpose: This systematic review aimed to evaluate the medium-term (3-year) overall survival and success rates, marginal bone loss and different biological parameters displayed with one-piece zirconia implants. Materials and methods: Electronic searches were conducted of the MEDLINE (via PubMed), Scopus (Elsevier), Cochrane Library (Wiley) and Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics) databases and manual searching was also performed for relevant articles published up to 14 November 2022. The review included human studies with a minimum of 10 subjects and/or 20 implants and with a follow-up period of at least 3 years after implant placement. Results: Twelve studies met the inclusion criteria and were included for analysis, giving a total of 1,621 one-piece zirconia implants. Eleven studies were included to perform a meta-analysis of survival rates, and six for success rates and marginal bone loss. The survival and success rates at the 3-year follow-up were 94.4% (95% confidence interval 90.4%-98.4%; P < 0.001) and 91.6% (95% confidence interval 84.2%-98.9%; P < 0.001), respectively, and marginal bone loss was 0.231 mm (95% confidence interval 0.190-0.272; P < 0.001). Conclusions: One-piece zirconia implants appear to be a reliable option for restoring missing teeth, obtaining an implant survival rate of 94.4% and a success rate of 91.6% after a follow-up period of at least 3 years. Moreover, the results showed acceptable rates of marginal bone loss and adequate biological parameters.
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    Management of Schneiderian membrane perforations during maxillary sinus floor augmentation with lateral approach in relation to subsequent implant survival rates: a systematic review and metaanalysis
    (International journal of implant dentistry, 2021) Díaz-Olivares, Luis Alfredo; Cortés Bretón Brinkmann, Jorge; Martínez Rodríguez, Natalia; Martínez González, José María; López-Quiles Martínez, Juan; Leco Berrocal, María Isabel; Meniz García, Cristina María
    Background: This systematic review aimed to propose a treatment protocol for repairing intraoperative perforation of the Schneiderian membrane during maxillary sinus floor augmentation (MSFA) procedures with lateral window technique. In turn, to assess subsequent implant survival rates placed below repaired membranes compared with intact membranes and therefore determine whether membrane perforation constitutes a risk factor for implant survival. Material and methods: This review was conducted according to PRISMA guidelines. Two independent reviewers conducted an electronic search for articles published between 2008 and April 30, 2020, in four databases: (1) The National Library of Medicine (MEDLINE/PubMed) via Ovid; (2) Web of Science (WOS); (3) SCOPUS; and (4) Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL); also, a complementary handsearch was carried out. The NewcastleOttawa Quality Assessment Scale was used to assess the quality of evidence in the studies reviewed. Results: Seven articles fulfilled the inclusion criteria and were analyzed. A total of 1598 sinus lift surgeries were included, allowing the placement of 3604 implants. A total of 1115 implants were placed under previously perforated and repaired membranes, obtaining a survival rate of 97.68%, while 2495 implants were placed below sinus membranes that were not damaged during surgery, obtaining a survival rate of 98.88%. The rate of Schneiderian membrane perforation shown in the systematic review was 30.6%. In the articles reviewed, the most widely used technique for repairing perforated membranes was collagen membrane repair. Conclusions: Schneiderian membrane perforation during MFSA procedures with lateral approach is not a risk factor for dental implant survival (p=0.229; RR 0.977; 95% CI 0.941-1.015). The knowledge of the exact size of the membrane perforation is essential for deciding on the right treatment plan.
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    Calcium phosphate modified with silicon vs. bovine hydroxyapatite for alveolar ridge preservation: Densitometric evaluation, morphological changes and histomorphometric study
    (Materials (Basel, Switzerland), 2021) Cadenas Vacas, Guillermo; Martínez Rodríguez, Natalia; Barona Dorado, Cristina; Sánchez Labrador, Luis; Cortés Bretón Brinkmann, Jorge; Meniz García, Cristina María; Martínez González, José María
    After tooth extraction, the alveolar bone undergoes a physiological resorption that may compromise the future placement of the implant in its ideal position. This study evaluated bone density, morphological changes, and histomorphometric results undergone by alveolar bone after applying a new biomaterial composed of calcium phosphate modified with silicon (CAPO-Si) compared with hydroxyapatite of bovine origin (BHA). Alveolar ridge preservation (ARP) was performed in 24 alveoli, divided into a test group filled with CAPO-Si and a control group filled with BHA. Three months later, the mineral bone density obtained by the biomaterials, horizontal and vertical bone loss, the degree of alveolar corticalization, and histomorphometric results were evaluated. Both biomaterials presented similar behavior in terms of densitometric results, vertical bone loss, and degree of alveolar corticalization. Alveoli treated with CAPO-Si showed less horizontal bone loss in comparison with alveoli treated with BHA (0.99 ± 0.2 mm vs. 1.3 ± 0.3 mm), with statistically significant difference (p = 0.017). Histomorphometric results showed greater bone neoformation in the test group than the control group (23 ± 15% vs. 11 ± 7%) (p = 0.039) and less residual biomaterial (5 ± 10% vs. 17 ± 13%) (p = 0.043) with statistically significant differences. In conclusion, the ARP technique obtains better results with CAPO-Si than with BHA.
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    Clinical performance of tooth root blocks for alveolar ridge reconstruction
    (International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery, 2022) Bazal-Bonelli, S; Sánchez-Labrador, L; Cortés Bretón Brinkmann, Jorge; Pérez-González, F; Meniz García, Cristina María; Martínez González, José María; López-Quiles Martínez, Juan
    This systematic literature review set out to investigate the clinical outcomes of autogenous tooth root blocks used for ridge augmentation: survival rates, block resorption, implant survival, post-surgical complications, and histology findings. This review followed PRISMA guidelines. An automated search was made in four databases, supplemented by a manual search for relevant articles published before December 2020. The quality of evidence provided was assessed with the Newcastle-Ottawa Quality Assessment Scale and the Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal tool. Seven articles fulfilled the inclusion criteria and underwent analysis. The articles included a total of 136 patients, who received 118 autogenous tooth root blocks and 26 autogenous bone blocks showing block survival rates of 99.15% and 100%, respectively. Tooth root blocks presented a mean bone gain that was similar to autologous bone blocks but showed less resorption. The implant survival rate was 98.32% for autogenous tooth root blocks. Reconstruction of alveolar crests by means of autogenous tooth root blocks appears to be a satisfactory option for single-tooth gaps and low grades of bone atrophy in terms of the survival of the bone block and the implants placed subsequently. More research providing long-term data is needed to confirm these findings.