RT Book, Section T1 Overlap index, overlap functions and migrativity A1 Bustince, H. A1 Fernandez, J. A1 Mesiar, R. A1 Montero, Javier A1 Orduna, R A2 Carvalho, Joao Paulo A2 Dubois, Didier A2 Kaymak, Uzay A2 Costa Sousa, Joao Miguel do AB In this work we study overlap degrees expressed in terms of overlap functions. We present the basic properties that from our point of view must satisfy these overlap functions. We study a construction method, we analyze which t-norms are also overlap functions and we prove that if we apply particular aggregations to such functions we recover the overlap index between fuzzy sets as defined by Dubois, and the consistency index of Zadeh. We also consider some properties that can be required to overlap functions, as k-Lipschitzianity or migrativity PB European Society of Fuzzy Logic and Technology SN 978-989-95079-6-8 YR 2009 FD 2009-07-20 LK https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/45349 UL https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/45349 LA eng NO A. Amo, D. 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