%0 Journal Article %A Reyes Nozaleda, Daniel %A Tempesta, Piergiulio %A Tondo, Giorgio %T Generalized Nijenhuis torsions and block-diagonalization of operator fields %D 2023 %@ 0938-8974 %U https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/73182 %X The theory of generalized Nijenhuis torsions, which extends the classical notions due to Nijenhuis and Haantjes, offers new tools for the study of normal forms of operator fields. We prove a general result ensuring that, given a family of commuting operator fields whose generalized Nijenhuis torsion of level m vanishes, there exists a local chart where all operators can be simultaneously block-diagonalized. We also introduce the notion of generalized Haantjes algebra, consisting of operators with a vanishing higher-level torsion, as a new algebraic structure naturally generalizing standard Haantjes algebras. %~