Piedrahita Alonso, María Elena

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First Name
María Elena
Last Name
Piedrahita Alonso
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Óptica y Optometría
Optometría y Visión
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    Project number: 357
    Aprendizaje guiado para la aplicación de ejercicios de Terapia Visual con un kit básico de tratamiento
    (2020) Barrio De Santos, Ana Rosa; Antona Peñalba, Beatriz; Sánchez Pérez, María Isabel; Piedrahita Alonso, María Elena; González Pérez, Mariano
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    Comparing methods of determining addition in presbyopes
    (Clinical and Experimental Optometry, 2008) Antona Peñalba, Beatriz; Barra Lázaro, Francisco; Barrio De Santos, Ana Rosa; Gutiérrez Hernández, Ángel Luis; Piedrahita Alonso, María Elena; Martín Pérez, Yolanda
    Background: The use of plus lenses to compensate for the reduction in the range of accommodation associated with presbyopia, brings the near point of accommodation to a comfortable distance for near visual tasks. Our aim was to compare the tentative near addition determined using the most common procedures with the final addition prescribed in presbyopic patients. Methods: Sixty-nine healthy subjects with a mean age of 51.0 years (range 40 to 60 years) were studied. Tentative near additions were determined using seven different techniques: dynamic retinoscopy, amplitude of accommodation (AA), age-expected addition, binocular fused cross-cylinder with and without myopisation, near duochrome, and balance of negative and positive relative accommodation. The power of the addition was then refined to arrive at the final addition. Results: The mean tentative near additions were higher than the final addition for every procedure except for the fused cross-cylinder without initial myopisation and ageexpected addition methods. These biases were small in clinical terms (less than 0.25 D) with the exception of the AA procedure (0.34 D). The intervals between the 95% limits of agreement differed substantially and were always higher than ±0.50 D. Conclusions: All the techniques used displayed similar behaviour and provided a tentative addition close to the final addition. Due to the wide agreement intervals observed, the likelihood of error is high and supports the idea that any tentative addition has to be adjusted according to the particular needs of each patient. Among the methods examined here, we would recommend the age-expected procedure, as this technique produced results that correlated best with the final addition.
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    Project number: 384
    Complemento audiovisual para el aprendizaje de procedimientos clínicos optométricos de visión binocular no estrábica
    (2022) Piedrahita Alonso, María Elena; Antona Peñalba, Beatriz; Barrio De Santos, Ana Rosa; Martín García, Beatriz
    El resultado de este proyecto consta de 35 vídeotutoriales de exploración a pacientes, que complementan el aprendizaje de procedimientos clínicos relacionados con la visión binocular no estrábica. Sirven como guía previa a la realización de las prácticas y de complemento para el estudio de los procedimientos.
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    Project number: 322
    Aprendizaje de procedimientos clínicos optométricos mediante vídeos demostrativos
    (2021) Piedrahita Alonso, María Elena; Martín García, Beatriz; Palomo Álvarez, Catalina; Nieto Bona, Amelia; Estrella Lumeras, Miguel Ángel; Barrio De Santos, Ana Rosa; Valcayo Peñalva, Isabel; Baños Morales, Carmelo
    El objetivo principal del proyecto ha sido crear en el campus virtual de la asignatura Optometría IV del Grado de Óptica y Optometría una plataforma de material docente virtual basado en presentaciones, vídeos de exploración y cuestionarios autoevaluativos. En ellos el alumno ha podido visualizar la ejecución por parte del profesor de los procedimientos que se estudian en la asignatura en pacientes pediátricos o con alteraciones de la visión binocular, de manera que el aprendizaje ha sido significativo.