RT Journal Article T1 Sea anemone actinoporins: The transition from a folded soluble state to a functionally active membrane-bound oligomeric pore A1 Alegre Cebollada, Jorge A1 Oñaderra, Mercedes A1 Gavilanes, José G. A1 Martínez Del Pozo, Álvaro AB Actinoporins are a family of 20-kDa, basic proteins isolated from sea anemones, whose activity is inhibited bypreincubation with sphingomyelin. They are produced in monomeric soluble form but, when binding to the plasma membrane,they oligomerize to produce functional pores which result in cell lysis. Equinatoxin II (EqtII) from Actinia equinaand Sticholysin II (StnII) from Stichodactyla helianthus are the actinoporins that have been studied in more detail. Bothproteins display a beta-sandwich fold composed of 10 beta-strands flanked on each side by two short alpha-helices. Twodimensionalcrystallization on lipid monolayers has allowed the determination of low-resolution models of tetramericstructures distinct from the pore. However, the actual structure of the pore is not known yet. Wild-type EqtII and StnII, aswell as a nice collection of natural and artificially made variants of both proteins, have been produced in Escherichia coliand purified. Their characterization has allowed the proposal of a model for the mechanism of pore formation. Four regionsof the actinoporins structure seem to play an important role. First, a phosphocholine-binding site and a cluster of exposedaromatic residues, together with a basic region, would be involved in the initial interaction with the membrane,whereas the amphipathic N-terminal region would be essential for oligomerization and pore formation. Accordingly, themodel states that pore formation would proceed in at least four steps: Monomer binding to the membrane interface, assemblyof four monomers, and at least two distinct conformational changes driving to the final formation of the functionalpore. SN 1875-5550 YR 2007 FD 2007-12 LK https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/52857 UL https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/52857 LA spa DS Docta Complutense RD 7 oct 2024