Torrente Rodríguez, Rebeca Magnolia

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Rebeca Magnolia
Last Name
Torrente Rodríguez
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Químicas
Química Analítica
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    Magnetic microbeads-based amperometric immunoplatform for the rapid and sensitive detection of N6-methyladenosine to assist in metastatic cancer cells discrimination
    (Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2021) Povedano Muñumel, Eloy; Gamella Carballo, María; Torrente Rodríguez, Rebeca Magnolia; Montero-Calle, Ana; Pedrero Muñoz, María; Solís-Fernández, Guillermo; Navarro Villoslada, Fernando; Barderas, Rodrigo; Campuzano Ruiz, Susana; Pingarrón Carrazón, José Manuel
    This work describes the preparation of an immunoplatform for the sensitive and selective determination of N6-methyladenosine (m6A). The simple and fast protocol involves for the first time the use of micromagnetic immunoconjugates to establish a direct competitive assay between the m6A target and a biotinylated RNA oligomer bearing a single m6A enzymatically labelled with a commercial conjugate of streptavidin-peroxidase (Strep-HRP) as tracer. The cathodic current change measured in the presence of H2O2/hydroquinone (HQ) at screen-printed carbon electrodes (SPCEs) upon surface capturing the magnetic bioconjugates is inversely proportional to the m6A target concentration. After evaluating the effect of key variables, the analytical characteristics were established for the determination of three different targets: the N6-methyladenosine-5′ -triphosphate (m6ATP) ribonucleotide, a short synthetic RNA oligomer bearing a single m6A and the positive control provided in a commercial colorimetric kit for m6A-RNA quantification. The obtained results show that this immunoplatform is competitive with other methods reported to date, achieving an improved sensitivity (limit of detection of 0.9 pM for the short synthetic oligomer) using a much simpler and faster protocol (~1 h) and disposable electrodes for the transduction. Furthermore, the applicability for discriminating the metastatic potential of cancer cells by directly analyzing a small amount of raw total RNA without enriching or fragmenting was also preliminary assessed.
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    Affinity-Based Wearable Electrochemical Biosensors: Natural versus Biomimetic Receptors
    (Analysis and Sensing, 2022) Campuzano Ruiz, Susana; Pedrero Muñoz, María; Torrente Rodríguez, Rebeca Magnolia; Pingarrón Carrazón, José Manuel
    This review delves into the titanic research efforts carried out during the last years on affinity-based wearable electrochemical biosensors, using both natural (antibodies) and biomimetic (aptamers, peptides and molecular imprinted polymers) receptors. The rationale and application of selected representative strategies is critically discussed, ending with realistic and futuristic visions of the technical barriers, challenges and prospects in the development and adoption of these biodevices in daily routines to ensure well-being against known, unknown and unexpected threats.
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    Multiplexed magnetic beads-assisted amperometric bioplatforms for global detection of methylations in nucleic acids
    (Analytica Chimica Acta, 2021) Povedano Muñumel, Eloy; Gamella Carballo, María; Torrente Rodríguez, Rebeca Magnolia; Ruiz Valdepeñas Montiel, Víctor; Montero-Calle, Ana; Solís-Fernández, Guillermo; Navarro Villoslada, Fernando; Pedrero, María; Peláez-García, Alberto; Mendiola, Marta; Hardisson, David; Feliú, Jaime; Barderas, Rodrigo; Pedrero Muñoz, María; Pingarrón Carrazón, José Manuel
    This work reports the first electrochemical bioplatform developed for the multidetection of 5-methylcytosine (5-mC) and 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5-hmC) in DNA, DNA N6-methyladenine (6mA) and RNA N6-methyladenosine (m6A) methylations at global level. Direct competitive immunoassays were implemented on the surface of magnetic beads (MBs) and optimized for the single amperometric determination of different targets varying in length, sequence and number of methylations on screenprinted carbon electrodes. After evaluating the sensitivity and selectivity of such determinations and the confirmation of no cross-reactivity, a multiplexed disposable platform allowing the simultaneous determination of the mentioned four methylation events in only 45 min has been prepared. The multiplexed bioplatform was successfully applied to the determination of m6A in cellular total RNA and of 5-mC, 5-hmC and 6mA in genomic DNA extracted from tissues. The developed bioplatform showed its usefulness to discriminate the aggressiveness of cancerous cells and between healthy and tumor tissues of colorectal cancer patients.
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    Project number: 316
    Implementación de la metodología flipped classroom en los laboratorios de Química Analítica
    (2023) Reviejo García, Ángel Julio; Agüí Chicharro, María Lourdes; Campuzano Ruiz, Susana; Gamella Carballo, Maria; García Martín, Ángel Felipe; González Cortés, Araceli; Guerrero Blanco, José Ignacio; Mateos Briz, María Raquel; Miguel Bravo, María; Pérez Ginés, Víctor; Reviejo Martínez, Eva; Romano Martín, Santiago; Ruiz-Valdepeñas Montiel, Víctor; Sánchez Tirado, Esther; Santiago Sáez, Andrés Sebastián; Serafín González-Carrato, Verónica; Torrente Rodríguez, Rebeca Magnolia; Yáñez-Sedeño, Paloma; Pedrero Muñoz, María
    Adaptar el sistema tradicional de aprendizaje a las necesidades actuales del alumnado empleando la metodología flipped classroom en el laboratorio de Química Analítica I, con el objetivo de fomentar el aprendizaje utilizando herramientas digitales.
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    Multiplexed biosensing diagnostic platforms detecting autoantibodies to tumor-associated antigens from exosomes released by CRC cells and tissue samples showed high diagnostic ability for colorectal cancer
    (Engineering, 2021) Montero Calle, Ana; Aranguren Abeigon, Itziar; Garranzo Asensio, María; Povés Francés, Carmen; Fernández Aceñero, María Jesús; Martínez Useros, Javier; Sanz, Rodrigo; Dziaková, Jana; Rodríguez Cobos, Javier; Solís Fernández, Guillermo; Povedano, Eloy; Gamella Carballo, Maria; Torrente Rodríguez, Rebeca Magnolia; Alonso Navarro, Miren; Ríos, Vivian de los; Casal, J. Ignacio; Domínguez Muñóz, Gemma; Guzmán Aránguez, Ana Isabel; Peláez García, Alberto, Alberto; Pingarrón Carrazón, José Manuel; Campuzano Ruiz, Susana; Barderas Manchado, Rodrigo
    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second leading cause of cancer-related death worldwide. The 5-year survival rate of CRC patients depends on the stage at diagnosis, being higher than 80% when CRC is diagnosed in the early stages but lower than 10% when CRC is diagnosed in advanced stages. Autoantibodies against specific CRC autoantigens (tumor-associated antigens (TAAs)) in the sera of patients have been widely demonstrated to aid in early diagnosis. Thus, we herein aim to identify autoantigens target of autoantibodies specific to CRC that possess a significant ability to discriminate between CRC patients and healthy individuals by means of liquid biopsy. To that end, we examined the protein content of the exosomes released by five CRC cell lines and tissue samples from CRC patients by means of immunoprecipitation coupled with mass spectrometry analysis. A total of 103 proteins were identified as potential autoantigens specific to CRC. After bioinformatics and meta-analysis, we selected 15 proteins that are more likely to be actual CRC autoantigens in order to evaluate their role in CRC prognosis by Western blot (WB) and immunohistochemistry (IHC). We found dysregulation at the protein level for 11 of these proteins in both tissue and plasma exosome samples from patients, along with an association of nine of these proteins with CRC prognosis. After validation, all but one showed a statistically significant high diagnostic ability to distinguish CRC patients and individuals with premalignant lesions from healthy individuals, either by luminescence Halotag-based beads, or by a multiplexed biosensing platform involving the use of magnetic microcarriers as solid support modified with covalently immobilized Halotag fusion proteins constructed for CRC detection. Taken together, our results highlight the usefulness of the approach defined here to identify the TAAs specific to chronic diseases; they also demonstrate that the measurement of autoantibody levels in plasma against the TAAs identified here could be integrated into a point-of-care (POC) device for CRC detection with high diagnostic ability.
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    p53 and p63 Proteoforms Derived from Alternative Splicing Possess Differential Seroreactivity in Colorectal Cancer with Distinct Diagnostic Ability from the Canonical Proteins
    (Cancers, 2023) Montero Calle, Ana; Garranzo Asensio, María; Torrente Rodríguez, Rebeca Magnolia; Ruiz Valdepeñas Montiel, Víctor; Poves, Carmen; Dziakova, Jana; Sanz, Rodrigo; Díaz Del Arco, Cristina; Pingarrón Carrazón, José Manuel; Fernández Aceñero, María Jesús; Campuzano Ruiz, Susana; Barderas Manchado, Rodrigo
    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common cancer and the second most frequent cause of cancer-related death worldwide. The detection in plasma samples of autoantibodies against specific tumor-associated antigens has been demonstrated to be useful for the early diagnosis of CRC by liquid biopsy. However, new studies related to the humoral immune response in cancer are needed to enable blood-based diagnosis of the disease. Here, our aim was to characterize the humoral immune response associated with the different p53 and p63 proteoforms derived from alternative splicing and previously described as aberrantly expressed in CRC. Thus, here we investigated the diagnostic ability of the twelve p53 proteoforms and the eight p63 proteoforms described to date, and their specific N-terminal and C-terminal end peptides, by means of luminescence HaloTag beads immunoassays. Full-length proteoforms or specific peptides were cloned as HaloTag fusion proteins and their seroreactivity analyzed using plasma from CRC patients at stages I-IV (n = 31), individuals with premalignant lesions (n = 31), and healthy individuals (n = 48). p53γ, Δ40p53β, Δ40p53γ, Δ133p53γ, Δ160p53γ, TAp63α, TAp63δ, ΔNp63α, and ΔNp63δ, together with the specific C-terminal end α and δ p63 peptides, were found to be more seroreactive against plasma from CRC patients and/or individuals with premalignant lesions than from healthy individuals. In addition, ROC (receiver operating characteristic) curves revealed a high diagnostic ability of those p53 and p63 proteoforms to detect CRC and premalignant individuals (AUC higher than 85%). Finally, electrochemical biosensing platforms were employed in POC-like devices to investigate their usefulness for CRC detection using selected p53 and p63 proteoforms. Our results demonstrate not only the potential of these biosensors for the simultaneous analysis of proteoforms’ seroreactivity, but also their convenience and versatility for the clinical detection of CRC by liquid biopsy. In conclusion, we here show that p53 and p63 proteoforms possess differential seroreactivity in CRC patients in comparison to controls, distinctive from canonical proteins, which should improve the diagnostic panels for obtaining a blood-based biomarker signature for CRC detection.
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    Towards Control and Oversight of SARS-CoV-2 Diagnosis and Monitoring through Multiplexed Quantitative Electroanalytical Immune Response Biosensors
    (Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2022) Torrente Rodríguez, Rebeca Magnolia; Montero Calle, Ana; San Bartolomé, Clara; Cano, Olga; Vazquez, Monica; Iglesias Caballero, María; Corral Lugo, Andrés; McConnell, Michael J.; Pascal, Mariona; Mas, Vicente; Pingarrón Carrazón, José Manuel; Barderas, Rodrigo; Campuzano Ruiz, Susana
    The development of versatile and sensitive biotools to quantify specific SARS-CoV-2 immunoglobulins in SARS-CoV-2 infected and non-infected individuals, built-on the surface of magnetic microbeads functionalized with nucleocapsid (N) and inhouse expressed recombinant spike (S) proteins is reported. Amperometric interrogation of captured N- and S-specific circulating total or individual immunoglobulin (Ig) isotypes (IgG, IgM, and IgA), subsequently labelled with HRP-conjugated secondary antibodies, was performed at disposable single or multiplexed (8) screen-printed electrodes using the HQ/HRP/H2O2 system. The obtained results using N and in-house expressed S ectodomains of five SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern (including the latest Delta and Omicron) allow identification of vulnerable populations from those with natural or acquired immunity, monitoring of infection, evaluation of vaccine efficiency and even identification of the variant responsible for the infection.
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    Electrochemical immunoplatform to help managing pancreatic cancer
    (Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2023) Pérez Ginés, Víctor; Torrente Rodríguez, Rebeca Magnolia; Pedrero Muñoz, María; Martínez-Bosch, Neus; García de Frutos, Pablo; Navarro, Pilar; Pingarrón Carrazón, José Manuel; Campuzano Ruiz, Susana
    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is the solid tumor with the worst prognosis, representing today the third cause of cancer-related deaths in developed countries and expected to be the second in 2030. Today, CA19-9 remains the only clinically used marker for management of PDAC (FDA-approved as a disease moni- toring marker). This work reports a disposable amperometric immunoplatform for the determination of CA19-9. The immunoplatform skilfully combines the advantages of magnetic microsupports (MBs) for implementation of the immunoassay and amperometric transduction on screen-printed carbon electrodes (SPCEs). The method involves the preparation of sándwich immunocomplexes enzymatically labeled with the enzyme horseradish peroxidase (HRP) on the MBs and uses a detection antibody conjugated to HRP. Once the HRP- labeled sandwich immunocomplexes-bearing MBs were trapped on the SPCE surface, the variation of the catho- dic current was measured in the presence of H2O2 and hydroquinone (HQ), which was directly proportional to the concentration of CA19-9. Under the optimized experimental conditions, the immunoplatform allowed the amperometric determination of CA19-9 standards over the 5.0 to 500 U mL−1 concentration range, with a limit of detection (LOD) value of 1.5 U mL−1 in 1 h. The method exhibits good reproducibility and selectivity and the magnetic immunoconjugates shows a good storage stability. The immunoplatform was applied to the deter- mination of CA19-9 in serum samples of a medium-sized cohort (22 individuals) of healthy subjects and patients diagnosed with PDAC. The obtained results demonstrated the immunoplatform ability to discriminateboth types of individuals within 1 h after sample dilution. The developed immunoplatform represents an improvement in terms of cost, applicability and accessibility compared to the ELISA-based techniques currently used in the clinic.
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    Disposable electrochemical immunoplatform to shed light on the role of the multifunctional glycoprotein TIM-1 in cancer cells invasion
    (Talanta, 2024) Quinchia, Jennifer; Blázquez-García, Marina; Torrente Rodríguez, Rebeca Magnolia; Ruiz Valdepeñas Montiel, Víctor; Serafín González-Carrato, Verónica; Rejas-González, Raquel; Montero-Calle, Ana; Orozco, Jahir; Pingarrón Carrazón, José Manuel; Barderas Manchado, Rodrigo; Campuzano Ruiz, Susana
    Detecting overexpression of cancer biomarkers is an excellent tool for diagnostic/prognostic and follow-up of patients with cancer or their response to treatment. This work illustrates the relevance of interrogating the levels of T-cell immunoglobulin and mucin domain 1 (TIM-1) protein as a diagnostic/prognostic biomarker of high-prevalence breast and lung cancers by using an amperometric disposable magnetic microparticles-assisted immunoplatform. The developed method integrates the inherent advantages of carboxylic acid-functionalized magnetic beads (HOOC-MBs) as pre-concentrator support and the amperometric transduction at screen-printed carbon electrodes (SPCEs). The immunoplatform involves a sandwich-type immunoassay assembled on HOOC-MBs through the specific capture/labeling of TIM-1 using capture antibodies and horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-conjugated biotinylated detection antibodies as biorecognition elements. The magnetic immunoconjugates were confined onto the working electrode (WE) surface of the SPCEs for amperometric detection using the hydroquinone/hydrogen peroxide/HRP (HQ/H2O2/HRP) redox system. The method allows the selective detection of TIM-1 protein over the 87–7500 pg mL−1 concentration range in only 45 min, with a limit of detection of 26 pg mL−1. The developed bioplatform was successfully applied to the analysis of breast and lung cancer cell extracts, providing the first quantitative results of the target glycoprotein in these types of samples.