Bruña Fernández, Ricardo

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Bruña Fernández
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Radiología, Rehabilitación y Fisioterapia
Radiología y Medicina Física
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Search Results

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    Episodic memory dysfunction and hypersynchrony in brain functional networks in cognitively intact subjects and MCI: a study of 379 individuals
    (Geroscience, 2022) Chino, Brenda; Cuesta Prieto, Pablo; Pacios García, Javier; De Frutos Lucas, Jaisalmer; Torres Simón, Lucía; Doval Moreno, Sandra; Marcos Dolado, Alberto; Bruña Fernández, Ricardo; Maestu Unturbe, Fernando
    Delayed recall (DR) impairment is one of the most significant predictive factors in defining the progression to Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Changes in brain functional connectivity (FC) could accompany this decline in the DR performance even in a resting state condition from the preclinical stages to the diagnosis of AD itself, so the characterization of the relationship between the two phenomena has attracted increasing interest. Another aspect to contemplate is the potential moderator role of the APOE genotype in this association, considering the evidence about their implication for the disease. 379 subjects (118 mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and 261 cognitively intact (CI) individuals) underwent an extensive evaluation, including MEG recording. Applying cluster-based permutation test, we identified a cluster of differences in FC and studied which connections drove such an effect in DR. The moderation effect of APOE genotype between FC results and delayed recall was evaluated too. Higher FC in beta band in the right occipital region is associated with lower DR scores in both groups. A significant anteroposterior link emerged in the seed-based analysis with higher values in MCI. Moreover, APOE genotype appeared as a moderator between beta FC and DR performance only in the CI group. An increased beta FC in the anteroposterior brain region appears to be associated with lower memory performance in MCI. This finding could help discriminate the pattern of the progression of healthy aging to MCI and the relation between resting state and memory performance.
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    BDNF Val66Met polymorphism and gamma band disruption in resting state brain functional connectivity: A magnetoencephalography study in cognitively intact older females
    (Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2018) Rodríguez Rojo, Inmaculada Concepción; Cuesta Prieto, Pablo; López García, María Eugenia; De Frutos Lucas, Jaisalmer; Bruña Fernández, Ricardo; Pereda de Pablo, Ernesto; Barabash Bustelo, Ana; Montejo, Pedro; Montenegro Peña, María Mercedes; Marcos Dolado, Alberto; López-Higes, Ramón; Fernández Lucas, Alberto Amable; Maestu Unturbe, Fernando
    The pathophysiological processes undermining brain functioning decades before the onset of the clinical symptoms associated with dementia are still not well understood. Several heritability studies have reported that the Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) Val66Met genetic polymorphism could contribute to the acceleration of cognitive decline in aging. This mutation may affect brain functional connectivity (FC), especially in those who are carriers of the BDNF Met allele. The aim of this work was to explore the influence of the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism in whole brain eyes-closed, resting-state magnetoencephalography (MEG) FC in a sample of 36 cognitively intact (CI) older females. All of them were ε3ε3 homozygotes for the apolipoprotein E (APOE) gene and were divided into two subgroups according to the presence of the Met allele: Val/Met group (n = 16) and Val/Val group (n = 20). They did not differ in age, years of education, Mini-Mental State Examination scores, or normalized hippocampal volumes. Our results showed reduced antero-posterior gamma band FC within the Val/Met genetic risk group, which may be caused by a GABAergic network impairment. Despite the lack of cognitive decline, these results might suggest a selective brain network vulnerability due to the carriage of the BDNF Met allele, which is linked to a potential progression to dementia. This neurophysiological signature, as tracked with MEG FC, indicates that age-related brain functioning changes could be mediated by the influence of particular genetic risk factors.
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    How to Build a Functional Connectomic Biomarker for Mild Cognitive Impairment From Source Reconstructed MEG Resting-State Activity: The Combination of ROI Representation and Connectivity Estimator Matters
    (Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2018) López García, María Eugenia; Bruña Fernández, Ricardo; Cuesta Prieto, Pablo; Marcos Dolado, Alberto; Maestu Unturbe, Fernando
    Our work aimed to demonstrate the combination of machine learning and graph theory for the designing of a connectomic biomarker for mild cognitive impairment (MCI) subjects using eyes-closed neuromagnetic recordings. The whole analysis based on source-reconstructed neuromagnetic activity. As ROI representation, we employed the principal component analysis (PCA) and centroid approaches. As representative bi-variate connectivity estimators for the estimation of intra and cross-frequency interactions, we adopted the phase locking value (PLV), the imaginary part (iPLV) and the correlation of the envelope (CorrEnv). Both intra and cross-frequency interactions (CFC) have been estimated with the three connectivity estimators within the seven frequency bands (intra-frequency) and in pairs (CFC), correspondingly. We demonstrated how different versions of functional connectivity graphs single-layer (SL-FCG) and multi-layer (ML-FCG) can give us a different view of the functional interactions across the brain areas. Finally, we applied machine learning techniques with main scope to build a reliable connectomic biomarker by analyzing both SL-FCG and ML-FCG in two different options: as a whole unit using a tensorial extraction algorithm and as single pair-wise coupling estimations. We concluded that edge-weighed feature selection strategy outperformed the tensorial treatment of SL-FCG and ML-FCG. The highest classification performance was obtained with the centroid ROI representation and edge-weighted analysis of the SL-FCG reaching the 98% for the CorrEnv in α1:α2 and 94% for the iPLV in α2. Classification performance based on the multi-layer participation coefficient, a multiplexity index reached 52% for iPLV and 52% for CorrEnv. Selected functional connections that build the multivariate connectomic biomarker in the edge-weighted scenario are located in default-mode, fronto-parietal, and cingulo-opercular network. Our analysis supports the notion of analyzing FCG simultaneously in intra and cross-frequency whole brain interactions with various connectivity estimators in beamformed recordings.
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    Functional Connectivity Hypersynchronization in Relatives of Alzheimer’s Disease Patients: An Early E/I Balance Dysfunction?
    (Cerebral Cortex, 2020) Ramírez Toraño, Federico; Bruña Fernández, Ricardo; De Frutos Lucas, Jaisalmer; Rodríguez Rojo, Inmaculada Concepción; Marcos de Pedro, Silvia; Delgado Losada, María Luisa; Gómez Ruiz, N; Barabash Bustelo, Ana; Marcos Dolado, Alberto; López Higes, Ramón; Maestu Unturbe, Fernando
    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) studies on animal models, and humans showed a tendency of the brain tissue to become hyperexcitable and hypersynchronized, causing neurodegeneration. However, we know little about either the onset of this phenomenon or its early effects on functional brain networks. We studied functional connectivity (FC) on 127 participants (92 middle-age relatives of AD patients and 35 age-matched nonrelatives) using magnetoencephalography. FC was estimated in the alpha band in areas known both for early amyloid accumulation and disrupted FC in MCI converters to AD. We found a frontoparietal network (anterior cingulate cortex, dorsal frontal, and precuneus) where relatives of AD patients showed hypersynchronization in high alpha (not modulated by APOE-ε4 genotype) in comparison to age-matched nonrelatives. These results represent the first evidence of neurophysiological events causing early network disruption in humans, opening a new perspective for intervention on the excitation/inhibition unbalance.