RT Journal Article T1 Effects of intensive glucose control on platelet reactivity in patients with acute coronary syndromes. Results of the CHIPS Study (''Control de Hiperglucemia y Actividad Plaquetaria en Pacientes con Síndrome Coronario Agudo'') A1 Vivas Balcones, Luis David A1 García-Rubira, Juan Carlos A1 Bernardo, Esther A1 Angiolillo, Dominick J A1 Martín, Patricia A1 Calle Pascual, Alfonso Luis A1 Núñez Gil, Iván A1 Macaya Miguel, Carlos A1 Fernández Ortiz, Antonio Ignacio AB Objectives Hyperglycaemia has been associated with increased platelet reactivity and impaired prognosis in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Whether platelet reactivity can be reduced by lowering glucose in this setting is unknown. The aim of this study was to assess the functional impact of intensive glucose control with insulin on platelet reactivity in patients admitted with ACS and hyperglycaemia.Methods This is a prospective, randomised trial evaluating the effects of either intensive glucose control (target glucose 80–120 mg/dl) or conventional control (target glucose 180 mg/dl or less) with insulin on platelet reactivity in patients with ACS and hyperglycaemia. The primary endpoint was platelet aggregation following stimuli with 20 μM ADP at 24 h and at hospital discharge. Aggregation following collagen, epinephrine and thrombin receptor-activated peptide, as well as P2Y12 reactivity index and surface expression of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa and P-selectin were also measured.Results Of the 115 patients who underwent random assignment, 59 were assigned to intensive and 56 to conventional glucose control. Baseline platelet functions and inhospital management were similar in both groups. Maximal aggregation after ADP stimulation at hospital discharge was lower in the intensive group (47.9±13.2% vs 59.1±17.3%; p=0.002), whereas no differences were found at 24 h. Similarly all other parameters of platelet reactivity measured at hospital discharge were significantly reduced in the intensive glucose control group.Conclusions In this randomised trial, early intensive glucose control with insulin in patients with ACS presenting with hyperglycaemia was found to decrease platelet reactivity. PB BMJ Publishing Group SN 1355-6037 YR 2011 FD 2011-05-01 LK https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/99793 UL https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/99793 LA eng NO Vivas D, García-Rubira JC, Bernardo E, Angiolillo DJ, Martín P, Calle-Pascual A, et al. Effects of intensive glucose control on platelet reactivity in patients with acute coronary syndromes. Results of the CHIPS Study ("Control de Hiperglucemia y Actividad Plaquetaria en Pacientes con Sindrome Coronario Agudo"). Heart. 2011;97:803-9 NO Ensayo clínico aleatorizado no ciego donde 115 pacientes con hiperglucemia que ingresan con un síndrome coronario agudo se aleatorizaron a un control invasivo de la glucemia versus un control convencional. El estudio objetivó como el tratamiento intensivo de la hiperglucemia redujo significativamente la reactividad plaquetaria en comparación con el tratamiento convencional. NO Fundación Investigación y Desarrollo Area Cardiovascular FIC DS Docta Complutense RD 1 oct 2024