Díez Vial, Isabel

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Díez Vial
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales
Organización de Empresas
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 13
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    Intangible resources, export channel and performance: is there any fit?
    (Journal of Business Economics and Management, 2015) Fernández Olmos, Marta; Díez Vial, Isabel
    As the resource-based view suggests, firms choose their export channel on the basis of their internal pool of resources. Following this approach, we firstly hypothesize that firms with intangible resources will establish direct export channels to better exploit, protect and develop their firm-specific resources. Secondly, we propose that firms that establish their export channel on the basis of their internal resources outperform those firms that do not. To obtain empirical evidence we used a Heckman two-step model for the DOC Rioja wine industry. The results confirm that firms improve their export performance when jointly considering internal resources and the export channel. Also, human resources are the most relevant intangible resources in our model. This paper contributes by offering empirical evidence on the exporting channel strategies chosen by Spanish wineries. This paper makes a theoretical contribution by examining the performance consequences of following the RBV approach. Likewise, it has important practical implications for managers, who can improve their firm’s export performance by assessing their internal resources before considering which export channel to choose.
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    The evolution of the domestic network configuration as a driver of international relationships in smes
    (International Business Review, 2018) Montoro Sánchez, María Ángeles; Díez Vial, Isabel; Belso Martínez, José Antonio
    The objective of this research is to study the influence of the evolution of the domestic clustered network on the development of the international relationships of firms. Building on international business theory and the dynamic geographically bounded networks approach, and using a social network analysis methodology, we analyse how increasing the number of contacts and the betweenness role of the firm, as well as the diversity and density of the domestic network, can allow firms to more easily establish international links.
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    Research evolution in science parks and incubators: foundations and new trends
    (Scientometrics, 2017) Díez Vial, Isabel; Montoro Sánchez, María Ángeles
    In this paper we undertake a quantitative review of the existing literature on parks and incubators to identify their foundations from a longitudinal perspective. To do so, we searched records in the SSCI database from 1990 to 2015 and identified 318 citing documents, which we split into four periods of 5 years each, to identify the interactions and path dependence that exist between different foundations of research. We evaluate the evolution of the theoretical foundations of this research line taking into account changes in citations over time. We also identify areas of future research closely connected with the theoretical foundations already identified. For this purpose, we used two bibliometric techniques—co-citation analysis and bibliographic coupling—that enable us to assess the thematic similarity between scientific publications based on overlaps in their referencing patterns.
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    Internationalization pathways and the performance of SMEs
    (European Journal of Marketing, 2015) Fernández Olmos, Marta; Díez Vial, Isabel
    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the effect of the chosen specific internationalization pathway on the relationship between internationalization and firm performance. Design/methodology/approach – This paper analyses the internationalization pathway among small- and medium-sized enterprises which internationalize through exporting and are more limited in terms of the resources they can leverage across markets. Findings – Empirical evidence obtained from a sample of wineries in La Rioja shows that the internationalization – export performance relationship is characterized by a U-shaped curve for firms with a gradual internationalization pathway, and an S-shaped curve for firms with an accelerated internationalization pathway. Research limitations/implications – This empirical study on the impact of export intensity on performance has acknowledged the importance of costs caused by the liability of foreignness and the transaction and coordination costs involved in each market expansion process. However, it has not examined the effect of differences in absorptive and coordination capabilities at the firm level. Practical implications – The findings about the role of the specific internationalization pathway in driving export intensity and performance appear to be relevant from a public-policy perspective. Local policies aimed at promoting exports have been widely based on the argument that firms can improve their performance through increasing their level of international sales. However, empirical evidence shows that these efforts may not work as well as was thought, unless combined with the right market expansion pathway and the optimal level of exports associated with this international market expansion. Social implications – Most studies on the effect of international market expansion on firm performance have not considered the influence of the specific market expansion pathway chosen. In taking this factor into account, this paper contributes to the existing body of work by developing an integrative theoretical framework that explores how the pathway of internationalization impacts on firms’ performance. Originality/value – Most studies on the effect of international market expansion on firm performance have not considered the influence of the specific market expansion process chosen. In taking this factor into account, this paper contributes to the existing body of work by developing an integrative theoretical framework that explores how the process of international market expansion impacts on firms’ performance.
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    Firm’s strategic choices and network knowledge dynamics: how do they affect innovation?
    (Journal of Knowledge Management, 2018) Belso Martínez, José Antonio; Díez Vial, Isabel
    Purpose – This paper aims to explain how the evolution of knowledge networks and firms’ strategic choices affect innovation. Endogenous factors associated with a path-dependent evolution of the knowledge network are jointly considered with a firm’s development of international relationships and increasing internal absorptive capacity over time. Design/methodology/approach – In a biotech cluster, the authors gathered data on the firms’ characteristics and network relationships by asking about the technological knowledge they received in the cluster in 2007 and 2012 – “roster-recall” method. Estimation results were obtained using moderated regression analysis. Findings – Firms that increase their involvement in knowledge networks over time also tend to increase their innovative capacity. However, efforts devoted to building international links or absorptive capacity negatively moderate the impact of network growth on innovation. Practical implications – Practitioners have two alternative ways of increasing innovation inside knowledge networks: they can increase their centrality by developing their knowledge network interactions or invest in developing their internal absorptive capacity and new international sources of knowledge. Investing in both of these simultaneously does not seem to improve a firm’s innovative capacity. Originality/value – Coupling firms’ strategic options with knowledge network dynamics provide a more complete way of explaining how firms can improve their innovative capacity.
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    How knowledge links with universities may foster innovation: The case of a science park
    (Technovation, 2016) Díez Vial, Isabel; Montoro Sánchez, María Ángeles
    The objective of this research is to evaluate how technological knowledge flows from universities may increase innovation by firms located in a science park. We propose that firms with the capacity to acquire and assimilate the knowledge provided by universities, mainly due to being academic spin-offs or having long-term relationships with them, receive more knowledge from universities. We also argue that firms located in central positions inside the local firm-network have access to a complementary source of technical knowledge. Empirical evidence gathered from the Madrid Science Park confirms that having long-term relationships with universities, based on both formal and informal interactions, is the most important means of obtaining technical knowledge from them. We also observed a positive relationship between the technological knowledge obtained from universities and the innovation carried out by firms. Finally, we confirmed that firms with a significant role as intermediaries between other co-located firms have a higher level of innovation even if they are not involved in relationships with the university
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    The evolution of the domestic network configuration as a driver of international relationships in SMEs
    (International Business Review, 2018) Montoro Sánchez, María Ángeles; Díez Vial, Isabel; Belso Martínez, José Antonio
    The objective of this research is to study the influence of the evolution of the domestic clustered network on the development of the international relationships of firms. Building on international business theory and the dynamic geographically bounded networks approach, and using a social network analysis methodology, we analyse how increasing the number of contacts and the betweenness role of the firm, as well as the diversity and density of the domestic network, can allow firms to more easily establish international links.
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    Project number: 303
    Apuesta por la acreditación institucional de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales tanto nacional (AUDIT) como internacional (AACSB)
    (2019) Martín López, Sonia; García Greciano, María Begoña; Díez Vial, Isabel; Rivero Rodríguez, Carlos; André García, Francisco Javier; Fossas Olalla, Marta; García Goñi, Manuel; Alonso Guinea, Fernando; Pérez González, Jesús
    El objetivo del presente proyecto es dar continuidad al compromiso de la Facultad con la mejora continua de la calidad mediante la solicitud de la acreditación del diseño del SIGC por AUDIT y de la acreditación internacional AACSB.
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    Project number: 52
    Gestión de la diversidad en el aula e internacionalización de la docencia en Fundamentos de Administración de Empresas en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
    (2014) Montoro Sánchez, Maria Angeles; Díez Vial, Isabel; Martin de Castro, Gregorio; Delgado Verde, Miriam; Almodóvar Martínez, Paloma; Zhang Zhang, Yingying; Cruz González, Jorge
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    From incubation to maturity inside parks: the evolution of local knowledge networks
    (International Journal of Technology Management, 2017) Díez Vial, Isabel; Montoro Sánchez, María Ángeles
    This paper analyses the effect of the evolution of local knowledge networks on the innovative capacity of firms co-located. Using a network dynamic approach, this paper argues that the length of time that firms spend in a science park affects their local knowledge network. By the identification of three stages of local development-incubation, growth and maturity-, this study provides new insights about the role of science parks in both increasing their innovative capacity and promoting the exchange of knowledge among co-located firms. In this sense, science parks have been increasingly considered as a nurturing environment for business start-ups and lead to the development of growth-oriented firms, not being a consensus about how the length of time the firm spends in the park may affect these benefits.