%0 Journal Article %A Vallet Regí, María Dulce Nombre %A González Ortiz, Blanca %A Izquierdo Barba, Isabel %T Nanomaterials as promising alternative in the infection treatment %D 2019 %@ 1661-6596 %U https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/13521 %X Both the prevalence of antibiotic resistance and the increased biofilm-associated infections are boosting the demand for new advanced and more effective treatment for such infections. In this sense, nanotechnology offers a ground-breaking platform for addressing this challenge. This review shows the current progress in the field of antimicrobial inorganic-based nanomaterials and their activity against bacteria and bacterial biofilm. Herein, nanomaterials preventing the bacteria adhesion and nanomaterials treating the infection once formed are presented through a classification based on their functionality. To fight infection, nanoparticles with inherent antibacterial activity and nanoparticles acting as nanovehicles are described, emphasizing the design of the carrier nanosystems with targeting properties towards the bacteria and the biofilm. %~