RT Journal Article T1 The stratospheric QBO signal in the NCEP reanalysis, 1958-2001 A1 García Herrera, Ricardo Francisco A1 Calvo Fernández, Natalia A1 Gallego, David A1 Hernández Martín, Emiliano A1 Gimeno, Luis A1 Ribera, Pedro A1 Peña Ortiz, Cristina AB The spatiotemporal evolution of the zonal wind in the stratosphere is analyzed based on the use of the NCEP reanalysis (1958-2001). MultiTaper Method-Singular Value Decomposition (MTM-SVD), a frequency-domain analysis method, is applied to isolate significant spatially-coherent variability with narrowband oscillatory character. A quasibiennial oscillation is detected as the most intense coherent signal in the stratosphere, the signal being less intense in the lower levels. There is a clear downward propagation of the signal with time at low latitudes, not evident at mid and high latitudes. There are differences in the behavior of the signal over both hemispheres, being much weaker over the SH. In the NH an anomaly in the zonal wind field, in phase with the equatorial signal, is detected at approximately 60degreesN. Two different areas at subtropical latitudes are detected to be characterized by wind anomalies opposed to that of the equator. PB American Geophysical Union SN 0094-8276 YR 2003 FD 2003-07-08 LK https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/51082 UL https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/51082 LA eng NO Balachandran, S., and P. Guhathakurta, On the Influence of QBO Over North Indian Ocean Storm and Depression Tracks, Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 70, 111– 118, 1999.Baldwin, M. P., and K. K. Tung, Extra-Tropical QBO Signals in Angular-Momentum and Wave Forcing, Geophys. Res. Lett., 21, 2717 – 2720, 1994.Baldwin, M. P., and T. J. Dunkerton, Quasi-biennial modulation of the southern hemisphere stratospheric polar vortex, Geophys. Res. Lett., 25, 3343–3346, 1998.Baldwin, M. P., and T. J. 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