Mourelle Martínez, Rosa

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Mourelle Martínez
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Especialidades Clínicas Odontológicas
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Search Results

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  • Item
    Time and sequence of eruption of permanent teeth in Spanish children
    (European Journal of Paediatric Dentistry, 2013) Bruna del Cojo, Marta; Gallardo López, Nuria Esther; Mourelle Martínez, Rosa; Nova García, Manuel Joaquín De
    Aim : This was to investigate permanent teeth emergence in children and teenagers of Madrid (Spain) and to compare the data with those reported in the literature. Materials and methods Study design: cross sectional descriptive study. This study comprises data from 752 children and adolescents in Madrid (Spain). Sex, age and present permanent teeth were recorded. Results: In our study permanent teeth eruption occurred between 6.99 and 12.45 years in girls and between 7.06 and 12.81 years in boys. Overall we found no statistically significant differences in the timing of emergence between homologous contralateral teeth, however we noted that the lower arch teeth erupt before those of the upper arch and the eruption of permanent teeth occurs earlier in girls than in boys. The sequence of tooth eruption differed in both jaws but was the same in both sexes. Conclusion: Clinical examination of teeth is a simple tool to calculate tooth eruption intervals. These findings in a Spanish population are relevant for different dental setting and should be periodically reconfirmed.
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    Sexual dimorphism of primary dentition in Spanish children
    (Acta odontologica Scandinavica, 2018) Burgueño Torres, Laura; Mourelle Martínez, Rosa; Diéguez Pérez, Montserrat; Nova García, Manuel Joaquín De
    Aim: To analyse differences in the eruption of primary teeth between both sexes. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study was performed in a sample of 1250 children aged between 3 and 42 months. The clinical emergence of teeth was taken to estimate average ages for primary teeth eruption. The t-test was used to analyse gender and arch differences. Results: Eruption of primary teeth began at the same time in girls as in boys; although the eruptive process was longer in girls. It was observed that almost all deciduous teeth emerged earlier in boys, except for the first molar (upper and lower) and the maxillary central incisors. The differences were statistically significant for almost all the primary teeth except for the central incisors, both upper and lower. Conclusions: By comparing the timing of the eruption of primary teeth in both sexes, it was found that eruption of almost all primary teeth took place earlier in boys than in girls and that the eruption process was shorter for boys than for girls. Most of the deciduous teeth erupted earlier in the right side in both sexes. No differences were found in the sequence of eruption of primary teeth between genders.