RT Journal Article T1 Invariant Complex Structures on Tangent and Cotangent Lie Groups of Dimension Six A1 Campoamor Stursberg, Otto-Rudwig A1 Ovando, Gabriela P. AB This paper deals with left invariant complex structures on simply connected Lie groups, the Lie algebra of which is of the type Th D hË V, where is either the adjoint or the coadjoint representation. The main topic is the existence question of complex structures on Th for h a three dimensional real Lie algebra. First it was proposed the study of complex structures J satisfying the constraint Jh D V. Whenever is the adjoint representation this kind of complex structures are associated to non-singular derivations of h. This fact allows different kinds of applications. PB Osaka University SN 0030-6126 YR 2012 FD 2012 LK https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/43741 UL https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/43741 LA eng NO A. Andrada, M.L. Barberis and I. 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