Gutiérrez Uzquiza, Álvaro

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Gutiérrez Uzquiza
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Bioquímica y Biología Molecular
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    C3G Is Upregulated in Hepatocarcinoma, Contributing to Tumor Growth and Progression and to HGF/MET Pathway Activation
    (Cancers, 2020) Sequera Hurtado, Celia; Bragado Domingo, Paloma; Manzano Figueroa, Sara; Arechederra, Maria; Richelme, Sylvie; Gutiérrez Uzquiza, Álvaro; Sánchez Muñoz, Aranzazu; Maina, Flavio; Guerrero, Carmen; Porras Gallo, María Almudena
    The complexity of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) challenges the identification of disease-relevant signals. C3G, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Rap and other Ras proteins, plays a dual role in cancer acting as either a tumor suppressor or promoter depending on tumor type and stage. The potential relevance of C3G upregulation in HCC patients suggested by database analysis remains unknown. We have explored C3G function in HCC and the underlying mechanisms using public patient data and in vitro and in vivo human and mouse HCC models. We found that C3G is highly expressed in progenitor cells and neonatal hepatocytes, whilst being down-regulated in adult hepatocytes and re-expressed in human HCC patients, mouse HCC models and HCC cell lines. Moreover, high C3G mRNA levels correlate with tumor progression and a lower patient survival rate. C3G expression appears to be tightly modulated within the HCC program, influencing distinct cell biological properties. Hence, high C3G expression levels are necessary for cell tumorigenic properties, as illustrated by reduced colony formation in anchorage-dependent and -independent growth assays induced by permanent C3G silencing using shRNAs. Additionally, we demonstrate that C3G down-regulation interferes with primary HCC tumor formation in xenograft assays, increasing apoptosis and decreasing proliferation. In vitro assays also revealed that C3G down-regulation enhances the pro-migratory, invasive and metastatic properties of HCC cells through an epithelial-mesenchymal switch that favors the acquisition of a more mesenchymal phenotype. Consistently, a low C3G expression in HCC cells correlates with lung metastasis formation in mice. However, the subsequent restoration of C3G levels is associated with metastatic growth. Mechanistically, C3G down-regulation severely impairs HGF/MET signaling activation in HCC cells. Collectively, our results indicate that C3G is a key player in HCC. C3G promotes tumor growth and progression, and the modulation of its levels is essential to ensure distinct biological features of HCC cells throughout the oncogenic program. Furthermore, C3G requirement for HGF/MET signaling full activation provides mechanistic data on how it works, pointing out the relevance of assessing whether high C3G levels could identify HCC responders to MET inhibitors.
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    New and Old Key Players in Liver Cancer
    (International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023) Cuesta Martínez, Ángel; Palao, Nerea; Bragado Domingo, Paloma; Gutiérrez Uzquiza, Álvaro; Herrera González, Blanca María; Sánchez Muñoz, Aranzazu; Porras Gallo, María Almudena; Arechederra, Maria; Tarantino, Giovanni; Berasain, Carmen
    Liver cancer represents a major health problem worldwide with growing incidence and high mortality, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) being the most frequent. Hepatocytes are likely the cellular origin of most HCCs through the accumulation of genetic alterations, although hepatic progenitor cells (HPCs) might also be candidates in specific cases, as discussed here. HCC usually develops in a context of chronic inflammation, fibrosis, and cirrhosis, although the role of fibrosis is controversial. The interplay between hepatocytes, immune cells and hepatic stellate cells is a key issue. This review summarizes critical aspects of the liver tumor microenvironment paying special attention to platelets as new key players, which exert both pro- and anti-tumor effects, determined by specific contexts and a tight regulation of platelet signaling. Additionally, the relevance of specific signaling pathways, mainly HGF/MET, EGFR and TGF-β is discussed. HGF and TGF-β are produced by different liver cells and platelets and regulate not only tumor cell fate but also HPCs, inflammation and fibrosis, these being key players in these processes. The role of C3G/RAPGEF1, required for the proper function of HGF/MET signaling in HCC and HPCs, is highlighted, due to its ability to promote HCC growth and, regulate HPC fate and platelet-mediated actions on liver cancer.
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    New and Old Key Players in Liver Cancer
    (International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023) Cuesta Martínez, Ángel; Palao, Nerea; Bragado Domingo, Paloma; Gutiérrez Uzquiza, Álvaro; Herrera González, Blanca María; Sánchez Muñoz, Aranzazu; Porras Gallo, María Almudena
    Liver cancer represents a major health problem worldwide with growing incidence and high mortality, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) being the most frequent. Hepatocytes are likely the cellular origin of most HCCs through the accumulation of genetic alterations, although hepatic progenitor cells (HPCs) might also be candidates in specific cases, as discussed here. HCC usually develops in a context of chronic inflammation, fibrosis, and cirrhosis, although the role of fibrosis is controversial. The interplay between hepatocytes, immune cells and hepatic stellate cells is a key issue. This review summarizes critical aspects of the liver tumor microenvironment paying special attention to platelets as new key players, which exert both pro- and anti-tumor effects, determined by specific contexts and a tight regulation of platelet signaling. Additionally, the relevance of specific signaling pathways, mainly HGF/MET, EGFR and TGF-β is discussed. HGF and TGF-β are produced by different liver cells and platelets and regulate not only tumor cell fate but also HPCs, inflammation and fibrosis, these being key players in these processes. The role of C3G/RAPGEF1, required for the proper function of HGF/MET signaling in HCC and HPCs, is highlighted, due to its ability to promote HCC growth and, regulate HPC fate and platelet-mediated actions on liver cancer.
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    Uncovering a Novel Functional Interaction Between Adult Hepatic Progenitor Cells, Inflammation and EGFR Signaling During Bile Acids-Induced Injury
    (International Journal of Biological Sciences, 2024) García-Sáez, Juan; Figueroa-Fuentes, María; González-Corralejo, Carlos; Roncero Romero, Cesáreo; Lazcanoiturburu, Nerea; Gutiérrez Uzquiza, Álvaro; Vaquero, Javier; González-Sánchez, Ester; Bhutia, Kunzangla; Calero-Pérez, Silvia; Maina, Flavio; Traba, Javier; Martínez Valverde, Ángela María; Fabregat Romero, María Isabel; Herrera González, Blanca María; Sánchez Muñoz, Aranzazu
    Chronic cholestatic damage is associated to both accumulation of cytotoxic levels of bile acids and expansion of adult hepatic progenitor cells (HPC) as part of the ductular reaction contributing to the regenerative response. Here, we report a bile acid-specific cytotoxic response in mouse HPC, which is partially impaired by EGF signaling. Additionally, we show that EGF synergizes with bile acids to trigger inflammatory signaling and NLRP3 inflammasome activation in HPC. Aiming at understanding the impact of this HPC specific response on the liver microenvironment we run a proteomic analysis of HPC secretome. Data show an enrichment in immune and TGF-β regulators, ECM components and remodeling proteins in HPC secretome. Consistently, HPC-derived conditioned medium promotes hepatic stellate cell (HSC) activation and macrophage M1-like polarization. Strikingly, EGF and bile acids co-treatment leads to profound changes in the secretome composition, illustrated by an abolishment of HSC activating effect and by promoting macrophage M2-like polarization. Collectively, we provide new specific mechanisms behind HPC regulatory action during cholestatic liver injury, with an active role in cellular interactome and inflammatory response regulation. Moreover, findings prove a key contribution for EGFR signaling jointly with bile acids in HPC-mediated actions.