RT Journal Article T1 Perceptions concerning intergenerational educationfrom the perspective of participants A1 Lirio Castro, Juan A1 Alonso González, David A1 Herranz Aguayo, Inmaculada A1 Arias Fernández, Enrique AB This article presents an evaluation of an intergenerational education experience at the University ofCastilla-La Mancha (Spain). For this evaluation, following a review of the literature regarding thestate of the issue, we undertake an analysis of benefits and disadvantages from the perspective of theparticipants. Among the benefits we find that the majority of those questioned would repeat the program,and that classroom atmosphere improved notably. Participants listed the exceptional nature ofthe program and the teachers needing to make methodological adjustments to improve the experience(the pace of teaching, adaptation to the profile of the participants) among the disadvantages. 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