Vivas Balcones, Luis David

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Luis David
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Vivas Balcones
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
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Search Results

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    Prognostic value of first fasting glucose measurement compared with admission glucose level in patients with acute coronary syndrome
    (Revista Española de Cardiología, 2008) Vivas Balcones, Luis David; García Rubira, Juan Carlos; González Ferrer, Juan José; Núñez Gil, Ivan Javier; Del Prado, Nayade; Fernández Ortiz, Antonio Ignacio; Macaya, Carlos
    Estudio observacional unicéntrico que analizó 547 pacientes consecutivos ingresados por un síndrome coronario agudo. Se evaluaron los niveles de glucemia en varios puntos como fueron durante el ingreso y la primera glucemia en ayunas. El estudio concluyó que es la primera glucemia en ayunas y no al ingreso el parámetro que se relaciona con un factor de riesgo independiente de eventos cardiovasculares (muerte o reinfarto) durante la hospitalización.
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    Apical ballooning syndrome and previous coronary artery disease: a novel relationship
    (International Journal of Cardiology, 2008) Núñez Gil, Iván Javier; García Rubira, Juan Carlos; Fernández Ortiz, Antonio Ignacio; Vivas Balcones, Luis David; Gonzalez, Juan José; Luaces Méndez, María; Macaya Miguel, Carlos
    Apical transient left ventricular diskynesia is a recently described entity able to imitate acute coronary syndrome. The presence of previous coronary artery disease (CAD) is an exclusion criterion for this diagnosis in several studies. We report the case of a sixty-three year-old-caucasian man with previously known CAD, left anterior descending artery (LAD) stented-disease, presenting in the emergency room with angina and ST-segment elevation. A coronariography was urgently performed. No new coronary lesions could be demonstrated. LAD-placed stents were patent and showed no change in their angiographic appearance. Left ventriculogram demonstrated apical diskynesia (Takotsubo-like). Complete and rapid resolution of left ventricular dysfunction was echocardiographycally displayed seven days later. Months after, coronary lesions increased associated with new acute coronary syndromes and new revascularization procedures were required. The present case supports the idea that CAD and apical transient diskynesia could coexist in the same patient, arising further questions about the pathophysiology, prognosis and management of the latter.
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    Clinical and prognostic comparison between left ventricular transient dyskinesia and a first non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome
    (Coronary Artery Disease, 2008) Núñez Gil, Iván Javier; Fernández Ortiz, Antonio Ignacio; Pérez De Isla, Leopoldo; Luaces Méndez, María; García Rubira, Juan Carlos; Vivas Balcones, Luis David; González Armengol, Juan Jorge; Alonso, Joaquín; Zamorano Gómez, José Luis; Macaya Miguel, Carlos
    Objectives: Apical ballooning shares features with acute coronary syndromes. Recently, atypical forms have been reported without apical involvement. Usually, the prognostic reports have compared them with ST-segment elevation infarction. Left ventricular transient dyskinesias (LVTD), however, frequently occur without ST-segment elevation and when present, these patients always have open arteries. Our aim was to assess the baseline features, clinical presentation, natural history and compare long-term prognosis in an LVTD-cohort with a first non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTEMI) group. Methods: We performed a prospective observational study including consecutive patients in two groups: (i) LVTD group: 62 patients with this syndrome between 2003 and 2007. Inclusion criteria were LV segmental transient motion abnormalities; ECG new alterations and elevated troponin; absence of recent significant head trauma or obstructive coronary artery lesions. (ii) Control group: 169 patients admitted for a first NSTEMI in 2004. Results: Median follow-up was 35 months. Mean age was 65 years. LVTD group included 83.9% females. NSTEMI group was predominantly males. Eleven in-hospital deaths happened in NSTEMI cohort and none in LVTD. Four patients in the LVTD group required readmission and two patients died. In the NSTEMI group, heart failure, unstable angina, myocardial infarction (P<0.001) and death (P=0.11) were more frequent. Cox regression showed that diabetes mellitus, significant onset mitral regurgitation and NSTEMI versus LVTD were found as event-independent predictors. Conclusion: LVTD diagnosis represents a decreased risk of events when compared with classic non-ST-segment acute coronary syndrome, pointing out a different pathophysiologic mechanism.