Meniz García, Cristina María

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First Name
Cristina María
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Meniz García
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Especialidades Clínicas Odontológicas
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Search Results

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    Project number: PIMCD157/23-24
    Proyecto para elaboración de un libro docente para la enseñanza de Cirugía Maxilofacial a alumnos de Odontología
    (2024) Cobo Vázquez, Carlos; Cortés Bretón Brinkmann, Jorge; Leco Berrocal, María Isabel; López Carriches, María Carmen; López-Quiles Martínez, Juan; Madrigal Martínez-Pereda, Cristina María; Meniz García, Cristina María; Ramos Rodríguez, Elia; Valverde Espejo, Arelhys Rosa; Cobo Vázquez, Carlos; López-Quiles Martínez, Juan
    En la actividad odontológica, resulta imprescindible el conocimiento de la anatomía maxilofacial y las principales técnicas de diagnóstico, planificación y tratamiento quirúrgico de las patologías bucodentales. La enseñanza de Cirugía Maxilofacial en alumnos de Odontología comprende la impartición de clases magistrales en las que se exponen los conocimientos que el alumno debe adquirir, seminarios en los que se actualizan los conocimientos científicos actuales, prácticas en las que el alumno adquiere la habilidad manual para desarrollar en un futuro su actividad, y trabajos de revisión o búsqueda bibliográfica en los que el alumno debe aprender a seleccionar la información que le resulte de utilidad, organizarla y exponerla. Sin embargo, las herramientas docentes actuales de la Cirugía Maxilofacial en la Facultad de Odontología no incluyen un libro propio sobre los contenidos anteriormente mencionados. La actualización de los contenidos programados y los recursos disponibles, elaborando una literatura de referencia debe permitir al alumno adquirir los conocimientos y competencias necesarias para realizar su actividad profesional de forma razonada, responsable y eficaz. La comprobación de la adquisición de conocimientos se realizará mediante una autoevaluación disponible en el libro. Finalmente, mediante la simulación de situaciones clínicas para las que el alumno debe estar capacitado en base al conocimiento adquirido en la literatura de referencia el alumno será capaz de asimilar los conocimientos necesarios para la práctica odontológica.
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    Project number: 108
    Guía para la solución de errores frecuentes en la docencia práctica de cirugía bucal
    (2022) Barona Dorado, Cristina; Baca Pérez-Bryan, Rafael; Cortés-Bretón Brinkmann, Jorge; Fernández Cáliz, Fernando; González Álvarez, Marina; Jiménez Saro, Paula; Leco Berrocal, María Isabel; López Díez, Belén; Martínez González, José María; Martínez Rodríguez, Natalia; Meniz García, Cristina María
    La Cirugía Bucal es una disciplina que se imparte en el Grado de Odontología, en tercer y cuarto curso. Sirve como base y aporta conocimientos previos para cursar otras asignaturas optativas de quinto curso, como la Cirugía Maxilofacial y la Implantología. Asi mismo, es la asignatura donde se imparten los contenidos de Anestesia Local, prodecimiento imprescindible para realizar cualquier procedimiento terapéutico en los tratamientos odontológicos. En el desarrollo de la misma, la ejecución práctica de los conocimientos se pone en marcha en cuarto curso. A lo largo de los años, los profesores implicados en la docencia práctica de la asignatura, hemos observado una serie de errores que se repiten en todas las promociones. Para ayudar al estudiante a prevenir estos errores, se va a elaborar una guía de errores comunes, que se puede actualizar cada curso académico, que le permita conocerlos antes de enfrentarse a la práctica clínica.
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    Management of Schneiderian membrane perforations during maxillary sinus floor augmentation with lateral approach in relation to subsequent implant survival rates: a systematic review and metaanalysis
    (International journal of implant dentistry, 2021) Díaz-Olivares, Luis Alfredo; Cortés Bretón Brinkmann, Jorge; Martínez Rodríguez, Natalia; Martínez González, José María; López-Quiles Martínez, Juan; Leco Berrocal, María Isabel; Meniz García, Cristina María
    Background: This systematic review aimed to propose a treatment protocol for repairing intraoperative perforation of the Schneiderian membrane during maxillary sinus floor augmentation (MSFA) procedures with lateral window technique. In turn, to assess subsequent implant survival rates placed below repaired membranes compared with intact membranes and therefore determine whether membrane perforation constitutes a risk factor for implant survival. Material and methods: This review was conducted according to PRISMA guidelines. Two independent reviewers conducted an electronic search for articles published between 2008 and April 30, 2020, in four databases: (1) The National Library of Medicine (MEDLINE/PubMed) via Ovid; (2) Web of Science (WOS); (3) SCOPUS; and (4) Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL); also, a complementary handsearch was carried out. The NewcastleOttawa Quality Assessment Scale was used to assess the quality of evidence in the studies reviewed. Results: Seven articles fulfilled the inclusion criteria and were analyzed. A total of 1598 sinus lift surgeries were included, allowing the placement of 3604 implants. A total of 1115 implants were placed under previously perforated and repaired membranes, obtaining a survival rate of 97.68%, while 2495 implants were placed below sinus membranes that were not damaged during surgery, obtaining a survival rate of 98.88%. The rate of Schneiderian membrane perforation shown in the systematic review was 30.6%. In the articles reviewed, the most widely used technique for repairing perforated membranes was collagen membrane repair. Conclusions: Schneiderian membrane perforation during MFSA procedures with lateral approach is not a risk factor for dental implant survival (p=0.229; RR 0.977; 95% CI 0.941-1.015). The knowledge of the exact size of the membrane perforation is essential for deciding on the right treatment plan.
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    Use of Phentolamine Mesylate in implant surgery: analysis of adverse effects and haemodynamic changes
    (Journal of clinical medicine, 2021) Vintanel-Moreno, Clara; Martínez González, José María; Martínez Rodríguez, Natalia; Meniz García, Cristina María; Leco Berrocal, María Isabel
    The clinical application of phentolamine mesylate (PM) as an anaesthetic reversal agent has been documented in the paediatric population and in conservative dentistry, but no studies have been conducted regarding dental implant surgery. A prospective randomised study was conducted on 60 patients eligible for mandibular implant treatment, randomly divided between a control group (CG) and an experimental group (EG), to whom PM was administered. Haemodynamic changes, adverse effects and patient satisfaction were assessed. No statistically significant differences in haemodynamic changes and postoperative pain were found between CG and EG (p < 0.05), except for systolic blood pressure (SBP), which increased slightly in EG, without posing a risk to patients. There were no differences in the occurrence of adverse effects between the two groups, except for greater difficulty in chewing and biting (p < 0.05) in CG and greater pain in the injection area (p = 0.043) in EG. Among EG patients, 83.3% reported that they would request PM again for future dental treatment. The use of PM offers an alternative to implant surgery, thereby increasing patients’ quality of life without increasing the risks.
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    Management of Patients under Treatment with Monoclonal Antibodies and New Biological Therapies
    (2021) Amigo-Basilio, Marta; Álvarez-González, Covadonga; Cobo Vázquez, Carlos; Leco Berrocal, María Isabel; Sáez-Alcaide, Luis Miguel; Meniz García, Cristina María
    Objective: The aim of this study is to know the biological therapy drugs that are related to adverse events, what dental treatments are associated with the appearance of these events, their severity, and how they are resolved. Study design: Analysis of cases described in the literature on patients undergoing treatment with biological therapies who have developed adverse effects associated with these drugs. Results: Of the 62 articles reviewed, 49 describe 68 cases of MRONJ, most of which appeared in the jaw and received surgical and/or conservative treatment. Conclusions: Biological therapies can potentially develop adverse effects in the oral cavity, so strict monitoring by the dentist is necessary.
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    Periosteal Pocket Flap technique for lateral ridge augmentation. A comparative pilot study versus guide bone regeneration
    (Annals of anatomy, 2022) Iglesias Velázquez, Óscar; Rebeca Serrano Zamora; López-Pintor Muñoz, Rosa María; González Fernández-Tresguerres, Francisco; Leco Berrocal, María Isabel; Meniz García, Cristina María; Fernández-Tresguerres Hernández-Gil, Isabel; Torres García Denche, Jesús
    Background: Implant rehabilitation of posterior mandibular defects is frequently associated to a horizontal bone loss. There exist several regenerative techniques to supply this bone deficiency, one of which is the Periosteal Pocket Flap Technique (PPF) proposed by Steigmann et al. to treat small horizontal bone defects. The present study proposes a modification of this technique based on the concurrent use of PPF with the use of xenogeneic and autologous bone and Plasma Rich in Growth Factors (PRGF). The aim of this study is to evaluate clinical and radiographic outcomes of the PPF with the use of xenogeneic and autologous bone and PRGF in comparison with conventional Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR) procedures. Methods: Nine patients were enroled in the study (7 women and 2 men, mean age: 53 ± 2.74 years) and allocated to PPF or GBR. In both groups implant placement was performed simultaneously to bone regeneration. Preoperative CBCT scans were performed for each patient. Surgical time and postoperative pain were recorded, as well as tissue healing. Moreover, horizontal bone gain (mm), graft surface area (mm2) and graft volume (mm3) were evaluated. Results: Nine surgeries were performed: 6 PPF and 3 GBR. Regarding clinical outcomes, operative time was significative greater in GBR group than in PPF group (51.67 ± 3.51 min vs. 37 ± 5.69 min; p = 0.008). Postoperative pain was higher in GBR compared to PPF (p = 0.011). Regarding radiographical results, there were not significant differences in horizontal bone gain (PPF: 9.43 ± 1.8 mm; GBR: 9.28 ± 0.42 mm), surface area (PPF: 693.33 ± 118.73 mm2; GBR: 655.61 ± 102.43 mm2), and volume (PPF: 394.97 ± 178.72 mm3; GBR: 261.66 ± 118 mm3) between groups. Conclusions: This prospective study demonstrates that the combination of autograft/xenograft and PRGF in PPF technique is a simpler, cheaper, and faster technique than GBR technique for achieving moderate lateral bone augmentation in implant treatment. Future randomised clinical studies are needed to confirm the results.
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    Project number: 55
    Adaptación a la docencia online de las prácticas preclínicas de Cirugía Bucal I
    (2021) Leco Berrocal, María Isabel; Baca Pérez-Bryan, Rafael; Baca González, Laura; Barona Dorado, Cristina; Carballido Fernández, Jorge; Casado Gómez, Inmaculada; Cobo Vázquez, Carlos; Fernández-Tresguerres Hernández-Gil, Isabel; González Álvarez, Marina; González Fernández-Tresguerres, Francisco; López Carriches, María Carmen; López Díez, Belén; Madrigal Martínez-Pereda, Cristina María; López-Quiles Martínez, Juan; Martín Morales, José Francisco; Martínez González, José María; Meniz García, Cristina María; De Sada Bringas, Carmen; Torres García Denche, Jesús
    Los cambios en la docencia debido a la pandemia por la COVID-19 ha llevado a la reducción de la presencialidad y a un aumento de la docencia online. Por ello se diseñó este proyecto, cuya finalidad fue la adaptación a la docencia online de las prácticas preclínicas de Cirugía Bucal I. Para el desarrollo de este trabajo se realizaron las rúbricas de evaluación de cada módulo de la asignatura, se elaboraron videos y documentación para subir al campus virtual antes de la realización de la práctica. Finalmente, se elaboraron cuestionarios de evaluación de la satisfacción de los estudiantes y profesorado con esta metodología. Los resultados mostraron una elevada satisfacción de ambos grupos, considerándola una herramienta de utilidad en el aprendizaje y de implementación en cursos posteriores.