%0 Thesis %A Muñoz Prado, Fernando %A Monserrate Sánchez, Guillermo %A Mayo Coronado, Bruno %T Immersion and attention parametrization within 3D computer generated environments %D 2022 %U https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/3187 %X Currently, despite the importance given to teacher training, there are not many tools or activities that help them practice in conflict situations that may arise in any classroom. Thanks to the Didascalias project, a virtual reality tool has been created so that teachers can practice these kind of cases by trying to resolve different situations. However, it has been proved that one of the most important problems generated by these situations is the general loss of attention on the part of the students when seeing an inexperienced teacher react to the conflicts. Taking this into account, we have decided to take this virtual reality environment to a deeper level of analysis in this project, putting special emphasis on the participant’s attention during the simulation in order to help them not to lose control on their students. The system captures the user’s gaze at all times, showing all the points they have paid attention to, and for how long. This way, at the end of the execution, the user can be aware of where their attention was focused in each case.[1]To test the effectiveness of the project, and the implementation of the new tool, we have performed a series of experiments followed by various improvements in each iteration. Thus, we have managed to collect data in the most efficient way possible until the last experiment, where we have concluded our final statements on the project.The research allowed us to prove that most of the participants had not been aware of where their attention was during the test. In addition, thanks to the results of the professionals that had more experience, a better control of their attention was noticed, proving that the experience in this type of cases has helped them to acquire a better manage of the conflictive situation. Thanks to this study, and the opinion of the professionals that we consulted, we are positive that this tool can really helpfuture teachers to improve their abilities in their educational formation. %~