Arana Montes, María Del Pilar De

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First Name
María Del Pilar De
Last Name
Arana Montes
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Biológicas
Genética, Fisiología y Microbiología
UCM identifierORCIDScopus Author IDWeb of Science ResearcherIDDialnet IDGoogle Scholar ID

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    Testing effectiveness of discriminant functions to sex different populations of Mediterranean yellow-legged gulls "Larus michahellis michahellis"
    (Ardeola, 2009) Aguirre, Jóse ; Arana Montes, María Del Pilar De; Antonio García, María Teresa
    In this study a series of morphological measurements were taken and individuals of Larus michahellis from the Chafarinas Islands were sexed genetically. New discriminants have been developed which, in spite of correctly sexing 86 % of the individuals, may be applicable at any time of year as only purely skeletal measurements were used, such as the tarsus and the nalospi and also the maximum chord of the folded wing. This study shows that it is necessary to develop specific sexual discriminants for dif ferent populations of the same species and to include, where possible, skeletal variables which are easily taken in the field.
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    Mitochondrial DNA sequence variability in red-legged partridge, Alectoris rufa, Spanish populations and the origins of genetic contamination from A. chukar
    (Conservation Genetics, 2007) Martinez-Fresno, María; Henriques-Gil, Nuno; Arana Montes, María Del Pilar De
    The analysis of 135 mitochondrial D-loop sequences of the Iberian autochthonous red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa) from wild population hunting bags from various locations and fowl runs in Spain yielded 37 different haplotypes. Among these, three haplotypes correspond to chukar partridges (Alectoris chukar), indicating genetic introgression from birds illegally introduced for restocking: three individuals carrying such haplotypes where found in natural populations, one appeared among those sampled on a mass reproduction farm and the remaining 10 in another fowl-run. The geographical origin of the contaminating chukar haplotypes could be assigned to the most easterly area of the chukar partridge geographical distribution in China. Molecular diversity parameters in the A. rufa samples indicate a considerable amount of genetic variation. FST showed significant differences among populations that are not explained by geographical distance alone. Particularly, one northern population (Palencia) shows a certain degree of genetic differentiation that could reflect a previously suggested subspecies division.